my latest Nirvana rant.....just venting....

"all apologies" is on the radio right now, and quite frankly this song is shit. I turned it off. Nirvana had a good album in Nevermind....not great, but good. Nirvana had one thing going for them, their timing was perfect. Some of their later music was complete talent whatsoever. If I were in a bar, and heard somebody singing all apologies, I'd leave. Carry on.
"It's all happening"
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Philly- 2005, 2013, 2016, 2024
Camden 2000, 2003, 2006, 2008, 2022, 2023
Philly Spectrum 2009 x4 - We closed that MFER Down Proper
Baltimore- 2024
DC- 2006, 2008
New York- 2008, 2010
Boston - Fenway 2016 (night 2) , 2024 (night1)
East Rutherford, New Jersey- 2006
Chicago - Lollapalooza 2007
Seattle- Gorge 2005
EV Solo- DC x2, Baltimore x2 , Newark NJ x2, Tower Theater x2
- Given To Fly
okay, maybe I was a little harsh. I just think some of Nirvana's stuff was only labeled "good" because it was Nirvana, when it was really mediocre or worse.
if i could smoke a joint with three people id pick: ed, kurt, and jimi
Philly- 2005, 2013, 2016, 2024
Camden 2000, 2003, 2006, 2008, 2022, 2023
Philly Spectrum 2009 x4 - We closed that MFER Down Proper
Baltimore- 2024
DC- 2006, 2008
New York- 2008, 2010
Boston - Fenway 2016 (night 2) , 2024 (night1)
East Rutherford, New Jersey- 2006
Chicago - Lollapalooza 2007
Seattle- Gorge 2005
EV Solo- DC x2, Baltimore x2 , Newark NJ x2, Tower Theater x2
- Given To Fly
Seriously, I don't care how "hard" being famous is, how fucking pathetic and selfish can you be to leave your only daughter all alone in the world ?(with courtney love no less!!!).
I agree with this....not legendary by far.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
Totally agree here!!!
I was listening to Nirvana on the radio in my friends car to All Apologies also, and i like the intro to that song...but lyrically it's fucking terrible.....lyrically, and even musically, most of their stuff is shit.
I'm sorry, I just never understood the fascination with "Nirvana" and I never will, I just think they're way over hyped and there were plenty of other bands at that time who were much better.
"Sorry is the fool who trades his love for high-rise rent, Seems the more you make equals the loneliness you get"
Do you live under a rock? Ha! I'm kiddin'.
How can you not understand the fascination with Nirvana? There is many, many factors. They were one of the biggest bands of the 90s and the most important rock group in that decade. And millions would agree their music is still refreshing today as it was back then. Kurt Cobain's suicide also brings in the fascination, obviously. Along with Dave Grohl's post-Nirvana success, and of course who cannot forget Courtney Love? All the legal battles etc. It's all fascinating from the beginning to end.
Overhyped? Hell..all the grunge bands were overhyped!
Just because they were one of the biggest bands of the nineties does not mean that were good, it is IMPOSSIBLE to state that they were the most important group of the decade because it's all down to opinion. However, their music was sub-par so they didn't give the music world anything there and the lyrics were nothing short of abismal.
As for thier music being refreshing that is, again, opinion.
*^*^*^*^*^*^*^RED MOSQUITO #2^*^*^*^*^*^*^*
Dublin 08/06
Katowice 06/07 London 06/07 Dusseldorf 06/07 Nijgemen 06/07
You're right. It does come down to opinion. And my opinion sides with the majority;Nirvana was the most important band of the 90s. People will argue that claim, some people will accept...
Thank-you for your opinion, Binaural.
Hey thanks for pionting that out! But believe me, when Nirvana and the rest of the grunge bands broke out, it was refreshing! As for today, being a radio dj, we have to crank out the goode ole classics to balance out the terrible music we're forced to play.
Did I just say terrible music? Opinion, I know. Shared with millions of others...
see from my opinion In Utero is music and lyriclly better than the highly polished and produced Nevermind, quite frankly i think your opinion is shit.
Yes thats in your opinion please remember to add, in the thoughts of many there music was brilliant and like you there are many that think it wasn't so good, but please dont try and cast judgement as if your the be all and end all.
explain to me how they didn't give the music world anything? they made three albums plus many other songs they have influenced hundreds of bands since, they have inspired many artists including Pearl Jam to cover them, i would absolutley love for you to get the opportunity to put that point across to almost any musician from seattle or with any credibility in the industry and see there reaction to you, it would be highly entertaining.
hahah yeh, nirvana is so simple and boring
yes The Beatles are pretty simple musiclly as well.
both of those bands rock.
