Blood Mountain - Mastodon

Let's make this the official 'Blood Mountain' discussion thread. I've listened to it thrice so far and am really digging it. Some of the playing is simply unbelievable...Brann Dailor is a fucking machine. Too early to say if its better than Leviathan but its heavier and closer to Remission in its brash and unrefined sound. Who else has heard it ?
"Reality continues to ruin my life." - Calvin & Hobbes.
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I'm very excited about this album. I have listened to the 30 second clips of the two songs on itunes and the vocals concern me. I really liked their brash style of vocals, and these sound like they are singing.... but I reserve my opinion until i hear the album.
how are the guest apperances?
josh homme.. Cedric & Omar? and the dude from neurosis?
Charlotte 03
Asheville 04
Atlanta 12
Greenville 16, Columbia 16
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Ohana Festival 24 x2
Not quite ready yet. I will seek this thread out though when I am.
They are a great band, definitely a metal band though so the vocals are expected to be brash, rough, and in some cases unlistenable to the untrained ear.
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I like the cookie monsterish vocals i'm not too keen of the ozzyesque vocals i've heard may be on the album.
Charlotte 03
Asheville 04
Atlanta 12
Greenville 16, Columbia 16
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Ohana Festival 24 x2
can't wait to hear it
Charlotte 03
Asheville 04
Atlanta 12
Greenville 16, Columbia 16
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Nashville 22
Ohana Festival 24 x2
I'll be spinning this the rest of the afternoon.
thanks for the heads up i saw that the dvd was with some of them, but like you i think i may skip on it too. More times then not it seems those dvd's included with the cd are not that cool. Here is the allmusic review:
The two-year long wait is over, and those Mastodon fans encouraged but leery of the slicker production of Leviathan over Remission will be even more bemused, or downright bewildered, by Blood Mountain, the band's first foray into major-label territory since signing with Warner Brothers' Reprise imprint (after all, this was the label conceded to Frank Sinatra as his own when he threatened to leave it). Blood Mountain is everything fans both hoped for and feared. Mastodon has dug even deeper in its foray into prog metal, but without losing an ounce of their power, literacy, or willingness to indulge in hardcore punk, doom, and death metal. Like Leviathan, Blood Mountain is both melodic and downright raging in places. Matt Bayles is in the producer's chair once more and he's encouraged this Georgia quartet — Bränn Dailor (drums), Brent Hinds (guitar and vocals), Bill Kelliher (guitar and vocals), and Troy Sanders (bass and vocals) — to take it to the limit. And they have. Blood Mountain indulges and goes deep into the territory of prog metal beats and quests and spiritual revelations that have less to do with Tolkein-ism and more to do with Conan-ism. There are utterly beautiful melodic passages woven into the heaviness that are reminiscent of Thin Lizzy's dual guitar lyricism — and the band has confessed to digging Phil Lynott and company. The vocals — with guest spots from Neurosis' Scott Kelly, the Mars Volta's Cedric Bixler-Zavala, and Queens of the Stone Age's Josh Homme — are mixed way upfront and the number of sheer stylistic changes is dizzying.
No, Mastodon should not lose their street cred over this. For every old fan alienated, a new one will step into the gap and there will be throngs of new ones, more than likely. Why? Simply because this band does the technical thing as well or better than Meshuggah without sacrificing a bit of the black blood which courses through their veins toward their dark thrash metal hearts. The set opens with the completely in-the-red thrashcore metal of "The Wolf Is Loose," complete with a chanted chorus. As the guitars twin and scream, bass and drums chop away at convention. Tempo changes, from fast to faster to a refrain that gives the listener time to shout along. The doubled leads and repetition in the verse are countered by the swelling, pulsating thud from the drum kit. Lyrically, it appears that Mastodon is trying to create a new mythological present. But the bridge goes into the netherworld with actual sung vocals and angular, elliptical phrases that defy elucidation. The echoey sound effects on the drums at the opening of "Crystal Forest" quickly give way to a plodding power metal riff. "Sleeping Giant" comes out of the gate, slowly, dreamily, seductively, there are digital delays on the guitars that gather tension as they (relatively) whisper by, and create an ambience that crosses early Black Sabbath and Opeth. It's the vocals that are most remarkable, however, sung cleanly to a slow tempo, each word is distinct and the effect is nearly hypnotic as the strange, self-created cultic myth is further woven into a web of dislocation, epic ambivalence, mystery, and power. Prog metal is made plain on "Capillarian Quest," where intricate patterns and bludgeoning guitar riffs vie for dominance but are authoritatively held in Mastodon's deafening balance. "Circle Cysquatch," with its bloodcurdling extreme thrash and burn, tips it toward a virtual creation idea born of pagan rites, blood sacrifice, the spirits of extinct species, and the hollow ring of organized religion, all given their freedom here to drift back to prehistory and the days of fire and rage in the rough and tumble founding of "civilization."
