Stadium Arcadium is a Bust

I hate to say it but from what i have listened to so far (3/4 of the album) the new chili peppers album is very disapointing for me. I thought by the way was their best work by far and was stoked for this new album. Alot of this album sounds like they have regressed to their sound of like the late 80's. BORING! hopefully it grows on me but as for now i am totally let down. anyone else feel the same?
Post edited by Unknown User on
I couldn't disagree more. I thought By The Way was the worst crap RHCP has ever put out. I think the new album has a great blend of all the elements of music that they do well. I'm happy as can be with the new album.
--"We’re taking pills to get along with life… the pills are YIELD and PJ’s music. Then we create words to call our own = our analysis of YIELD." - YIH
not enough punk
i think their music is to high pitched for my liking
Shameless beer-related plugs:
Instagram/Twitter/Untappd: FtMyersBeerGuy
It's real nice to see some funk back into a couple of their songs.
Shameless beer-related plugs:
Instagram/Twitter/Untappd: FtMyersBeerGuy
By the Way, I believe was their worst yet, or was it One Hot Minute, but I am able to listen to the Chili's without the same high expectations I have for PJ.
My vote: Stadium Arcadium is a classic
They say every sin is deadly but I believe they may be wrong...I'm guilty of all seven and I don't feel too bad at all
i totally agree.
you either like it or you don't...but everyone is entitled to voice their opinion.
i am stoked then! if people that loved by the way hate the album then this must be good!!! by the way was horrible!!!
I'm just not feeling these guys anymore I guess. It's an okay album, and there are a few tunes that are really good, but overall, its another disappointment to me. Their song structures are way too similar to previous work, and the era of their work (BTW) that appeals the least to me to boot. The vocals, and arrangements on many songs sound EXACTLY like BTW.
The one saving grace this thing does have is the work of Mr. Frusciante. Absolutely amazing guitar player who shines here like no other. I've always thought he was decent, but he really takes things to another level on this record IMO. If not for that, it would really be a bore. Sadly, this may be the last peppers record I ever buy.
With me, Avocado remains best album of the year so far...
Haven't listened to much of disc two, but the more I listen to disc one, the more I like it. Favorites so far are Snow, Hump de Bump (I thought this sucked at first but it's really starting to grow on me), She's Only 18, and Torture Me.
I think there are elements of each of their albums from the John F. era. I do agree that John F. owns the album, they should just rename themselves The John Frusciante Band w/special guests Anthony, Flea, and Chad.
funk song, funk song, funk song, ballad, funk, funk, funk, ballad, funk
now they basically just do:
ballad, funk, ballad, ballad, funk, ballad, ballad
after 28 songs (only a handful of which can even be described as funk) and over 15 ballads....i just get a little bored. the ballads tend to blend together. and i respect anthony's growth as a singer, but he still doesn't have a hell of a lot of range, so that only hurts the mid-tempo/ballady type songs. overall, this disc would be wayyy better for me if they just cut it down to 17 songs, included all the funky/heavier songs and the best of the ballads. if they did that, it might rank among their best
and nooooo i don't have a problem with bands that are more mellow. and don't criticize me for wanting the peppers to return to their early sound. i respect their willingness to expand their sound and take chances. i just think that overall, there are fewer real risks on SA than there are mediocre quiet songs. just my opinion
I give it two thumbs up!
-Tom Waits
Sure he plays Bass like i can only dream of playing it, but it seems like he's not doing anything new on this album to challenge himself and sounds sort of 'stale'.
Maybe after a few listens ill change my mind but right now that's how it seems to me.