5 favorite ROCK songs ever!!

This is going to be tough. I want honesty. I want contemplation. I want you all to think about it. A lot...
I'll start this off. Here are the rules:
This can go back to the beginnings of rock. This can go until NOW.
Here are mine.
1. Led Zeppelin - Stairway To Heaven. This to me is THE most perfect, epic, beautiful piece of r'n'r there ever has been. It is the song that every band is judged upon. In my opinion. Fuck you if you don't think so.
2. Bohemian Rhapsody - Queen. Beatnik, Operatic, splendorous. It just about doesn't get better than this.
3. Hotel California - The Eagles. Again, fuck you if you don't think so. My choice. Longevity. Epic, and the epitomy of south-western life to me in 1976. It is still as relevant as it ever was. Don really did blow his wad when they recorded this.
4. Dream On - Aerosmith. When Aerosmith were relevant. Magical song.
5. Xanadu - Rush. The best. fucking. prog-rock song. ever. recorded. If you disagree, get a fucking hearing-aid.
Sorry for being an ass, but this is how I feel, and I've stood by these 5 being my favorite for a very long time. For each of them. They are my top 5 ever.
I've heard some really fucking amazing stuff since these have came out. And I could list my second half of the top 10, but alas, that is for another thread...
I would be very interested in hearing your favorite top 5. Please put some thought into it.
Thank you,
I'll start this off. Here are the rules:
This can go back to the beginnings of rock. This can go until NOW.
Here are mine.
1. Led Zeppelin - Stairway To Heaven. This to me is THE most perfect, epic, beautiful piece of r'n'r there ever has been. It is the song that every band is judged upon. In my opinion. Fuck you if you don't think so.
2. Bohemian Rhapsody - Queen. Beatnik, Operatic, splendorous. It just about doesn't get better than this.
3. Hotel California - The Eagles. Again, fuck you if you don't think so. My choice. Longevity. Epic, and the epitomy of south-western life to me in 1976. It is still as relevant as it ever was. Don really did blow his wad when they recorded this.
4. Dream On - Aerosmith. When Aerosmith were relevant. Magical song.
5. Xanadu - Rush. The best. fucking. prog-rock song. ever. recorded. If you disagree, get a fucking hearing-aid.
Sorry for being an ass, but this is how I feel, and I've stood by these 5 being my favorite for a very long time. For each of them. They are my top 5 ever.
I've heard some really fucking amazing stuff since these have came out. And I could list my second half of the top 10, but alas, that is for another thread...
I would be very interested in hearing your favorite top 5. Please put some thought into it.
Thank you,
"A consistently good band works all the different elements well. A song has to appeal sentimentally, intellectually, physically, viscerally, and dig deep down into your soul and suck you into it. And after that, of course, it'd be a matter of taste." ~ Kim Thayil from Soundgarden
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2. Achilles Last Stand - The Mighty Zep - The Most Intense Drumming Throughout A Song That I've Ever Heard, And Mesmorizing Guitar
3. Comfortably Numb - Floyd - Powerful Shit
4. Gimme Shelter - Stones - Just A Cool Sound To It, Start To Finish, Great Beat
5. Black - Pearl Jam - Intense & Beautiful - Does'nt Get Much Better
Untill their will grows tired
2. Achilles Last Stand - The Mighty Zep - The Most Intense Drumming Throughout A Song That I've Ever Heard, And Mesmorizing Guitar
3. Comfortably Numb - Floyd - Powerful Shit
4. Dream On - Aerosmith - Read First Post Above
5. Black - Pearl Jam - Intense & Beautiful - Does'nt Get Much Better
Untill their will grows tired
hmmm, tough, but here goes:
1. Aenima - Tool (love the crazy moods and places this song goes, if I could bring one song to a desert island, this is the one....sorry PJ...)
2. Do the Evolution - Pearl Jam (sooo creative, great lyrics, punky punch!)
3. Could have lied - RHCP (John's my fave guitarist, and this song showcases all his best attributes, and good lyrics from Anthony for a change)
4. Life like Weeds - Modest Mouse (the song can make me cry, best song on the album IMO, and one of my favorite albums)
5. The gentle art of making enemies - Faith No More (Best chorus ever written, crazy song, best representation of one of my favorite bands..RIP)
If it wasn't all rock this list would be different, but I can honestly say this is very close to my list, although it's painful to leave off the amount of good song I have to leave off......five songs?!?!?!?! Shit man, very, very hard.
Agreed. I think we will get some concise opinions with this tho. I'm looking forward to hearing people's opinons
Superstooge ~ Motorpsycho
Five to one ~ The Doors
Whatever happend to my rock & roll ~ Black rebel motorcycle club
Negasonic teenage warhead ~ Monster magnet
You’re on the outside, never bound by such a spell.
