My Dog Sasha



  • RhynoRhyno Posts: 304
    What a beautiful dog and wonderful story about her long life in such a loving home. You'll have to think about all of the good times you had with her and all of the smiles she brought and will continue to bring to you and your husband.

    Dogs are amazing creatures! My wife and I have a huskie/lab mix. We rescued her from a shelter about 4 years ago and can't believe how someone could have given her up. Dogs have the innate ability of bringing out the joy in life.

    Anyway, my sincere condolences to you and your family. I will give my dog a big hug in honor of Sasha!

    11/30/1991 ~ 3/25/92 ~ 8/28/92 ~ 6/30/98 ~ 10/8/2000 ~ 6/18/2003 ~ 6/21/2003 ~ 6/26/2006 ~ 6/27/2006 ~ 7/7/2006 ~ 8/5/2007 ~ 6/24/2008 ~ ALPINE VALLEY in '09 ;-)
  • mookie9999mookie9999 Posts: 4,677
    Sorry about your pup. Giver her a hug from all of us!
    "The leads are weak!"

    "The leads are weak? Fuckin' leads are weak? You're Weak! I've Been in this business 15 years"

    "What's your name?"

  • normnorm Posts: 31,146
    for shasha......

    True Love

    It was a hard day.
    Full of frustrations;
    The world succeeded
    In beating me down
    No matter how hard I fought.
    Home at last,
    I opened the door
    To your admiring, loving face,
    And kisses like I'd been gone
    A lifetime.
    Warm caresses, healing love--
    I felt the cares of the world
    Slide off my back.
    I held you in my arms
    And only love and happiness
    Surround me.
    and I remembered
    Why I love, so much,
    Coming home...
    You're such a good little dog.
  • Thank you to everyone who took the time to write all of these sweet messages.

    It is 11:30pm Chicago time and our Sasha is now gone.

    I have finally stopped sobbing. The trip to the vet was the most horrific ride I have ever taken. The only thing that made it bearable was the fact that Sasha loves a good car ride and even wagged her tail for a bit (which she hasn't done in weeks). Taking her in the office was a little surreal. Usually she is terrified of the vet, but this time (almost as if she knew what was going on and was relieved) she walked right in and seemed quite comfortable.

    I won't go into the details of how it was done, but I will say that she was sedated and had her big Mastiff head on my leg the whole time.

    My husband and I said "I love you" right before she went and her ears perked up just a little...I hope she heard us.

    Everyone who has a dog, hug them really tightly tonight.
    I'm not lost, but I don't know where I am...David Byrne, Talking Heads

    Regal Theater, 1994--most amazing night ever.
  • vedderfan10vedderfan10 Posts: 2,497
    I hope you can feel me giving you a hug...this type of loss is so devastating...I've been there and know exactly how it feels...been thinking about this all day, and hugging my dogs a little more than usual...they're all "WTF?? Leave me alone!!!" thoughts are with you and your husband. Sasha was giving you a pretty clear signal that she knew it was time. We had our vet come to our home to put down our little Pinkerton...and usually she didn't think much of him, but when he came over, she trotted up to him and wagged her tail....

    Take care...and no amount of crying is too much crying...
    be philanthropic
  • Oh my what a beautiful creature!

    I am sorry, but remember, you gave her a great life. The previous owners gave up on her, so did the Vet. You didn't. She knows that. She is holding on for you, like you did for her. Dogs are funny that way, very loyal to those they know love them. My heart breaks for you and for her.

    I still miss my Mattie, it has been almost 6 years now. She was wonderful. Anyway, keep the memories alive. I would suggest getting another puppy as soon as you feel able. It doesn't replace, but it helps. You can love and help another life that no one else wants. In her memory.

    Peace and Love to you.
    ~Changing the person at a time~
  • I wanted to post another picture of Sasha...during healthier, happier times...and it's how I'd like to remember her. Tongue hanging out, running towards me, trying to knock the camera out of my hand. She was at about 190 lbs here.
    I'm not lost, but I don't know where I am...David Byrne, Talking Heads

    Regal Theater, 1994--most amazing night ever.
  • SDHSClassof82SDHSClassof82 Seattle Posts: 306
    Ohhh....what a sweetheart of a dog. She experienced real love her whole long life with you and a safe healthy home. What else could any of us ask for?

