Hate for the RHCP...I admit I'm lost...

I just don't understand it.
First can I explain how I got into the Chili Peppers so you can understand my viewpoint. I was 15 and pretty new to music. I was sitting in my youth wing when all of a sudden this beautiful song came on. I'd never heard anything that soundede so simultaniously beautiful, melancholic and uplifting. This song was Scar Tissue by a band called the Red Hot Chili Peppers. I have loved them ever since. To me from that point onwards they've gone from strength to strength. By The Way is still such a beautiful listen to me. Just last night I sat with it blasting out on headphones, 'Dosed', 'Dont Forget Me', 'Minor Thing', all to me superb songs.
And now Dani California, a wicked tune. Laid back funky verses combined with that rocking chorus, its fucking ace and sounds like summer. I guess thats the way I've always viewed the Chilis. Uplifting soulful and summery.
The minute RHCP started writing great pure uplifting soulful pop songs (Californication) everyone starts moaning and clutching their copies of the TRULY overated Mother's Milk and declaring sellouts. Bollocks to that.
First can I explain how I got into the Chili Peppers so you can understand my viewpoint. I was 15 and pretty new to music. I was sitting in my youth wing when all of a sudden this beautiful song came on. I'd never heard anything that soundede so simultaniously beautiful, melancholic and uplifting. This song was Scar Tissue by a band called the Red Hot Chili Peppers. I have loved them ever since. To me from that point onwards they've gone from strength to strength. By The Way is still such a beautiful listen to me. Just last night I sat with it blasting out on headphones, 'Dosed', 'Dont Forget Me', 'Minor Thing', all to me superb songs.
And now Dani California, a wicked tune. Laid back funky verses combined with that rocking chorus, its fucking ace and sounds like summer. I guess thats the way I've always viewed the Chilis. Uplifting soulful and summery.
The minute RHCP started writing great pure uplifting soulful pop songs (Californication) everyone starts moaning and clutching their copies of the TRULY overated Mother's Milk and declaring sellouts. Bollocks to that.
'The more I studied religions the more I am convinced that man never worshipped anything but himself.' - Sir Richard Francis Burton
Post edited by Unknown User on
London 20/04/2006
7/11/06, 8/11/06, 18/11/06
escape is never the safest plan...
Some die just to live.
They did some great stuff back in the day but now they have slipped into this horrible mtv/pop formula and keeps making music that is "Safe".
2 albums that sound the same, with a third coming it sounds like.
Dani California is terrible.
exactly...people would be complaining if they still made music like their pre-OHM stuff....honestly, im only 15 and i still dont like a lot of the goofy stuff they did, but this is coming from someone whos way into serious rock such as Pearl Jam and U2. I honestly much rather the newer, more mature Chilis over the tube sock sporting early days
Some die just to live.
Montreal 03, 05
Kitchener 03
Ottawa 05
New Jersey 06
Chicago 07
Washington DC 08
NYC 08
What about changin your sound to appeal to the masses.
Although Dani California is a person not a place. She's the girl he sings of in By The Way.
The sound nothing like eachother!
Californication to me is a very sparce stripped down record where By The Way, far from appealing to the masses, is them taking it on a step and chucking allsorts into the mix.
The only problem with Dani California is that it is not captivating. I know they are capable of better things but I can not fully pass judgement on them by just listening toi one song. Let the album come out and we will see.
Montreal 03, 05
Kitchener 03
Ottawa 05
New Jersey 06
Chicago 07
Washington DC 08
NYC 08
Californication, just finding themselves with JF's return to the fold... .and i think a great album, sounds nothing like One Hot Minute.
By The Way, how anyone can compare this album to ANYTHING the Chili's had done before trully baffles me. You need to listen to the album properly cause you obviously havent.
Going by Dani California, the new album sounds like its going back to BSSM, im not saying that is a bad thing, BSSM is in my top for albums of all time.
So what that AK makes alot of references to California in his songs (oh and he mentions a hell of alot of other states in DC too).
