Kurt Cobain at Funeral Home

I consider myself as big of a fan of Kurt Cobain as their is, yet never heard this story before
Evidently a few years back courtney claimed that when Kurt's body was at the funeral home waiting to be cremated, the staff at the funeral home, took his body out of the coffin, played with it, carved words into it, shaved his head and started dancing and drinking with the corpse.
Very bizaare story. Disturbing too.
What do you all make of it?
Am I the only one who hasnt heard about this? I would have thought this would have been big news a few years back, especially since she claims there is a video of all this
Evidently a few years back courtney claimed that when Kurt's body was at the funeral home waiting to be cremated, the staff at the funeral home, took his body out of the coffin, played with it, carved words into it, shaved his head and started dancing and drinking with the corpse.
Very bizaare story. Disturbing too.
What do you all make of it?
Am I the only one who hasnt heard about this? I would have thought this would have been big news a few years back, especially since she claims there is a video of all this
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Think of it man was he in a funeral home ran by damons or warlock or maybe the devil him self.
If not then you could savely asume that there is no truth to the story whatsoever.
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Total crap, she'd have sued their ass and made it international news if it was and everyone would have heard about it at the time.
was she high when she made this statement?
or, more importantly, has she ever NOT been high?
when all are one and one is all, to be a rock and not to roll.........
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she posted all that stuff on her message board, but it was taken down. its floating around the web, though.
even if courtney said ice was cold i'd still have to think twice about it.
Not really.
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That made me laugh my damned fool ass off after an especially hard day!
"Nah bro, he just has a really bad headache"
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You’re on the outside, never bound by such a spell.
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thats what I was about to say
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Respect every dead people...whatever they used to be!
Cobain strikes me as the kind of person that didn't take himself too seriously.
Who knows maybe he's laughing his socks of if there is sucha place as heaven.
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RELAX. Kurt died 12 years ago, you can't still be mourning. If you are, then at least look at humor as a way to overcome it. Also, the 1st "macabre" response was legitimate - there probably wasn't much head left to shave - is a valid point. Besides, this whole thread is ridiculous, whomever would believe such a absurd rumor is at best naive.
"Macabre" humor can be very funny, if you don't like it that's your problem. I'm sure there is an "I miss Kurt Cobain" message board out there with people who feel the same as you.
Finally, although I repected Kurt, not ALL dead people deserve respect. I'm sure there are other people out there who didn't respect him so don't be so offended by differences of opinion.
Just trying to help.
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I think the Pixies owe Kurt more than he owes them.No matter how big a Pixies fan you are you have to admit most people only got into the Pixies because Kurt Cobain was a fan.They probably wouldn't have had their reunion tour if it wasn't for al the pixies fans Kurt Cobain created.
And wasn't Kurt cremated straight after he died anyways?
But you're gonna have to serve somebody.
Are you sure?
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kurt not serious? the man killed himself. you can't much more serious than that.
and cause he committed suicide which is a sin, he wouldn't be in heaven.
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i just need to say
Well if there is such place like heaven, he most surely will be in it. Remember the same story states that he is forgiving. And by whom is the sin committed By the one who killed him self or by his surroundings. Or even by the great shaperd him self for not cutting him some slack. I think he took life a little to seriously. In his songs is enough humor to conclude he didn't take himself too serious.
The only thing I think is a sin is leaving a child in the hands of an insane woman, but I guess he wouldn't have been a whole lot more sane. Anyway a drunk or a junk can't be a good mammy or daddy, but that's just my as usual not so humble opion.
Why is it a sin to take your own life? It's yours isn't it? Supposedly it's a gift but some gifts you'd rather trade in.
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it's not your life to take. only God has the right to take a life... apparently.
did you ever see a film called The Rapture?
it was about this woman who had found religion. she figured when the end came, so she and her daughter could be together in heaven, she would kill her child and then commit suivide. well she killed the daughter alright and then she came to the realisation that killing herself would be a sin and thus negate her chances to enter heaven. bummer for her.
besides karma, who said that religion is suppose to make sense?
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
It doesn't make sence to me, so I didn't say it, I can tell you that much.
I've never seen the repture but that woman didn't have a chance at heaven when she killed her daughter.
I did see What dreams may come, and I do believe that if their is an after live
it may just be something like that. The mother killed herself hence she never found enclosure. But I don't think humans can say what is sin and what is not. The story tells use Jesus suppusedly said; He who is without sin will throw the first stone.
Of course we all have opions, but I just can't imagion God punishing Kurt (or anyone else)for feeling as though he couldn't handle it no more.
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the guy married c. love.
he couldn't be that serious...
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Together in the darkness, alone in the light.
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I’ll lead your angels and demons at play tonight......»
And aren't we all in some sense?
Oh shit don’t want to go all philosophical on you.
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I took it upon me to be yours, Timmy,
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