    I had to put down my adored 15 year old cat, Boo-boo, two years ago when it was clear she would not survive cancer. I was blown away how many people were truly understanding about what a huge loss it is. It hurt like hell; and I was sure I would never be able to be so closely bonded to another pet again.

    Two months ago I adopted a kitten (Mookie) and it brought a whole new positive energy to my home and life. I didn't have to build up my attachment to her. I found fifteen years of companionship with Boo-boo had expanded my capacity to care deeply for an animal, so we just started at the point I had left off with Boo-boo and took off from there.

    The day before Christmas she was diagnosed with a terminal disease. It was a dreary holiday season for me in a lot of ways, but I have been savoring every moment with her. Boy is she indulged and pampered too. I want her short life to be the best a cat could have.

    You did that for Sasha for 15 years. Superbly well done! When you feel up to it, adopt a new dog friend and honor Sasha by continuing on the love.

    Sorry about the length of my post and the general sappiness. Sasha's picture really got to me. I'm thinking of you both. Take care.
    “Wind in my hair, I feel part of everywhere...
    Late at night I hear the trees, they're singing with the dead...overhead...”
  • JeanieJeanie Posts: 9,446

    *~You're IT Bert!~*

    Hold on to the thread
    The currents will shift
  • I'm so sorry to hear this news, its so hard, I have been there. Just know that she had the best life ever and was loved well. , and she loved you just as much.

    Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge.

    When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge.
    There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together.
    There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable.

    All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor; those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by.
    The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind.

    They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent; His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster.

    You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart.

    Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together....

    Author unknown...
  • DarbyCrash wrote:
    Thank you to everyone who took the time to write all of these sweet messages.

    It is 11:30pm Chicago time and our Sasha is now gone.

    I have finally stopped sobbing. The trip to the vet was the most horrific ride I have ever taken. The only thing that made it bearable was the fact that Sasha loves a good car ride and even wagged her tail for a bit (which she hasn't done in weeks). Taking her in the office was a little surreal. Usually she is terrified of the vet, but this time (almost as if she knew what was going on and was relieved) she walked right in and seemed quite comfortable.

    I won't go into the details of how it was done, but I will say that she was sedated and had her big Mastiff head on my leg the whole time.

    My husband and I said "I love you" right before she went and her ears perked up just a little...I hope she heard us.

    Everyone who has a dog, hug them really tightly tonight.

    I am very sorry to read the news about your dog Sasha. I know the pain you are feeling and its so tough. Just try and take it easy and remember the good times. Sasha what a beautiful looking dog. She will always be with you both. Take care.
  • DarbyCrash wrote:
    Thank you to everyone who took the time to write all of these sweet messages.

    It is 11:30pm Chicago time and our Sasha is now gone.

    I have finally stopped sobbing. The trip to the vet was the most horrific ride I have ever taken. The only thing that made it bearable was the fact that Sasha loves a good car ride and even wagged her tail for a bit (which she hasn't done in weeks). Taking her in the office was a little surreal. Usually she is terrified of the vet, but this time (almost as if she knew what was going on and was relieved) she walked right in and seemed quite comfortable.

    I won't go into the details of how it was done, but I will say that she was sedated and had her big Mastiff head on my leg the whole time.

    My husband and I said "I love you" right before she went and her ears perked up just a little...I hope she heard us.

    Everyone who has a dog, hug them really tightly tonight.

    She heard you.....I am soooo sorry for your loss.

    The love that an animal brings to your life is like no other.....please try to find some comfort in the fact that there are people who sincerly share your grief and pain.

    We lost our beloved Sonny almost 2 years ago...I still have his treats in his jar on the counter.

    peace to you and yours...
    How I choose to how I am.
  • Aw thank you guys.

    I am crying just reading all of these.
    I'm not lost, but I don't know where I am...David Byrne, Talking Heads

    Regal Theater, 1994--most amazing night ever.
  • Sasha's Dogster page:

    I've just recently updated it to reflect her passing.
    I'm not lost, but I don't know where I am...David Byrne, Talking Heads

    Regal Theater, 1994--most amazing night ever.
  • MakingWavesMakingWaves Posts: 1,293
    My deepest sympathies go out to you and your husband.