Together in the darkness, alone in the light.
I took it upon me to be yours, Timmy,
I’ll lead your angels and demons at play tonight......»
Pink Floyd : Comfortably Numb - i live the guitar towards the end, how it winds on, great music, great words, great song live.
Pearl Jam : Alive - my Fav PJ song, powerful song
Guns n roses : Estranged - probably one of their songs that is over looked by many people, its awesome.
Soundgarden : Superunknown - alive in the super unknown!
run for your life
Pink Floyd : Comfortably Numb - i live the guitar towards the end, how it winds on, great music, great words, great song live.
Pearl Jam : Alive - my Fav PJ song, powerful song
Guns n roses : Estranged - probably one of their songs that is over looked by many people, its awesome.
Soundgarden : Superunknown - alive in the super unknown!
run for your life
For whom the Bell Tolls - Metallica
Stardog Champion - Mother Love Bone
Animal - Pearl Jam
Hooker with a Penis - Tool
Wow, that was hard. But thats my 5
Do The Evolution - Pearl Jam
Outtathaway - The Vines
Rockin' in the Free World - Neil Young
Whatever Happened to my Rock & Roll - Black Rebel Motorcycle Club
Black - PJ
Stairway to Heaven - Led Zepplin
Hotel California - The Eagles
Baba O'Rielly - The Who
2.) Led Zeppelin-Misty Mountain Hop. The bad ass guitar lick sounds like Jimmy Paige's guitar is gonna come kick your ass. Robert Plant's voice is too amazing to describe in words.
3.) The Who-We Don't Get Fooled Again. I love how the very first notes of the guitar grabs your attention and it has your attention until the final seconds of a seven minute anthem of pure rock and roll.
4.)CCR-Around the Bend. I can't describe why, but that opening guitar part always hooked me in.
5.)AC/DC-Riff Raff. By far the greatest AC/DC tune. The song is chaotic from start to finish and whenever it done I can't help but think "Fuck! What a great fucking song."
this song basically encaspulates in 3 minutes everything that has been done in rock'n'roll in 40 years. i can listen to it over and over.
2. cant you see - marshall tucker band.
i love it. let's face it, 90% of rock is about love problems and this is the most simple yet beautiful example of it. great vocals and a beautifully mournful solo.
3. gimme shelter - the rolling stones.
the dark, menacing side of rock. it always makes me think of the dangerous side of rock'n'roll, the barely contained rage and frustration that seems to drive it.
4. do you feel like we do - peter frampton.
hate him all you like, this song is a perfect rallying cry for "sex drugs and rock." the haze of a late night party and the comaraderie that goes with it.
5. alive - pearl jam.
that great solo at the end, the fucked up mess of a story of a world turned upside down, and the rebellious and triumphant determination to keep going despite doubt and adversity.
Pink Floyd-Echoes- Their masterpiece. It covers the entire Pink Floyd cannon in 23 minutes
Tool-Lateralus- I love it, its so intense The Grudge, Pushit, and 46&2 get honorable mention, and with time Wings For Marie(1 & 2) may surpass it.
Pearl Jam- Black- see live version, some stuff off the new cd has the potential to overcome a song that has been my favorite PJ since day one.
Skynyrd- All I Can Do Is Write About It- Just a simple song about growing up in Dixie. It takes me there, and livin out in the boonies I can relate to alot of the stuff.
1.Tool - The Pot
2.Tool - The Pot
3.Tool - The Pot
4.Tool - The Pot
5.Tool - The Pot
2. dust in the wind
3. oceans
4. i can see clearly now
5. lose yourself*
*subject to change
Rolling Stone - Sweet Black Angel. A mess of a song, but what a glorious mess.
Led Zeppelin - Achilles Last Stand. The hardest song I know but without being redundantly heavy. Unrelenting. A masterpiece.
Aerosmith - Sick As A Dog. The sound of drugs working. This is how a two guitar band is supposed to sound.
Led Zeppelin - Stairway To Heaven. This song is perfect and timeless.
Honorable Mention. U2 - Running To Standstill. Gets to the heart of the matter. Elegant and remourseful all at once.
when it hits you, you feel to pain.
So brutalize me with music.”
~ Bob Marley
2.Frank Zappa - Dancin' Fool: Not my favorite or best Zappa track by far, but it makes fun of Disco and I laugh out loud every time I hear it. I put it here because its the one that got me into FZ.
3.Pixies - Debaser: God, the first time I popped in Doolittle this track had me immediately and hopelessly hooked. The album only got better from here. I love the dramatic, dynamic contrasts and melodic intensity.
4.Pearl Jam - Faithfull: Really, is there anything to say?
