Irish Tribute Band!!!

I am trying to Find actual musicians to join me in a FULL IRISH PEARL JAM TRIBUTE BAND!!!
I need a Lead Guitarist,Bassist, and a Rythm Guitarist.. I got my drummer, and i sing and play 3rd guitar.. Believe me, whoever is interested, you gotta be shit hot, and you gotta be at least on the same par as i am singing, and if you are Believe me, the band will be UNREAL.....
I am serious and i am ready to give up everything to tour..
Feel free to e.mail me..
I need a Lead Guitarist,Bassist, and a Rythm Guitarist.. I got my drummer, and i sing and play 3rd guitar.. Believe me, whoever is interested, you gotta be shit hot, and you gotta be at least on the same par as i am singing, and if you are Believe me, the band will be UNREAL.....
I am serious and i am ready to give up everything to tour..
Feel free to e.mail me..
Tattooed Everything!
Post edited by Unknown User on
How well can you sing though? I have always struggled to find decent singers.....
- PJ avoid me like the plague
Where in Ireland are you?
- PJ avoid me like the plague
Dude!! I have the gift of not trying to sound like Eddie, but more like actually sounding like him without trying!
Most people can sing with a little practice, thats easy. But sounding like the real thing is completely different!
This is why i want this!! Everyone that doesnt know me,if i play out in a bar, they tell me.. That sounded like a F*ucking live version on a jukebox!
I am sick of hearing it and i want to do something about it..
And NO, i aint no bullsh*tter.. Its something that i am Extremely proud of, and anyone who knows me can tell you that there is no other to be found yet...
Oh yeah, sorry.. I live in Leitrim. Not too far from Enniskillen...
I have short hair and wear glasses so I could play the role of Stone.
- PJ avoid me like the plague
There is a huge oppurtunity for a Tribute band in this country..
All you have to do is check out the tribute bands in U.S.A, and i can honestly tell you that i can wipe the floor with them.. And with the right guys with me, as a Band and a Team, we can make it so that we will get Huge Recognition..
I have a drummer, and he is Unreal, and a huge Pearl Jam fan also..
- PJ avoid me like the plague
ANYWAY,Getting to the matter in hand, and away from the slagging..
If you have the balls, fair enough.. If you dont, thats your choice, but if you are willing to meet and hear me, i am thinking you will never play anything else only Pearl Jam.. but there is no point in just talking about it!!
Get your finger out and help form the greatest tribute to the greatest Band in the World!! I SHIT YOU NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh and as for connections, i got a very good friend in London who works for MTV,and she can get gigs ANYWHERE in England. Here is not a problem...
I'm so sorry. I don't mean this to be offensive in any way! but you make me laugh.
I'm sure you can sing. lol. after all that talk, I WISH you can sing. but that just sounds an awful lot like what all them folks in American Idol say and then they suck. hehe.
anyway, good luck with the band (really!!) and that's all. as you were.
I can sing,and have been doing so since i was 8..
It is aparent to me that i will have to post an audio of myself singing to entertain you guys, and actually RAISE THE BAR for those who need a real challenge!!!
Get back to me dude, i mean absolutely no harm...
Its just frustrating how narrow minded some people can be!!
What shit are you talking about the queen???
I would rather not meet you, you sound like an arrogant tw*t. And MTV sucks balls. Who wants to be in the greatest TRIBUTE band anyway? Go write your own stuff if you are so great.
If YOU have the balls, upload or post a file on YouTube of you singing.........
- PJ avoid me like the plague
"But I can't believe some hick from Leitrim can sing Pearl Jam!!"
Honestly, i'v ALOT of friends in Leitrim and I know how much they despise the stereotyping that follows them. Put yourself in edvedd10's shoes man, how did you feel when he dropped the queen thing? Don't get so defensive, get over it!!
I say full on for the Pearl Jam tribute band, I can't wait to see how it sounds. And about writing his own stuff, i'm sure if edvedd10 wanted to he would. Seems pretty clear to me tho that he wants to start a Pearl Jam tribute though. You can't slate him for it.
MTV the channel may blow chunks but if your trying to get a band some cerdit and recognition I can't think of anywhere better to have some contacts.
Rock on.
- PJ avoid me like the plague
Apologies for the comment,i am far from a hick, but if i were a Hick, i would be the best singing Hick to Cover Pearl Jam..
Am getting an 8track together and recording some covers to put up on various sites.. I just do it for fun and enjoyment, but hopefully it may change your mind on my singing...
And Rock On Dude!!!
Lisbon '06 (x2)
Katowice '07
London '07 '09 (x2), '10
MSG NY '08 (x2)
Manchester '09 '12
Belfast '10
PJ20 Alpine '11 (x2)
Leeds '14
btw i am the greatest person on this forum and all my jokes make blind babies see again and other such trivial shit... i am the man, i've got people from Dallas, Texas wanting to give me my own hit chat show where i can be a witty bastard and make a shitload of money and poke poor people with gold canes
see how boring that became sooo very quickly.. confidence is fine, but you just sound arrogant
And Oasis is only a 1 man show... Noel..
No fault to a few of you guys, i am sure you all have valid points, in some weird ways.. You mabey need to get out more.. Seems like i was at my first Pearl Jam gig, before half of you was even left as a stain on your Old Mans Pillow!!
Do you guys just listen to Pearl Jam, or do some of you actually play? Am being serious now, and not Takin the Piss.. Just Curious..
i never said it was challenging
you have Liam's intelligence at least
You guys are cool... Am only playin with ye... I been listenin to Pearl Jam since i was 11... First saw them live when i was 18. My view is, anyone who is on this site already, has serious Intelligence.. and GREAT FUCKING TASTE!!!
Dublin 96
Dublin 00
Dublin 06
Paris 06
Athens 06
Poland 07
London 07
Denmark 07
trying to regain some of your prospective listeners i see
You don't think Shane McGowan's intelligent? You obviously know nothing about him. Try reading this book -
And you don't think he has a good voice, along with being unintelligent? Try listening to any of his songs. Fairytale of New York, Kitty, A rainy night in Soho, A Pair of Brown eyes e.t.c. He is regarded by some as the greatest Irish poet of the last 50 years. This is debatable, but it's easy to see why when reading his lyrics. You shouldn't allow yourself to blinded by stereotypes.
what's this "book" thing you speak of
is it loads of paper with black stuff painted onto the paper
Aye! That it is! :cool:
But alas i hear you say, his stuff is genius, That it is my friend, he is a great poet.. Poet being the appropriate word there, and he manages to engulf listeners with his drunken sounding voice resiting some of the greatest songs/poems ever..
As for intelligence, Brains Yes definitely to a point, but obviously not intelligent enough to Stop drinking and not piss his Fortune up against the wall.. BUT i guess he is happy, so mabey tis the way to go?
But to be fair, I'd probally pay to see an Irish Pearl Jam trib band! Not for any of the right reasons though!