New Tool

I'm feeling disappointed with 10,000 days. There are a few really good songs on here, but to me it's nowhere near as good as AEnima, Lateralus, and Undertow.
Seems like the whole 2nd half of the album is filler.
Seems like the whole 2nd half of the album is filler.
Post edited by Unknown User on
its an EP with a bunch of filler noise..........and none of the real songs are standouts or really memorable. Thy are jsut ok. Any tool fan who is not a sheep fanboy should be slightly disapointed with this
Thanks heavens 'Pearl Jam' is damn brilliant!
Also the new Gomez album has slipped under the radar. Usual quality from them!
Also Muse have a new one out soon so dont waste time listen to average stuff (10,000 Days) and get into these other albums
Actually, my first post was asking what people thought. My second was giving my thoughts so far and how I was finding it disappointing.
I should have probably just bumped the other one, but forgot. Sorry.
the mountain goats do it on a regular basis, so why can't tool?
Whatever you're smoking, can I have some?
PS- Have you played 'Intension' backwards for the 1st 1:30 ? If you do you will find a little message from Maynard.
2002 12/8 12/9
2003 4/11 4/21 4/25 4/26 6/24 7/2 7/3
2004 9/28 9/29 10/1 10/2 10/3
2005 9/28
2006 5/19 5/20 5/22 5/27 5/28 6/23 6/24
2007 8/5
2008 6/11 6/12 6/19 6/20
How do you play it backward?
It is better then Lateralus in my opinion. It took a few spins though. Roseta Stoned is amazing. One of the best Tool songs I have ever heard.
Park City, UT 06/21/98
Mountain View, CA 06/01/03
San Diego, CA 07/07/06
San Francisco, CA 07/15/06
The actual songs are better than Lateralus, imo, but wheres the quantity. The new Tool album has 6 fuckin songs. Give 4 monkeys 5 years and a million dollar recording studio and they could come up with more quality material.
It didnt take them 5 years to make............ blah blah blah. It doesnt take 5 years for musical growth. Led Zeppelin did it every year.
Ok. The songs are longer then normal songs so I guess you can make the arguement that the 6 songs are more like 10 songs. (I am not trying to make an arguement but I have heard this elsewhere) But I can see your point. I actually don't mind the filler songs. Do you like song 10 and beyond on Lateralus? I know many people who don't like the direction Tool has taken. I know of people who bought Lateralus and sold it back as a used CD. In my opinion the new CD is great. My sister saw some of the new songs at Coachella and said they blew her away. She likened it to Pink Floyd.
Park City, UT 06/21/98
Mountain View, CA 06/01/03
San Diego, CA 07/07/06
San Francisco, CA 07/15/06
agreed. i've never been a big tool fan so i'm probably not the best judge of the new music. i dig 'vicarious' kind of, even though it sounds like something off of lateralus. and 'jambi' and 'the pot' kick a great deal of ass. i totally dig those tracks. other than that.....not much on this album for me to really enjoy. i don't get what all the fuss is about
don't put the blame on TOOL because you're too inept to take yourself on a journey without being guided by some one else's words.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
Damn, someone is in a pissy mood today - its no big deal dude. kidding. I wont argue that theres no "filler" on the record, there obviously is...but theres no more or less than either of the post-Undertow records, and everyone seems quite keen on those. And Intension is a distinctly different song from Right in Two...they dovetail, yes; but they're two distinct entities.
Well, despite your attempt to preempt valid opposition to your statement, it *didn't* take them five years. And Zeppelin's early full length's had eight and nine fucking songs, which is one-to-two songs more than this record, at half the length. That's a retardo comparison to make.
inept? just because i don't appreciate pretentious, moody bullshit by a band that has put out 4 albums that all sound the same?
it's that it seems that you were dismissive of music that isn't accompanied by words. whether you can appreciate music without words, i don't know. whether you like TOOL, i don't care. i was being more general than specifically applying it to TOOL.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
i lie on my bed with the lights out. late at night. burn a little incense. put my headphones on and let everything else drift away. my mind is totally occupied with what it's hearing. so of course it'll hear it differently than if i was on a train during rush hour. i have never believed that TOOL were a band you could listen to without giving them your whole attention.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
This is a great way to listen to Tool. I think you nailed it!
Yah I've found that TOOL albums are great to listen to that way, especially with a new album.
Seeing them tonight in Detroit!
every album is different and experimental, you cant get bored of it!
Don't agree its all filler - but yeah it is slightly dissapointing and lacking compared to Lateralus. I find the problem is every track sounds like it's endlessly just building to something that dosn't come - it never breaks into the kind of killer riffs and climactic moments that Lateralus does.