On it goes. Mastodon seeks no easy answers but poses dozens of questions about origin, and "culture." Forget "thinking man's metal," this is metal, period, and the guys that make it think. The music, as varied and tumultuous and, in places utterly beautiful as it is, place the band beyond the pale — check the intro to "Bladecatcher" before it falls apart into pure chaos and cacophony where lyrics and themes are barely articulated in the hammering thunder of apocalyptic noise. Sound effects that perhaps are the voices of the spirits themselves make themselves heard in the din — but indecipherably. "Colony of Birchmen" and "Hunters of the Sky" are both prototypically metal and act as the album's hinge pieces, where Mastodon completes its achievement and establish a new heavy metal. "This Mortal Soul," with its elongated beginning and utter lyricism may alienate those who live for heaviness alone, but it will attract those who can see outside the genre's subgenres. The set closes with "Pendulous Skin," a track that amounts to a densely populated power ballad with gorgeous guitar soloing, and a major/minor key chord progression (instead of riffs and a Hammond B-3) played by Bayles followed by a long silence, where at the very end, a "fan" letter is read and responded to. What does it add up to? Something old and something new, a heavy metal that's utterly gargantuan to wrestle with because it actually moves the style into brand new territory, an unfamiliar terrain which will accord it much name calling and crying of "sellout" by the unwashed masses who are more conservative about their steely brand of "folk music" than the Newport crowd was about Dylan going electric. Yet, for those daring enough to take this in, there are true bloody treasures to behold and receive. If Leviathan was a masterpiece, then this is too — only more so.
Charlotte 03
Asheville 04
Atlanta 12
Greenville 16, Columbia 16
Seattle 18
Nashville 22
Ohana Festival 24 x2
oh my.
Just purchased my ticket to see them at the masquarade here in atlanta on Oct 7. That saturday night will be one to remember \m/
Charlotte 03
Asheville 04
Atlanta 12
Greenville 16, Columbia 16
Seattle 18
Nashville 22
Ohana Festival 24 x2
Strange, I also wish the vocals were more on the harsh side. This CD would be a GREAT intro to those that wish to get into metal. It gives you a little of everything. Fantastic CD.
It turns out it is a joke. It is Josh Homme (kyuss/QOTSA) who does some vocals on the album and he pretends to be himelf and send in a fan letter.
I think it is lame too, but i guess the guys are problaby fans of Kyuss and Josh and he did that a couple times on his albums so i'm sure they probalby got high and thought it woudl be funny.
The one song thatpisses me off is blanecatcher or whatever it is called. The music is cool but the noises in the song annoy me. Besides that i think the album is solid and the last three songs close out the cd really strong.
Charlotte 03
Asheville 04
Atlanta 12
Greenville 16, Columbia 16
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Nashville 22
Ohana Festival 24 x2
I think Bladecatcher rocks the house. I picture the guitarist going nuts. those noises don't bring anything to the table though.
You don't like Circle Cysquatch :eek:
It's one of my favs
This Mortal Soil is great i would think non fans would dig it. That and Sleeping Giant seem to be less abrasive and more mainstreen acessable.
I can't stop listening to the album. I have the new mars volta and tv on the radio and have not listend to either yet.
Charlotte 03
Asheville 04
Atlanta 12
Greenville 16, Columbia 16
Seattle 18
Nashville 22
Ohana Festival 24 x2
Charlotte 03
Asheville 04
Atlanta 12
Greenville 16, Columbia 16
Seattle 18
Nashville 22
Ohana Festival 24 x2
and Bladecatcher is awesome in its Zorn-ness
1. The wolf is Loose - Great opener, like blood and thunder its raging and relentless. Brents vocals on this tune are smokin'
4. Capillarian Crest - Jesus christ boys what the hell is going on in that middle section!!??? SERIOUS musicianship and Brents lead guitar part is unreal. The big stoner rock section that kicks in after the widdly middle section could be the greatest thing ever. Seen this live and was simply gobsmacked. One of the greatest songs i've ever heard
5. Circle Sysquatch - Seems to be a popular rhythm with Mastodon (the intro one) Theres some really weird vocal effects in this one too. I like it a lot
6. Bladecatcher - This couldn't be more like Fantomas if Mike Patton wrote it. The riffs are great though. The section with the daft noises is an aquired taste
7. Colony of Birchmen (feat josh homme) - Josh doesn't really do much to be fair but i like his contribution. The main riff reminds me a little of Tool, but with more balls
10. This mortal soil - along with capillarian creat probably my fav tune on the album. The verses are so dreamy and the contrast with the chorus and the bit Brent sings is amazing, superbly written piece of music.
12. Pendulus skin - You could easily mistake this for Pink Floyd. But with better guitar. Recorded with a hollowbody and it just sounds so warm. The guitar tone these guys have is just fantastic
I think in all seriousness this is the greatest record i've ever heard. Theres so much going on to sink your teeth into and Brent Hinds has to be my ultimate guitarist. His tone is second to none!!! - The Band
I agree so much aboutthe middle section after all that duel soloing the vocals come back in so strong i can't wait for that in concert. Oct 7 th can't come fast enough!
I like how they have the last song theme on all their albums
elephant man, joseph merrik, and now pendoulous skin
Off the top of my head i can't think of another band that has doen that.
Brann their drummer is one of the best if not the best drummer currently.
Charlotte 03
Asheville 04
Atlanta 12
Greenville 16, Columbia 16
Seattle 18
Nashville 22
Ohana Festival 24 x2
Brann is one of the coolest guys ever. I was lucky enough to meet all of the guys after i seen them live and they were so cool. Seriously grounded down to earth guys. They were admiring my remission tattoo and took a pic of it and everything. It was an awesome day.
Capillarian Crest live = sex - The Band
I love how Mastodon is like fucking heavy, but at the same time very melodic. they're as metal as it gets, but very listenable.
I also love the themes in their albums.
I read that they will be opening for Tool on some of the European dates. How awesome is that!
Charlotte 03
Asheville 04
Atlanta 12
Greenville 16, Columbia 16
Seattle 18
Nashville 22
Ohana Festival 24 x2
holy crap, i'm going to pee my pants if they come to denmark.