Ed makes alot of references to waves/the ocean in general in alot of his songs, doesnt make the song bad.
Of course everyone is entitles to their own opinion so im not saying anyones is wrong, but saying all their albums sound the same is complete bullshit.
Montreal 03, 05
Kitchener 03
Ottawa 05
New Jersey 06
Chicago 07
Washington DC 08
NYC 08
Could not agree more.
By The Way is very very different to californication in both feel and sound.
Catch 22 though isn't it? Let your sound evolve and explore new territory = sellout. Repeat sound of former glory = tired and repetitive.
To be honset if you dont like Californication, By The Way or SA then you're not really a chili's fan, well not a Fruciante chili's fan anyway. The band you liked died a good ten years ago.
Reminds me of when people moan about pearl jam and saying nothing surpass' Vitalogy.
I have a lot of respect for everything they did up to BSSM, and I even dig Frusciante's guitar work on the later stuff, but musically, they're out of ideas without Frusciante.
old music: http://www.myspace.com/slowloader
OHM came out 11 years ago 1995, sorry for being anal:)
EV Solo: 7/11/11 11/12/12 11/13/12
Its just ironic I would say everything they did BEFORE BSSM was crass and artless...
Californication actually had proper songwriting on it.
Scar Tissue is just beautiful...I'd say anything BUT novelty...
Knock Me Down, Backwoods, Show Me Your Soul, Get Up And Jump the Chilis were far from artless before BSSM, but i like the new stuff as well
If grandma had balls she would be grandpa...your post makes no sense its just a lot of opinion from a person who obviously hasn't gotten deep into the bands albums. Frusciante did come back so your arguement is insignificant. Fruscinate happens to be the most talented guitar player in any big band right now....As far as repeating the same old bullshit over and over you are just flat out wrong. It is very apparent the only stuff you have heard from the band is what you see on tv or hear on the radio. The best stuff from RHCP is the stuff that doesn't make it on to the radio. By the Way was amazingly experimental and just a fantastic record. Up to this point it stands as the bands masterpiece.
Whats wrong with being a fun band? You write that as if it were a bad thing. The fun in their music is part of the appeal. Sometimes all I want is fun music. That doesn't mean I'm some ignorant dullard because I don't feel like analyzing every piece of music I listen to or having every everything I listen to create some deep introspective thought and emotion. Its music man, music is supposed to make you feel good. RHCP have been doing that nicely for years and if they want to parade around on MTV I don't care...I don't even watch MTV.
Am I a chili peppers fan? Definately not. Do I listen to lots of music? Of course. Do I think By The way and Californication (which I actually owned and was the last I had to do with them in any shapew or form besides a few listens to BTW, which was more than enough) were pieces of crap engineered to get some huge radio play? Do I think Frusciante is a major dickhead? Do I think that Kiedis can't sing for shit?
Some of JF's solo stuff has been really good, though
Well you are giving them the time of day if you're taking the time out to write a post about them right?...There are lots of bands I don't like that are talked about in this forum. I don't write about bands I don't like just to insult them...well, maybe Audioslave and thats just because its a perplexing case of the parts being more than the sum of the whole. If you don't like RHCP then don't listen to their albums its that simple. Its not my intention to convince anyone of anything but if someone is going to paint themselves as some sort of expert about the band to just trash them...then know what you're talking about, and if you're basing your opinion off of the "radio hits" then make that clear too.
Hey, I figured I'd offer my opinion on the subject, since that is what the thread is for, so can the "if you don't like it, don't talk about it," it really gets us nowhere. In any thread I've ever started I would love people to offer a contrarian viewpoint.
As for the rest of your points
- I don't listen to their albums anymore
- I never painted myself as an expert, and I don't think you need to be an expert on a band to like or dislike them. that is just silly
- Was crap like "Purple Stain" and "Get On Top" and "Throw Away Your Television" radio hits? Because I hate those pretty strongly.
Some die just to live.
yeah. hes the only chili pepper I like.