So I found out last night that Maynard is finally putting a full length Puscifer album out on Oct 30th...anybody heard about this or any songs off it?
“May you live to be 100 and may the last voice you hear be mine.” - Frank Sinatra
Post edited by Unknown User on
I'm not overly excited to hear it though.
I'll give it a shot but i think it is gonna suck hard.
Charlotte 03
Asheville 04
Atlanta 12
Greenville 16, Columbia 16
Seattle 18
Nashville 22
Ohana Festival 24 x2
its decent imo. but m a huge maynard fan so.....
I need more.
Nothing seems to satisfy.
I said, I dont want it.
I just need it.
To breathe, to feel, to know Im alive.
"No one cares about climbing stairs, Nothing at the top no more." Chris Cornell
oh yeah, and fuck maynard.
sorry but I think "Azwethinkweiz" might be dumber
dumb non the less...sorry that you don't like Maynard or his music but you don't have to bring everybody down with your opinions...why not just move on? Or better yet why even open a thread to a band that you hate?
how did i bring anyone down? i said puscifer was a dumb name for a band.
and yeah, i think maynard is overrated as fuck. tool are good, but nothing special.
no reason to get all defensive.
I need more.
Nothing seems to satisfy.
I said, I dont want it.
I just need it.
To breathe, to feel, to know Im alive.
BTW, Maynard Keenan rules!!
"This lovely lady's got the thickness, can I get a witness."
I'm here with you
MJK will one day eat us all alive......
Ugh should I really post audio of Third Eye (Live in Philly 96) and get you to change your mind. There is no way in hell that MJK is overrated. He seriously has the best pipes in the business and their is simply no denying it.
I can't wait for this Puscifer album to be released. Anybody like the new Queen B video? Obviously, MJK has a thing for young, curvy Asian chicks. Can't say I blame him!
Butthead: It means that his friends are like turds and that they like suck.
Beavis: Heh heh. Oh yeah. Yeah! Get those spoons out of my face before I shove them up your butt!
Butthead: Huh huh.
Over on the Puscifer group at last.fm, someone posted a link to http://www.sendspace.com/file/dtnw9d and http://www.megaupload.com/fr/?d=HDD0H7EA copies of an MP3 entitled "Vagina Medley," with a number of short clips from the upcoming Puscifer album, V is for Vagina.
In other Puscifer news, the first single from the album, Queen B, has made its way to radio. No doubt a recording will be finding its way to the net soon enough.
I can't wait! This sounds very promising.
"This lovely lady's got the thickness, can I get a witness." MJK
dearest supporters, street teamers, and mailing listers.
thank you for signing up to help.
first and foremost, if you don't like what you're
hearing from this project so far,
don't lie about it out of respect.
if you're compelled to support it in spite of what
you've heard and not appreciated,
then support it because you believe in the precedent of
independence i'm attempting to set.
promise me that much and then we can proceed from here.
this project for me is one part fun,
one part learning experience.
trying to go it alone, without a label to convolute
my efforts is very terrifying, chaotic,
and challenging. but all in a very positive way.
many many dark corners and unknowns. it's liberating but
still pretty damn scary. this is a very very expensive education.
i could very easily lose my ass on this whole thing.
but it's sort of ok. i can afford a new ass.
lot's of controversy flying about regarding downloading.
time to throw my 2 cents in. downloading wont effect me TOO much.
but it will affect those bands right on the edge. bands who
could use the hundred bucks to make it to the next town to
play a show (gas and food aren't free. go figure) .
or could use some cash to record a new record.
( imagine that. it actually takes money to record a record.)
i can afford to pay for the recording of my record.
i'm one of the lucky ones. (thanks to nirvana and the
label feeding frenzy, i won the early 90's grunge lottery.)
but those days are history. in order for young bands
to survive nowadays, they need to get paid for their efforts.
touring costs money. recording costs money.
unless you're ok with bands recording their songs on
their Palm Treo. personally i went the extra mile and
tried to incorporate that ancient and illusive medium
known as "analog tape." because, and i can hear the
yawns welling up as i type... because it sounds better.
the machines are expensive and a pain in the ass to
maintain but they're worth it. that is unless people
are just gonna steal your efforts.
then it's a big fat FUCK NO, IT"S NOT WORTH IT.
so don't be douche bags. support the process.
devils advocate...
it feels like the digital landscape has widened peoples
appreciation of new music. it's placed alternative forms of
music in front of those who may not have been exposed otherwise.
it feels like people are more excited
about music than they have been in a long time.
but for fuck sake... pay the man for his song and dance.
otherwise the only people who can afford to record quality
music are the cookie cutter boy bands with their corporate
sponsors and media machines.
(Dick In Box Excluded, of course)
please do your best to support
bands like Autolux, the Burning Brides, Isis, etc...
they need you.
i need you, but they need you more. having said that...
i'm doing this pretty much on my own.
no label support aside from the distributor.
it's a HUGE learning curve.
but if i can navigate it, i will be able to share what
i've learned.
i can make it easier for other bands
that are trying to do it on their own.
make it possible for us all to survive in our little microcosms
rather than fall victim to the seductive song of the sirens...
the expensive and impersonal macrocosm
of the major label dog and pony show.
once again, thank you for your efforts.
m j keenan
professional dumbass
That is pretty cool. That said the i only listened to the 30 second previews of the EP on itunes for pucifier and i admiti it is hard to judge something from just 30 seconds but i don't think it was my cup of tea.
I doubt i'll be purchasing this stuff or illegally downloading it
Charlotte 03
Asheville 04
Atlanta 12
Greenville 16, Columbia 16
Seattle 18
Nashville 22
Ohana Festival 24 x2
10-4-96 \ 5-6-10
9-6-98 \ 5-7-10
4-19-03 \ 9-22-12
10-6-04 \ 7-19-13
6-24-06 \ 12-6-13
10-1-14 \ 4-16-16
\ 4-26-16 \
Cuntry Boner is interesting to say the least. But I don't think it made the final cut on the album. It's being sold as a single with a really cool Circle Jerks cover as B-side, World Up My Ass.
Have we lost our way tonight?
Have we lost our hope to sorrow?
Feels like were all alone
Running further from what’s right
And there are no more heroes to follow
So what are we becoming?
Where did we go wrong?