    About 6 years ago my now wife was going to put down her 16 year old golden retriever Opie. But he passed away the night before. I don't think she could have handled taking him to the vet and I like to think he knew that. She still cries when talking about him and I tell her like I would tell you, that you both gave those dogs the best life they could have hoped for.

    We now have two golden retrievers, Duke and Chance, and they are best friends. I can't imagine having to go through what you are and it hurts knowing one day we will have to.

    You will be in my thoughts.
    Seeing visions of falling up somehow.

    Pensacola '94
    New Orleans '95
    Birmingham '98
    New Orleans '00
    New Orleans '03
    Tampa '08
    New Orleans '10 - Jazzfest
    New Orleans '16 - Jazzfest
    Fenway Park '18
    St. Louis '22
  • moses562moses562 Posts: 1,382
    I don't really know what to say... I've been in this situation before... A few years ago I had to put down my cat of 18 years... It's tough... and it hurts like hell...

    As the years continue to progress the pain will subside... and you'll find yourself having random thoughts about Sasha... I like to think when that happens they are thinking about you... The good times are always yours to have.

    I'm sorry to hear of your loss.
    "A man has the right to be as big as he feels it in him to be." Ken Kesey
  • UndyTakerUndyTaker Posts: 358
    I am so sad for your loss. I am sitting here crying with my throat all tight, and I've never even met Sasha, but she sounds so wonderful and so gifted to have such a loving family. Just as you were gifted to have someone as wonderful as her.

    I don't know what you believe happens after here, but there is a great book titled "Cold Noses At The Pearly Gates" which might be of some help to you. Look it up on Amazon.

    I have a few friends at the Rainbow Bridge that I miss every day. I hope they get to meet Sasha.

    She is in my prayers, as are your family.
    I shit and I stink. I'm real, join the club.

    A friend, he called, I didn't mention a thing. The last thing he said was, "Be sound". Sound. I contemplated an awful thing, I hate to admit. I just thought those would be such appropriate last words. But I'm still here.
  • hey darby, thank you for your post. very moving, very sorry to hear what happened. cant stop thinking about what you wrote, and its amazing you got 16 wonderful years with sasha. she was so lucky to have found parents like you and nate. i wanna give my dog a hug, but cant, shes in ohio with my parents. sasha has a great page on dogster, i just sent over a pup-pal request, hope its never too late....stay strong....
  • Thanks everyone, again. I am really moved every time I get another notice that someone replied to this.

    Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

    I miss her so much...I just keep telling myself that she is watching me, wondering when I'm coming up there to toss her a basketball.
    I'm not lost, but I don't know where I am...David Byrne, Talking Heads

    Regal Theater, 1994--most amazing night ever.
  • brainofPJbrainofPJ Posts: 2,361
    that was hard to read...

    reminds of pets.

    sorry Darby.

    Esther's here and she's sick?

    hi Esther, now we are all going to be sick, thanks
  • I am a huge dork, but I made a MySpace page for Sasha...I just don't want to forget her face.
    I'm not lost, but I don't know where I am...David Byrne, Talking Heads

    Regal Theater, 1994--most amazing night ever.
  • DarbyCrash wrote:
    I am a huge dork, but I made a MySpace page for Sasha...I just don't want to forget her face.

    Hey Darby

    I am hoping that today brings beautiful and funny memories of playing and walks and silly things you did with Sasha :)

    And dont think that making a myspace page for Sasha is dorky... My dogs have their own page and they have way more friends than me!! Its a fun thing so dont feel nerdy and you can now share her with so many other Dog Lovers out there on Myspace :)
    he who forgets will be destined to remember
  • BinGnarlyBinGnarly Posts: 508
    Wow. I miss my Dogs. I'm sorry about your loss. Its rough. She's running through the endless field where the dog treats are plentiful and its okay to sit on the furniture now. So just keep that in mind.
    San Diego 2003
    Grand Rapids 2004
    Grand Rapids 2006
    Detroit 2006
    Columbus 2010

    "With my own two hands I can change the world."
  • FahkaFahka Posts: 3,187
    Sent all my best vibes today straight to sasha and you guys
  • UndoneUndone Posts: 12
    I'm very sorry for your loss. I went through the same thing with my 14 yr old golden retriever, Chuck, last May (Monday after Mother's Day, ironically). I cried everytime I listened to Come Back for months, and I still cry occassionally, like when I read your post. I got a new dog in July and thought that would help, but it has taken time for me to build the bond (although I loved her immediately and Molly is a great dog, too.) Chuck was my dog and followed me around everywhere. Molly is a real family dog and plays wildly with my kids. So it is different but still great.

