IMO Jar of Flies is their most intense album as artists. The raw emotion that is put into each song, beginning to end, is unrivaled. If you can name me a song that can move you in such a haunting way as "Don't Follow" please tell me now so I can go buy it. However I think their best album as musicians is their final self-titled album. After relistening to all their albums in the past week I just can't believe some people don't accept this as their most talented work. The album starts off with a punch with the amazing "Grind" and, unfotunately, ends with the perfect song "Over Now." It also shows Layne's true songwriting talent with the dark and heavy "Sludge Factory." I love all their albums, but 'Tripod' is proabaly my personal favorite.
"Ok... if I smoke a joint Pittsburgh will soon be my favorite place on the planet. Somebody throw up a lighter come on. Ok we got the lighter. And this is a Marlboro Light, what kind of fucker..."
JAR OF FLIES is undoubtly one of the most gorgeous works of art out there. No way I could possibly praise it enough. This album always stirs something up in me. The power, the pain, the beautiful's all absolutely stunning and always, ALWAYS has such a strong effect on me. It just digs itself into you. So hypnotizing, so super chilled out. I remember Kirk Hammett once saying that AIC had the gift of taking incredibly dark material and tranforming it into something beautiful. It's so true...and I think JAR OF FLIES really showcases that to the extreme. Like Stardog Champion said, it really is one of their if not THE most intense album. The raw emotion captured in this one is unsurpassed.
To me JAR OF FLIES is also the AMAZING/soulful/in a league all their own AIC proving they are all about quality as opposed to the quantity. I mean this just blows my mind....7 songs?! 7! But the intoxicating album has enough power, bone chilling emotion and raw, real-my insides are in a fuckin knot intensity many full length albums could only dream of possessing. And these 2 voices together?!:o Please. Nothing else in the world can compare.
I is absolutely "flat-out awesome" say the very, very least!!!
"Lo√e, you know the word
...YOU invented it!" ~ E√
their unplugged was so cool too...
Jar of Flies
To me JAR OF FLIES is also the AMAZING/soulful/in a league all their own AIC proving they are all about quality as opposed to the quantity. I mean this just blows my mind....7 songs?! 7! But the intoxicating album has enough power, bone chilling emotion and raw, real-my insides are in a fuckin knot intensity many full length albums could only dream of possessing. And these 2 voices together?!:o Please. Nothing else in the world can compare.
I is absolutely "flat-out awesome" say the very, very least!!!
"Lo√e, you know the word
...YOU invented it!" ~ E√
"Lo√e, you know the word
...YOU invented it!" ~ E√
* * Rotten Apple Bassline kicks in * *
Ahhh much better