Trent\ /\/ / \/\ Out of Ideas -- Ripping off The Pixies ...

I have to confess,
i used to own all the halos ... starting with 1000 Homo DJs and ending with Further Down the Spiral (both versions) ...
but after that i just "gave up", har har ...
i saw them once or twice live after that and it just wasnt the same for me.
Anyhow, someone at work has "With Teeth" on their Itunes, and we are sharing over the network ...
"Getting Smaller" came on, and i can't help but notice that the beat, the feedback, the build, the structure of the verses AND chorus is nearly damn identical to "Planet Of Sound" by The Pixies ...
i've heard rip offs before, and i've heard rip offs ... but Trent just recycled this fucking song ... it's almost like a sad joke ...
does anyone else hear this but me, or am i on crack again?
i also think that for all those assholes out there who claim that Pearl Jam is no longer a "rock" band, that these people should look over to what Trent has been doing for the past decade ... the man is making music "With Dentures", imho.
i used to own all the halos ... starting with 1000 Homo DJs and ending with Further Down the Spiral (both versions) ...
but after that i just "gave up", har har ...
i saw them once or twice live after that and it just wasnt the same for me.
Anyhow, someone at work has "With Teeth" on their Itunes, and we are sharing over the network ...
"Getting Smaller" came on, and i can't help but notice that the beat, the feedback, the build, the structure of the verses AND chorus is nearly damn identical to "Planet Of Sound" by The Pixies ...
i've heard rip offs before, and i've heard rip offs ... but Trent just recycled this fucking song ... it's almost like a sad joke ...
does anyone else hear this but me, or am i on crack again?
i also think that for all those assholes out there who claim that Pearl Jam is no longer a "rock" band, that these people should look over to what Trent has been doing for the past decade ... the man is making music "With Dentures", imho.
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If I opened it now would you not understand?
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Strangely, I'd never noticed it before until this thread, but listening to them back to back....
I wish he would totally reinvent himself.
Have we lost our way tonight?
Have we lost our hope to sorrow?
Feels like were all alone
Running further from what’s right
And there are no more heroes to follow
So what are we becoming?
Where did we go wrong?
Only, The Hand That Feeds, Sunspots, All the Love in the World, Right Where it Belongs, The Collector, Every Day is Exactly the Same, I fucking love this album, one of my favourites of last year.:)
i DO regret the lyric I've got my arms, they flip-flop-flip-flop-flip... though... wtf? :rolleyes:
i recently re-visited The Fragile after it not growing on me way back when.... and to my pleasant suprise, it finally sank in...
cut the guy some slack...
did you listen to nin starting with PHM & Broken or did you start around The Perfect Drug \ The Fragile period?
Don't you people who like the newer stuff think it's a wee-bit wussified for a guy that used to be labeled in the Alt-Rock\INDUSTRIAL category?
i dunno, i just can't get into it ... at all.
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lol! i did start with PHM/Broken, and with the age of 30 looming, i feel a wee-bit wussified myself!
his new stuff suits me just fine...
everyone changes, grows up, whatever...
The Downwood Spiral was my first NIN album so in between, my favourite track would be either Burn or Were in this Together Now, I like the old and the new stuff.
The Perfect Drug is one of my least favourite songs by them.
growing up is fine,
making wussified pop-dance bubble gum music isn't.
Hand That Feeds sounds like a song by The Killers ...
ok, maybe not that bad, but it is a far cry from The Becoming or Wish or Burn as reefercheef mentioned.
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I just started listening last year (and was completely converted after seeing him live this year). I don't know if 'wussified' is the term - also, he wasn't just *in* the industrial category - he WAS the Industrial category, basically, no? I love the older music of Downward Spiral. The crazy part is stuff like Mr. Self Destruct actually calms me - I don't know why but it does. PHM isn't 'wussified' or soft, but much of WT is equal to PHM in terms of intensity IMO. I wouldn't call You Know What You Are exactly mellow though.
But artists change; to do otherwise is stagnancy, no? I wonder what he'll be up to on the next album that I guess we all hope comes out before 2010....
R.i.p. My Dad - May 28, 2007
R.i.p. Black Tail (cat) - Sept. 20, 2008
lol ...
you MAY want to check out bands like Ministry, Skinny Puppy, Front 242, KMFDM, My Life With The Thrill Kill Kult, Front Line Assembly, Throbbing Gristle, Clock DVA...
a lot of old school industrial-heads would probably get pissed off and spit in your face for making a comment like that.
i don't care though, fyi.
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awww... c'mon... i wouldn't go that far!
dance? yes. pop? maybe a little. Bubble-gum, thankfully, it is not.
true. The Becoming, Wish, Burn are classics... My faves are Reptile, The Wretched, and Something I Can Never Have (and the list goes on)...
it's always hard to compare new material to classics... they haven't quite found their groove yet.... it just needs a little time.
i personally thing that The Collector could be the next Closer!
but With Teeth has it's own moments... i love the Line Begins To Blur/Beside You in Time/Right Where It Belong combo!! Like JaneNY said.... very calming.
i guess i've always thought of NIN albums having an overall mood - and sometimes shouldn't be looked at as individual songs...
i'll stop blabbering now.
