Are Smashing Pumpkins worth seeing 3 times in one week?



  • AndySlash wrote:
    If the Pumpkins were putting on shows their fans wanted to see this wouldn't be a problem. But they're not.

    I met several people at the SP show last night that didn't even like them - not sure why they were there to begin with. If a friend asks me to a concert and I don't like the band, I generally don't go.

    But out of probably over 100 people who saw my sign that my Toronto tix were for sale, I had only a couple people say they'd like to go to Toronto if they could. The others seemed to have no interest at all.

    I think SP lost most of the crowd at the very end when they were all playing their kuzus for 15 minutes. Some fans were getting really obnoxious at that point - understandably.

    And a couple of idiots read my sign and asked me who "Toronto" was. LOL They thought I had tickets for some band named "Toronto." IQ=?
    ...And he who forgets will be destined to remember.

    ...I swear I never took it for granted. Just thought of it now.
  • May I ask what a kuzu is? Do you mean Kazoo? The little things that make the whizzing noise?
    If I could, think I would give in.
  • May I ask what a kuzu is? Do you mean Kazoo? The little things that make the whizzing noise?

    Sorry. Is that how you spell it? I mean the little plastic things that you hum into and it does make a horrible whinning noise. People play them alot on New Year's Eve. Funny for 2 or 3 minutes. Annoying for 15 minutes.
    ...And he who forgets will be destined to remember.

    ...I swear I never took it for granted. Just thought of it now.
  • Yeah, sorry, didn't want to come off like a jerkstore, but I didn't know if a kuzu was something different.
    If I could, think I would give in.
  • Yeah, sorry, didn't want to come off like a jerkstore, but I didn't know if a kuzu was something different.

    No, I didn't take it to mean you were a jerk. I just didn't know how to spell it. And I'm questioning other people's IQs. lol

    I have an old "KAZOO" somewhere that I got at a New Year's Eve party. Maybe I should find it and take it with me to the Smashing Pumpkins concerts in Toronto & then maybe I could get into the 15 minute long kazoo song.

    Lesson learned-a guy (Billy Corgan) who likes to wear skirts/dresses is probably very unpredictable & moody. Could be a fantastic show or could be a waste of money. ???
    ...And he who forgets will be destined to remember.

    ...I swear I never took it for granted. Just thought of it now.
  • Yeah, like you said, you came there kinda late and didn't feel like going to a concert? If I were you though, I would definitely bring that kazoo and just go with it (if it happens again).
    If I could, think I would give in.
  • Yeah, like you said, you came there kinda late and didn't feel like going to a concert? If I were you though, I would definitely bring that kazoo and just go with it (if it happens again).

    Looks like I'm not going. Couldn't decide so now by the time I got packed and left, I'd miss the beginning of the show-again. Kickin' myself in the butt for not seeing the entire show on Saturday. In the end I guess I chose to see Cornell again-hopefully 2 or 3 times-in mid-November in Ontario. At least I know I'm going to enjoy those and could probably get right up at the stage and could hang out with the band again (sans Cornell-he never hangs out after concerts).

    Plus, I'm going to Seattle & Portland at end of Nov. to see Green River. So I just couldn't take more time off work. I need a job that I can do from my laptop anywhere in the world! I've been talking to someone on the Pumpkins site & she's going to let me know how the concerts are. Hopefully, she says they sucked! Ahh-that isn't nice, is it?!

    Well at least now I'll be on American soil during the huge historical US Presidential election. Think I'll take advantage of this and volunteer tomorrow.
    ...And he who forgets will be destined to remember.

    ...I swear I never took it for granted. Just thought of it now.
  • Pumpkins are my 2nd fav band, I have seen them 4 times thru all the years , & they usually dissapoint, Just weird setlists & tooooo long of jam sessions, I saw them twice last year & the sets were awesome, different & kick ass but now it looks like Bills is up to his same ole tricks, long, drawn out , weird stuff, too many covers & songs no one ever heard of
    "no more crowbars to my head"
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