5.Bad Religion - No Control: This band/song is responsible for me actually starting to give a damn about lyrics. Before I heard this amazing group, I was more concerned about the superficial aspects of music such as catchy melodies and listening to what might make me look cool than anything else. This changed the way I look at music in general, as an art form rather than background noise to life.
2. How Soon is Now? - The Smiths
3. State of Love and Trust - PJ - my favorite PJ song too.
4. Monkey Gone to Heaven - Pixies
5. Hardly Getting Over It - Husker Du
Great call on Estranged, dude. Insane melodies, Piano & Guitar working together beautifully
Untill their will grows tired
1. Smells Like Teen Spirit - Nirvana
2. Wish You Were Here - Pink Floyd
3. Kashmir - Led Zeppelin
4. Alive - Pearl Jam
5. REM - Losing My Religion
Black - PJ
Paranoid Android - Radiohead
Down in a hole(unplugged)/ Would- Alice in Chains
(for the) Roses - dEUS
Kontroll pa Kontinentet - Kaizers Orchestra You got to love the oildrums.
2000 Pinkpop Festival, Netherlands
2006 Arnhem, Netherlands
2006 Antwerp, Belgium
2007 Nijmegen, Netherlands
2009 Philadelphia 4, PA
2010 Bristow, VA
2012 Amsterdam 1, Netherlands
2013 Buffalo, NY
2013 Baltimore, MD
2015 Global Citizen Festival New York, NY
2016 Hampton, VA
Keep 'em coming guys...
One -Metallica
Crawl -Staind
Black -Pearl Jam
Civil War -Guns n' Roses
Wish you were here -Pink Floyd
2. Pearl Jam - "Oceans" - This song reminds me of so many past relationships and many other details of my past fifteen years. It is the first Pearl Jam song I fell in love with. I had a cassette of Ten my brother gave me back in '92 and I absolutely hated every song except for this one - I'd play this song incessantly for weeks until the rest of the album grew on me. The rest is history.
3. Tool - "Wings for Marie/Ten Thousand Days" - Odd that one of my favorite songs is only a few weeks old (at least to the public), but these things happen. It's one of the few songs I fell in love with from the first listen. Apart from being genius in structure, the subject matter makes it divine for me - my own mother has suffered for years and my own love for her is mirrored in the lyrics to this song. Amazing.
4. Neutral Milk Hotel - "Ghost" - Another song full of memories and sadness. I used to hate the whole indie thing; NMH and this song in particular brought me around. It took me weeks to really grasp how deep and gorgeous this song is. People who haven't heard of this band should check them out immediately.
5. Nirvana - "Oh Me" - So simple and pure. Kurt's vocals are beyond legendary; this is the best live performance I've ever heard. Another tune that people often overlook, the emotion passed through this heartbreaking performance is unforgettable. I can't listen to it enough.
Honorable Mentions - "Hurt" by Johnny Cash (incidentally my favorite music video of all time), "In My Tree" by PJ, "When The Tigers Broke Free" by Pink Floyd, "Eleanor Rigby" by the Beatles, "No Quarter" by Zep/Tool, "Nutshell" by Alice in Chains, "Seasons" by Chris Cornell, "Times of Trouble" by Temple of the Dog, "Wake Up" by Mad Season, "Lateralus" by Tool, "4/20/02" by Ed, and hundreds more.
needle and the damage done- neil young this is my favourite song of all time. ever. it holds bittersweet memories for me. lost friends. plus i lost my virginity to neil young's harvest album.
there is a light that never goes out - the smiths sad lovely intense. this is a song for my dark side.
prison sex- TOOL another song for my dark side. my fave TOOL song.
alive-pearl jam this is the song that did it for me as far as pj are concerned. ten remains my fave pj album and i have no doubt it will always remain so. daughter comes a close second. but it is alive that draws emotion out of me like no other pj song,from the first note to the last.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
2. Over the hills and far away- LZ
3. Lateralus- tool
4. Dogs- pink Floyd
5. Teenage riot- Sonic youth (please play this in SF!)
*All songs and positions are subject to change EVERY DAY
No matter how long a Floyd song is, it never comes off cliche, derivitive, cheesy, overindulgent, or like they are just doin it for the sake to sound weird. They had some strange inspiration, to be sure, but Floyd is a timeless band and a band that deserves a spot in everyone's top 5. Sorry for the rant. Floyd will never get enough respect in my book.
2. back in black-ac/dc
3. paranoid-black sabbath
4. black dog-led zeppelin
5. smells like teen spirit- nirvana
2- Soundgarden- Fell on Black Days
3- Stone Temple Pilots- Creep
4- Alice in Chains- Would?
5- Split Enz- I Got You
Im only 22, so this is what ive lived through.
Many Tool/Nirvana/Foos/Crowded House/Chillis just missed out
"No matter how cold the winter, theres a springtime ahead'