My Dog Sasha

It hurts so much to write this but it also makes me feel better to talk about it.
My husband and I are putting our 16 yr. old English Mastiff to sleep tomorrow afternoon.
After a long illness, it is time to end the pain.
Sasha has been THE best dog anyone could ever ask for.
My husband found her in Indianapolis on the side of the road after she was hit by a car. She was 9 mos old. Her owners didn't want her anymore so just tossed her out of a moving van. He took her to the vet and it was suggested she be put down immediately due to the nature of her wounds. (her hip was broken, her tail was broken and she had many cuts and bruises).
He decided to keep her and paid for the vet bills.
They have been the best of friends ever since. She is his protector and gaurdian angel.
Mastiff dogs usually live to around 6 or 8 years old...she has well surpassed that mark. Just recently she took a turn for the worse and we cannot watch her decline any further...this is best.
This afternoon, I had her on the couch, covered up with a warm blanket (it was 1 degree outside in Chicago today with a -20 wind chill). I put on Live At Benaroya Hall softly and she drifted off to sleep around Thin Air...we have always felt that Sasha LOVES to fall asleep while listening to music, she always seems more at peace than without it. I started sobbing and she sort of looked up at me, put a paw on my leg and had this expression that said "It's ok."
Just thought I would share a story about the best dog ever.
Tomorrow we take her in. It will be so hard.
My husband and I are putting our 16 yr. old English Mastiff to sleep tomorrow afternoon.
After a long illness, it is time to end the pain.
Sasha has been THE best dog anyone could ever ask for.
My husband found her in Indianapolis on the side of the road after she was hit by a car. She was 9 mos old. Her owners didn't want her anymore so just tossed her out of a moving van. He took her to the vet and it was suggested she be put down immediately due to the nature of her wounds. (her hip was broken, her tail was broken and she had many cuts and bruises).
He decided to keep her and paid for the vet bills.
They have been the best of friends ever since. She is his protector and gaurdian angel.
Mastiff dogs usually live to around 6 or 8 years old...she has well surpassed that mark. Just recently she took a turn for the worse and we cannot watch her decline any further...this is best.
This afternoon, I had her on the couch, covered up with a warm blanket (it was 1 degree outside in Chicago today with a -20 wind chill). I put on Live At Benaroya Hall softly and she drifted off to sleep around Thin Air...we have always felt that Sasha LOVES to fall asleep while listening to music, she always seems more at peace than without it. I started sobbing and she sort of looked up at me, put a paw on my leg and had this expression that said "It's ok."
Just thought I would share a story about the best dog ever.
Tomorrow we take her in. It will be so hard.
I'm not lost, but I don't know where I am...David Byrne, Talking Heads
Regal Theater, 1994--most amazing night ever.
Regal Theater, 1994--most amazing night ever.
Post edited by Unknown User on
Im so sorry to hear this :( I understand your pain COMPLETELY. You know you are doing the right thing, but that will not make it an easier. Sadly, our k9 family only spends a short time with us .... Love and peace to you guys tomorrow... Please feel free to talk about it ALL you want.
But take comfort (when your are able to take comfort) in the idea that you gave your dog a wonderful life, the best possible life...and she's telling you that it's time to go.
I won't kid you - it is plain AWFUL putting a dog to sleep and the pain in your heart won't go away for a long time...but you won't ever forget your Sasha....she will always be in your thoughts..and you won't get over the loss, you'll just get used to her not being around. Remember to give yourself some time to go through the grieving process...
You WILL be okay...
Regal Theater, 1994--most amazing night ever.
EV Solo: 7/11/11 11/12/12 11/13/12
my heart goes out to you. What a lucky girl she is to have lived her life with you guys... you sound like you are wonderful to her. 16 years is amazing for a dog. It will be extremely hard. I went through it with my 18 year old family cat. But think of the good times.
Best of luck to you. Just remember you are doing it all for the right reasons.