    You have to figure out if and when getting a new dog is right for you. I believe dogs are the greatest and can't imagine my life without one. I've essentially had a dog my whole life and I'm on my forth (they've lived relatively long). It hurts each time, but no one can make me happier (ok, maybe my kids!). Dogs are just amazing.
  • Hey Darby

    I am hoping that today brings beautiful and funny memories of playing and walks and silly things you did with Sasha :)

    And dont think that making a myspace page for Sasha is dorky... My dogs have their own page and they have way more friends than me!! Its a fun thing so dont feel nerdy and you can now share her with so many other Dog Lovers out there on Myspace :)

    : ) Have your dogs send Sasha a friend request! : )
    I'm not lost, but I don't know where I am...David Byrne, Talking Heads

    Regal Theater, 1994--most amazing night ever.
  • RiverrunnerRiverrunner Posts: 2,419
    So sorry for your loss. This thread has made me think of sad times, but happy times too. The sad/happy thoughts seem to go hand in hand when thinking of our companion animals that have passed on.
    The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way it treats its animals. Ghandi
  • I just wanted to let everyone know that I let my husband read all of these lovely posts and it brought him to tears. He was shocked by the kindness of Pearl Jam fans. I am standing a bit taller today...torn up, ripped up...but standing a little taller. Thanks to my friends here in Chicago and all of my awesome Pearl Jam friends on this board. You all deserve a hug to all of you. Thank you. Pearl Jam fans are by far the coolest people on the planet.


    I am sure Sasha will be happy to meet all of you...someday.

    Just look for the crazy-big doggie smile and the drool. : )
    I'm not lost, but I don't know where I am...David Byrne, Talking Heads

    Regal Theater, 1994--most amazing night ever.
  • Hi Darby,

    I'm so sorry for the loss of your beloved Sasha. I've been through this more times than I care to think about, because from the time I was born I've had at least one dog in my life, and I'm an old gal now. It never gets easier... pets are the best! How I wish they could stay with us for as long as we live.

    You mentioned that Sasha sort of "knew" when she went to the vet and was at peace with that... you are 100% correct, trust me. We lost two retired racing greyhounds not so long ago, and I swear that those babies knew that we were taking them to the Rainbow Bridge and were completely cool with it. They don't want to leave you, but it hurts them too much to go on living, so they are content with that. Both of them went with us into the "quiet room" and immediately went to the fluffy rug provided as if they knew it was time to just lie down and... rest.

    You gave Sasha a WONDERFUL and very long life. Be proud both of her and yourselves. Kindness to animals makes better people. “The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated” (Ghandi). Sadly, our nation is far from that, but we can each do our own little bit. :)

    RIP, Sasha beauty! *huge hugs to Darby and hubby*

    Never allow someone to be your Priority,
    While allowing yourself to be their Option.


    Please visit daily:
  • idratherbe wrote:
    Hi Darby,

    I'm so sorry for the loss of your beloved Sasha. I've been through this more times than I care to think about, because from the time I was born I've had at least one dog in my life, and I'm an old gal now. It never gets easier... pets are the best! How I wish they could stay with us for as long as we live.

    You mentioned that Sasha sort of "knew" when she went to the vet and was at peace with that... you are 100% correct, trust me. We lost two retired racing greyhounds not so long ago, and I swear that those babies knew that we were taking them to the Rainbow Bridge and were completely cool with it. They don't want to leave you, but it hurts them too much to go on living, so they are content with that. Both of them went with us into the "quiet room" and immediately went to the fluffy rug provided as if they knew it was time to just lie down and... rest.

    You gave Sasha a WONDERFUL and very long life. Be proud both of her and yourselves. Kindness to animals makes better people. “The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated” (Ghandi). Sadly, our nation is far from that, but we can each do our own little bit. :)

    RIP, Sasha beauty! *huge hugs to Darby and hubby*


    Wonderful and so well put..the way one treats animals says so much about that person, as much a Nation.

    It is so sad about the whole large picture of animal treatment...but I think we can all feel good among our humane friends here. :)
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