I'd rather go sooner than that. My week will be somewhere in May when I'm getting due to turn in my master thesis, so I'd rather it be a lot sooner. Could I switch with you, transplant?
"Every judgment teeters on the brink of error. To claim absolute knowledge is to become monstrous. Knowledge is an unending adventure at the edge of uncertainty." - Frank Herbert, Dune, 1965
I'd rather go sooner than that. My week will be somewhere in May when I'm getting due to turn in my master thesis, so I'd rather it be a lot sooner. Could I switch with you, transplant?
sure. whenever you are ready, put something out there and start up the thread.
"Every judgment teeters on the brink of error. To claim absolute knowledge is to become monstrous. Knowledge is an unending adventure at the edge of uncertainty." - Frank Herbert, Dune, 1965
12 people, 13 if viggs can make his way back in. Still time if you are interested, just let me know so I can add you. If somebody is itchin' to go, feel free to trade places with me. If I don't hear anything, I'll put the first selection up sometime on Monday. should be another very solid round.
sorry swede, didn't hear from you so I assumed you didn't have time to do it. I should have pm'd you.
I switched with OutOfBreath at the last spot, you can go ahead of me if you wish (2nd to last......). I kinda screwed up the order.
In the meantime, there is a selection after the Augie March that OutOfBreath put out, however it may have expired. Echoes is about to throw something out there so look out for it.
Again, sorry for assuming you weren't interested. glad you are back in the mix.
ok - ive been out of action again for a while - who is next and what album?
ah im hopeless at gettin time at the moment but i feel like i will very soon
and i think i have an album in mind for when its my turn
i think it's my turn now... i'm still in the process of deciding which album to share with all of you...
but expect my thread to go up tomorrow or the day after...
Some days you wake up and sit on a park bench next to an eighty year old Russian architect, and some days you don't. I think this is my new life philosophy.
Hey, guys.
How's everyone doing ? I've missed a lot of albums...the last one I heard was Ballad of Broken Seas ~ Isobel Campbell & Mark Lanegan. But I'm glad you guys have kept this thing rolling. I don't if I can take part in every selection but I'll drop in on and off and contribute whatever I can.
Currently listening to Zaar ~ ZAAR. (Best album I've heard so far this year).
"Reality continues to ruin my life." - Calvin & Hobbes.
Zaar is prog/jazz/rock. As you would expect, the musicianship is stellar. I think they are a lot like King Crimson, especially the guitar sound is very much like Robert Fripp.
"Reality continues to ruin my life." - Calvin & Hobbes.
Some days you wake up and sit on a park bench next to an eighty year old Russian architect, and some days you don't. I think this is my new life philosophy.
karma was unable to put a pick up so Alobar is up. Depending if karma can put one up next week, we start the Round 5 open invite.
hey i dunno if u guys saw - but im on my world tour right now, so i wont be able to participate for a while - when i can again ill let u know and yeh ill jump back in.
"Every judgment teeters on the brink of error. To claim absolute knowledge is to become monstrous. Knowledge is an unending adventure at the edge of uncertainty." - Frank Herbert, Dune, 1965
mookeywrench, sorry, I kinda screwed that up.
Go here: http://forums.pearljam.com/showthread.php?t=163439
"Every judgment teeters on the brink of error. To claim absolute knowledge is to become monstrous. Knowledge is an unending adventure at the edge of uncertainty." - Frank Herbert, Dune, 1965
where am i??
I switched with OutOfBreath at the last spot, you can go ahead of me if you wish (2nd to last......). I kinda screwed up the order.
In the meantime, there is a selection after the Augie March that OutOfBreath put out, however it may have expired. Echoes is about to throw something out there so look out for it.
Again, sorry for assuming you weren't interested. glad you are back in the mix.
- i dont mind when my turn is - just let me know when u want me to do it would be easiest
cheers mate
here is the updated list, I will let people know when it is their turn.
ah im hopeless at gettin time at the moment but i feel like i will very soon
and i think i have an album in mind for when its my turn
i think it's my turn now... i'm still in the process of deciding which album to share with all of you...
but expect my thread to go up tomorrow or the day after...
Some days you wake up and sit on a park bench next to an eighty year old Russian architect, and some days you don't. I think this is my new life philosophy.
pearl jam @ the astoria, london, 20/04/06
How's everyone doing ? I've missed a lot of albums...the last one I heard was Ballad of Broken Seas ~ Isobel Campbell & Mark Lanegan. But I'm glad you guys have kept this thing rolling. I don't if I can take part in every selection but I'll drop in on and off and contribute whatever I can.
Currently listening to Zaar ~ ZAAR. (Best album I've heard so far this year).
www.stopglobalaids.com www.indymedia.org www.ecologyfund.com www.thehungersite.com www.amnesty.org www.pratham.org www.icbl.org www.care2.com/click2donate
www.stopglobalaids.com www.indymedia.org www.ecologyfund.com www.thehungersite.com www.amnesty.org www.pratham.org www.icbl.org www.care2.com/click2donate
Some days you wake up and sit on a park bench next to an eighty year old Russian architect, and some days you don't. I think this is my new life philosophy.
pearl jam @ the astoria, london, 20/04/06
hey i dunno if u guys saw - but im on my world tour right now, so i wont be able to participate for a while - when i can again ill let u know and yeh ill jump back in.
thanks for the god times thus far.
- swedey
www.stopglobalaids.com www.indymedia.org www.ecologyfund.com www.thehungersite.com www.amnesty.org www.pratham.org www.icbl.org www.care2.com/click2donate