And so it goes...
She is at my feet right now, looking up at me. : )
Regal Theater, 1994--most amazing night ever.
You think you need
And when you think more than you want
Your thoughts begin to bleed."
E.V. Society
"And by the way, their real and their spectacular!"
My other dog is 11 and I know the day will come when she too passes and I will be just as hurt as I was two years ago.
If they could live forever that would be ideal, but it is still better to have those wonderful years w/ them.
Don't listen to Light Years or Come Back for a while. It still makes me cry.
You can take comfort that she won't suffer anymore, but you can also be proud of your dog, as she did real good and made it to an age that most dogs don't make it to -- in spite of abandonment, injuries, and breed lifespan. Congrats to you for a job well done and giving your dog a good life.
Best wishes to you. Pat your dog for us.
Regal Theater, 1994--most amazing night ever.
I couldn't listen to "Black" for the longest time...the aching loss in that song echoed my own heartache...and actually, I still avoid the studio version sometimes because of the pain it evokes...
Anyway, yeah...Jango is right on the money - be proud of your pooch for overcoming adversity and that she was capable of trusting and loving people again...
Oh my gosh! Look at that photo...she looks like such a sweetheart....and now I'm bawling for you and for her... That hit me where it hurts most....
Regal Theater, 1994--most amazing night ever.
You brought up a good point...My husband always pointed out that he was proud of her for that too (trusting and loving people again).
Regal Theater, 1994--most amazing night ever.
I honestly don't think I could do it.
a heartfelt good luck to you.
for the least they could possibly do
Sasha looks and sounds like the best of creatures. I'll be thinking of you all.
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
you will always remember this, but i swear dogs know that you're grieving and you're hurting and as hard as this is, they know it's right.
i'll have a special thought for you tomorrow.
She'll always be in your heart.
You're both in my thoughts today.
Hope you feel better soon.
And take comfort in knowing that you will meet up with her again, someday, perhaps sixty, seventy, eighty years from now. A long time perhaps, but you will meet with her spirit again, I'm sure.
Great picture of Sasha. Just let her know she is safe during the procedure by touching and talking to her, I think that is reassuring for the dog.
I'm so sorry for your loss. I'll be thinking about you guys today and I'll say a prayer for Sasha for her journey.
Peace to you and your husband, Darby.
(special moment)
Sir Mike McCready is....THE MASTER!!! WAHHH!!!
"Pearl Jam fans are obsessed, they'd see the boys in HELL if tickets were sold."-CROJAM95
It takes balls to put out a UKE album!
I didn't think it was right to get another dog. Nothing could replace my friend. However, My family now has an 8 month old Golden. It is fun all over again. Making that relationship between "dog" and "man". You might not be ready at first, but it would help very much down the line.
My heart goes out to you and your family.
My Morning Jacket
Pearl Jam
Neil Young
Drive By Truckers
pj shows
It's a tough call to make, but it sounds like you're doing the right thing. I've had to do it twice and it's still tough to think about it.
The first time I stayed for the whole process, but the second time my vet made a suggestion that I'll pass along - be there for the sedative, but leave when she falls asleep. That way you know that she is at peace at the end, but you don't witness the actual event. It helped me, if only a little.
Prayers sent to you at this difficult time.
I'll ride the wave where it takes me...
Again, I appreciate this forum and all of the wonderful, caring people in it. Thanks. From both me and Sasha.
Regal Theater, 1994--most amazing night ever.
By the way, the picture of her is adorable.
She was so lucky that you found her and loved her, and you were so lucky that she found you and loved you
I cannot imagine how you are feeling right now, but I know your story made a cry baby out of me. If anything happened to my beloved Dogs I would be a freakin mess!
I dont really know what to say to you both.
I hope that when she drifts off and heads towards the rainbow bridge, that you both feel comfort knowing she is goin to have some fun there with her Furry friends, and that she will never forget you, because dogs love you unconditionally, always.