Updated Pedalboard pics!!



  • NovawindNovawind Posts: 836
    On topic, here's the most recent board: DSC02031.jpg

    Not that I've had a whole lot of time to play lately anyway. I'll probably get a Tim and a fuzz eventually, as well as a loop-master strip to true-bypass stuff when I'm not using it.
    If idle hands are the devil's workshop, he must not be very productive.

    7/9/06 LA 1
    7/10/06 LA 2
    10/21/06 Bridge 1
  • Ok, here's my pedal board.


    on the board from left to right:

    top row:
    Boss RC-2 Loop~Carbon Copy Delay~Demeter Tremulator~Keeley BD-2~Keeley TS-808~Route 66 OD/Comp~Phase 90

    Bottom Row:
    H&K Tube Rotosphere~Klon Centaur~Chicago Iron Octavian~Strobo Tuner~Crybaby Classic

    This city's so filthy, like my mind in ways!
  • savmansavman Posts: 230
    YgoWash wrote:
    Ok, here's my pedal board.


    on the board from left to right:

    top row:
    Boss RC-2 Loop~Carbon Copy Delay~Demeter Tremulator~Keeley BD-2~Keeley TS-808~Route 66 OD/Comp~Phase 90

    Bottom Row:
    H&K Tube Rotosphere~Klon Centaur~Chicago Iron Octavian~Strobo Tuner~Crybaby Classic


    Thats an awesome board man!
  • If you like cheap pedals, I'll post mine, hahahahaha ...

    Er, later. :D
  • If you like cheap pedals, I'll post mine, hahahahaha ...

    Hey, the single most expensive item on my board is the power supply, and a few of the pedals I bought used. My board is one of the less expensive ones posted so far, and I think my board kicks ass. It doesn't matter how much it cost or is worth... it's what it does for you and your playing.
    ...and if you don't like it, you can suck on an egg.
  • Hey, the single most expensive item on my board is the power supply, and a few of the pedals I bought used. My board is one of the less expensive ones posted so far, and I think my board kicks ass. It doesn't matter how much it cost or is worth... it's what it does for you and your playing.
    Exactly! My board works for me, and my current setup... Others would probably hate it!
    Believe me, when I was growin up, I thought the worst thing you could turn out to be was normal, So I say freaks in the most complementary way. Here's a song by a fellow freak - E.V
  • Okay, I'll post mine when I have my Alesis Midiverb and Boss Pro CL-50. I have to go to London to pick them up! :)
  • exhaustedexhausted Posts: 6,638
    I tried a fuzz factory again these last few days and once again returned it. I think that's 5 times now I've either owned or tried it. Oh well. I've been listening to lots of old pumpkins lately so I'm trying to find good high gain sounds. Even busted out the old dano fabtone.

    In the end I ended up with a verbzilla and the memory man in the loop of my pod. Then I just have my normal pedalboard feeding into the front end. I find the gain pedals only really sound good with a clean pod setting so I just have a patch that's a fender twin into a Marshall cabinet totally clean. That works well for things like muffs etc. If I want gained up vox or marshall or whatever I just use the pod and it's internal gain effects. The rat module sounds really good.

    Bob, if you haven't already, connect the pod to your computer via USB and use line 6 edit or gearbox to program it. Much easier.
  • NovawindNovawind Posts: 836
    If you do come across something that nails some pumpkin-style gain, let me know. I've been looking for that sound too.
    If idle hands are the devil's workshop, he must not be very productive.

    7/9/06 LA 1
    7/10/06 LA 2
    10/21/06 Bridge 1
  • exhaustedexhausted Posts: 6,638
    basically some variation of big muff but sometimes the combination of a gained up amp and some other distortion can maybe do it.

    Another problem is the fact that the so sound is way more than two guitars tracks. Layers and layers.

    part of the reason the POD x3 is nice with the whole dual amp thing.
  • Novawind wrote:
    If you do come across something that nails some pumpkin-style gain, let me know. I've been looking for that sound too.
    Flender is a good one
    Grand Rapids '04, Detroit '06
    "Pearl Jam always eases my mind and fires me up at the same time.”-Jeff Hardy
  • Sovtek-made Russian Big Muff does the SP tone nicely. I don't know what you guys are whining about. It's a $40 pedal.

    I've been able to get close with both my Tubescreamers AND my DynaComp on at the same time. But the Big Muff does it much better; faster, too.

    Edit: Here you go, the Majik Pumpkins box:

    ...and if you don't like it, you can suck on an egg.
  • exhaustedexhausted Posts: 6,638
    I've got the black Russian and it does work well. Less luck with the NYC models.
  • exhausted wrote:
    I've got the black Russian and it does work well. Less luck with the NYC models.

    I've got a black Russian somewhere at a friend's house, but the military-surplus green just looks cooler, and the footswitch is intimidating. I never got the point of an NYC Big Muff... Muffs are supposed to be dirty little lo-fi boxes.

    Is it just me, or didn't Corgan fall in love with the Muff because the Pumpkins practiced next to Sonic Youth, and he loved their guitar tone?
    ...and if you don't like it, you can suck on an egg.
  • exhaustedexhausted Posts: 6,638
    I read about it once but I forget how he got on them.

    The green Russians are great but $$$ these days. I missed that boat.
  • exhausted wrote:
    The green Russians are great but $$$ these days. I missed that boat.

    Got mine for $20 at a pawn shop... but it needs to be gone through by someone who isn't afraid of tiny electronics and curcuit boards. It's got a weird sort of intermitent connection in there somewhere, so it occasionally drops out. When it works, though, boy howdy... amazing tone! From what I understand, the Muff that Corgan used on Siamese Dream was just like mine.
    ...and if you don't like it, you can suck on an egg.
  • exhaustedexhausted Posts: 6,638
    mine is an older black one and i went through it and true bypassed it, replaced the jacks with metal ones, replaced the pots with alphas and added a 9V jack. it's solid now.

    i really want to try this one.
  • exhausted wrote:
    mine is an older black one and i went through it and true bypassed it, replaced the jacks with metal ones, replaced the pots with alphas and added a 9V jack. it's solid now.

    i really want to try this one.

    You wanna do mine next?

    I don't think I could do true-bypass, and I'd keep all the original caps unless they're the source of the malfunction. It's just too cool and true vintage to mod, you know?

    I know a guy who needs that Bass Big Muff. He's tried a few normal Muffs (including both of mine) with his bass and wasn't quite there... maybe one tailored for bass would suit him better.

    Personally, if I was in the market for another Muff, I'd be buying a BYOC Ram's Head. Just listening to soundclips makes me feel like I'm 15 all over again.
    ...and if you don't like it, you can suck on an egg.
  • exhaustedexhausted Posts: 6,638
    i found the BYOC too hi-fi when i built one. i don't know why but it still sounded like the current NYC to me. too tight. not spongy enough for me.

    i'm scared to work on other people's pedals. i fixed a guy's EHX low frequency compressor (i'd never even heard of it until then) a while back (replaced caps, true bypass, 18V jack etc.) because it was malfunctioning and it was more stressful than building an amp because i was just shooting in the dark as to what was wrong with it.
  • Don't worry about it... I need to find someone to do it, though. I can't stand that I've got this cool little box that I love so much, but can't use it due to the signal cut. If Keeley or Analog Mike were taking on repairs, that would be great... but none of the guys I'd trust with this pedal are taking repairs on. I might be able to get my amp tech to do it, if I catch him with some free time.
    ...and if you don't like it, you can suck on an egg.
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