I used to like Nirvana when I was younger (although I was never as into them as a few of my friends) but I recently revisited Nevermind and In Utero just to see, and god damn! It is really boring music to listen to. Except In Bloom. I love that song.
i can see how some find them boring, it was the simple part that was annoying just because there music is simple it dosen't make it bad look at Elderly Woman, MFC, Soon Forget also very simple songs.
To say Kurt was not tallented is ridiculous, take a listen to the song Polly - written about a real life story of a woman who was abducted, raped and tortured, Kurt decided to sing the song from the rapist's point of view, something most songwriters wouldn't even contemplate.
Personally, I haven't listened to Nirvana in years, when I do hear them on the radio or see a video on tv, it leaves me with a really bittersweet feeling, Kurt's death was like a loss of innocence kind of thing for me a huge wake -up call, and I'm pretty sure that's how a lot of the people who were into the scene at the time feel.
The guy was a drug addict who got married to another famous (albeit only slightly) "woman", signed to a major label, produced a glossy pop/rock album, played the "slagging off all the other bands" games and killed himself.
Yeah, soooooooo diferrent from all the rockstars he is meant to be soooo unlike.
And as for songwriter...
"A mulatto
An albino
A mosquito
My Libido
I think you are missing the point, when Nirvana signed to Geffen, nobody expected them to sell that many records, but Nevermind happened to be a very accessible rock album that connected with a lot of people. To say he wasn't a good songwriter is just plain wrong, bad songwriters don't sell records period. Nickelback in my view are a shit band, but there is no doubting they can write catchy pop-rock songs that sell records, and whether you like it or not, that is a talent of sorts.
And those lyrics you quoted - do I need to quote the lyrics of something like Bugs to make my point?
Kurt was a drug addict for two reasons, one because he was self-medicating an agonising stomach condition, and secondly because he was clinically depressed. When you actually bother to look at Kurt's upbringing and the kind of personality that was created from that upbringing, it was no surprise that he killed himself.
Kurt also had ADHD and saw Heroin as a replacement to the ritolin he used to be prescribed for.
I never heard that one, but I wouldn't doubt that. His whole story was very tragic, as is Courtney Love's, far more so than most people realise, which is why I always find myself defending them both. It troubles me how little compassion some people have.
i think it was in the heavier than hell book where i read it both Kurt and Courtney had been prescribed ritolin growing up.
Heavier Than Heaven is the book and it is a very good one. Nirvana, I think, was a very good band. They weren't as good as the hype and the legend, but then again, the most popular music isnt always the best thing out there. Their impact was huge and their music was good even if it was overated.
Yes, their music was pretty simple, but it doesn't need to be complex to be good. I think Kurt Cobain, was a good singer and songwriter and Dave Grohl is a great drummer...
As for the Courtney Love issue, you can never really know what happened, she might be a bitch, but don't be too quick to judge. The death of a loved one isn't easy to deal with, can you imagine your loved one commits suicide, there you are, all alone, you have a daughter you have to raise on your own, and everywhere you go people keep asking you, confronting you with your loved one's death...
And as for the drug addiction, it saddens me that some people think he was just a pathetic drug addict.
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yeah Heaven even, that and hell are so close i always get muddled up since seeing Little Nicky.:)
One) I never at any point, made a comment on my musical ability or wether or not I am more talented or have the potential of influencing more people than Nirvana. Your point was nothing more than childish name calling, completely unnessacery.
Two) Lyricaly, there was no fluency in the Cobains writings and he failed to accurately express himself. The imagery was all over the place and had almost no consistency. Therefore, technicaly, they were poor. If you like them then hey, thats fine, each to their own.
Three) As for the music, I concede that my comments were biased and opinionated.
*^*^*^*^*^*^*^RED MOSQUITO #2^*^*^*^*^*^*^*
Dublin 08/06
Katowice 06/07 London 06/07 Dusseldorf 06/07 Nijgemen 06/07
Well said.
-Tom Waits
I'll get shit on for this, but I think that Nickelback is more talented than Nirvana.
Side Note:
Dave Grohl was the most talented in that band and IMO is one of the most talented men in music today.
He can sing like a champ, he's unreal on the drums, and he rocks on the guitar, and lyrically, The Foos blow Nirvana away.
"Sorry is the fool who trades his love for high-rise rent, Seems the more you make equals the loneliness you get"