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and there is my point.
"very calming" is, to me, the ANTITHESIS of what /\/ / \/\ stood for.
I mean,
Something I Can Never Have, A Warm Safe Place, Hurt, yeah okay ... but that's 3 songs on two non-consecutive albums with BROKEN in between (nothing "calming" there) and one is a short instrumental, to boot ...
but ... putting three "calming" songs in a row ???
just my opinion ...
i'd say the same thing if Pearl Jam started stacking up the wuss side by side too ... and i just BARELY cut them slack for Come Back\Inside Job ...
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You realise between TDS and Fragile there was Further Down The Spiral.
LMAO!! i LOVE Come Back/Inside Job together!! my god... I'm getting old!
The funny thing is, I also find Further Down The Spiral calming too.... not in a soothing, realxing way... but more of a brain numbing, sounds-filling-your-whole-head, dizzy kinda calm... you know what i mean?
calming doesn't have to mean wussy.
i can agree with you there, i think. I personaly didn't find FDTS to be all it was cracked up to be.
However, I used to pump The Downward Spiral at ungodly volume in my car back in highschool while driving not-exactly defensively ... AND THEN i also used to fall ASLEEP to it religiously ... i think there was like a month straight back in 9th grade or something where everynight i would put that album on my record player, headphones on, and listen to a side while falling asleep to the noise ...
it really got me to that happy dream state well ... that and for some reason i would listen to a side of Appetite for Destruction through headphones ... just because there are like 3 or 4 guitars going at the same time on most of that album and it really pop through when you are using the vinyl\headphones combo ...
hmm. the drugs probably helped, as well.
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Yes & the closure video set, but FDTS was remixes, as I guess was fixed but at least broken was new material. I remember seeing the Bowie/NIN tour and then he disappeared until some time in 99/2000. Can't say I was a huge fan of the fragile at the time it came out but after a few years i listened to it again it was pretty good. Just too much to take in all at once when it first came out.
Buffalo 05/02/03 Hamilton 09/13/05
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To be fair I would say many of the bigger bands from the late 80's, early 90's have gone/went wussified as you put it personally I still like all of the bands artists output that I've listed I would describe it as growth and maturity they still put out the hard rockers but now they're mixed with slower softer music.
Pearl Jam
Smashing Pumpkins before they split.
Chris Cornell
I would say all these have gone "wussified".:)
Well to be fair to wuss-ass-billy, SPumpkins was ALWAYS kinda wussy, going back to Gish.
Chris Cornell? eh ... maybe with his solo album, but Audioslave is hardly wussy? Is it classic like Soundgarden? Meh, i think not, but i wouldn't say it's wussy ... RHCP and NIN ? yeah, i can give you those two ...
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Also, I would definitely give The Fragile a chance. I think there's some great stuff on there.
haha, i've heard some of those bands, and listened to some online, but i don't know, i still think of nin as the main industrial band, but i'm not old school industrial so what do i know!
and as to calming, my original comment got corrupted. the stuff that I find calming is the harder stuff. like Mr. Self Destruct or March of the Pigs. i can't explain it.
R.i.p. My Dad - May 28, 2007
R.i.p. Black Tail (cat) - Sept. 20, 2008
lol! "stacking up the wuss..."
still giggling over that....
we're talking about NINE INCH NAILS ... ...
I used to really dig on KMFDM too ...
if they EVER put some lame ass emo bullshit on an album, i would fucking puke!
it's INDUSTRIAL for fucksake!
like i said, have a slow song if you want, but if the overall consistency of your music falls over to the land of wuss, then i'm'a'gonna write you off!
if we were talking about Ben Harper, Dave Mathews or who-have-you, yeah sure ... jerk off with a pan flute and call it a day ... but this is /\/ / \/\, i say.
Fuckheads, march on!
If I opened it now would you not understand?
Most of those bands would spit in your face for calling them industrial.
Pretty Hate Machine wasn't a heavy album. At all. I can't listen to it now, as it really REALLY sounds like it was recorded in 1989. PHM can hardly be considered industrial.
Broken was an EP. Very short, completely different from PHM. There was a change.
The Downward Spiral, an awesome album. Very Heavy, and very industrial, continuing and building on the sounds from Broken.
The Fragile has some very heavy, and some very soft moment. It's an awesome album, and is only as different from TDS as TDS is different from PHM.
With Teeth has some very very loud moments of it, and I don't think can be called wussified. It is a good album, and the songs sound very good live.
To call NIN wussified is ridiculous. They have only changed over time. If every album sounded the same as TDS, people would be complaining about that.
EDIT: OK. Scrap all of what I just said. Just listening to Planet Of Sound by the Pixies, and it does sound eerily like Getting Smaller.
I still love NIN though.
I don't wanna think, I wanna feel
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what would you call them then, mr fucking know-it-all...
(edit: please say "electronica" so i can have a good laugh)
what a douche.
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