What's Brixton venue like? Is it a general admission venue?
Great venue.. smallish (5000 or so I think). It is a GA venue and though there are seats in the balcony (with standing way in the back of it), those are also GA. Also, if you are in the seating area, I've never been at a concert there where they made you sit... I LOVE this venue!
SO.... going for a plea now....... knowing how it works, anyone who has two tickets for london shows and only needs one, I/we would be happy to 'take care' of your spare! We therefore need three good souls!!!! :DPlease let us know before the 'other' tickets go on sale Monday morning! Thank you lovely people!
Just bumping this up for the evening/night lot. Still hoping :D:D
because I just started a new job and I don't think I could justify this as a I NEED to go type of thing...plus if they put out the new album already..I rather save my vacation time and fly out for the Cali shows...and go to my local shows as well. I have to use vacation wisely.
"And even when I'm right with you I'm so far away"
Just bumping this up for the evening/night lot. Still hoping
Is there no love for NIN (and tickets for us?)
Reading 2006 - WOOOOW!!!!!
Paris 2006 - Fucking amazing
Wembley 2007
See you there hopefully!
Why don't you go then?!
Just thought I'd throw that out there if anyone is thinking of doing that show as a last minute thing...