pearl jam not into PRSs

just thinking about how PJ or at least mike have played just about every type of guitar over the years, but PRSs seem to be the most notable brand they have never played.....wonder why? is it cuz they are into the classic vintage shit and PRSs are relatively new school?
"I'll tell you what: If all I had was Pearl Jam, and I didn't have another band in the world, I would not be worried. Because in there is the essence of making great music. You don't have to use it all at once, but it's there." - Neil Young
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PRS makes great stuff though.
Mike Einziger certaintly thinks so
"Pearl Jam always eases my mind and fires me up at the same time.”-Jeff Hardy
He used to. I'm pretty sure he plays a Fender jazzmaster post-ACLOTM.
He has and I'm pretty sure his TONE SUCKS ASS!
I have to disagree with you there. They've really played nothing but Gibsons and Fenders. Every once in a blue moon, you see a Gretsch or something unique, but how long does it stick around?
Gretsch or Dusenburg for Glorified G....Gretsch for Thin Air
Ibanez Flyin V for Last Exit (Mike)
James Trussart Rusty Tele for Life Wasted for Stone
Other than that....not much else other than Gibson/Fenders
you are completely correct sir.
Have to disagree with you there. I saw Incubus last January, and they kicked ass. And his tone sounded amazing.
"Pearl Jam always eases my mind and fires me up at the same time.”-Jeff Hardy
Funny....not to name drop or anything really
but when I was literally hanging out with him (the vh1 classic rock honors for the pretenders...i chatted with him for 20 mins at the afterparty at the taj mahal in AC)....
He's too much of a stoner to's really odd...
When asked if he had a favorite guitar...."no, not really...just ones that I can play"
When asked if his PRS was no longer the sound he wanted to achieve with incubus "the look of a jazzmaster was cool, so i bought a few...they're ok i guess"
When asked if the jazzmaster was his favorite guitar..."no, i don't really have a favorite or one that I want"
When asked how long it took him to figure out his tone..."i just plugged in my pedals"
Very cool that people do enjoy his tone, for he is one who doesn't care at all (so it seems)
I personally don't like it.
"Pearl Jam always eases my mind and fires me up at the same time.”-Jeff Hardy
give me a half-busted jazzmaster with a broken pickup and peeling fretwires over a paul reed smith anyday.
Kings of Leon were the nicest (they bought all the artists that played some champagne and had a good ol' cheers...and gave me a glass to so I could join in)....and shirley manson was a pleasure.
I've got a friend that met Incubus and said the opposite. Boyd was an arrogant prick and Mike was very friendly and seemed happy to be talking to him. They talked about his videos on or some site.
Odd how people have different views on meeting folks.
"Pearl Jam always eases my mind and fires me up at the same time.”-Jeff Hardy
GuitarHero: Your encounter with Mike E. kind of disappointed me. I love talking to guitarists of bands that I listen to (not as big as incubus of course) and hearing how they fell in love with that "one" guitar, or how they came up with their sound and realized that was it.
FWIW, I liked Mike's tone a lot better on the PRS records.
Edit: Just found this vid of him using an SG with one p90. Looks like an SG Junior but with the 61 pickguard.
That's not the guitars responsibilty;)
They may be a bit overpriced but I think they're beautiful guitars and they sound amazing. I've had one for about 4 years (a gift) and I love it.
Same here...I had to ask repeatedly "You don't have one guitar that just stands out amongst the rest"
His answer was just so dull and nonchalant that I pretty much had to walk away. What a stoner.
I hear where you're coming from. I have a good relationship with my PRS though. It allows me to beat the shit out of it whenver I feel the need. I don't baby it and we're both better for it:)
Must say though, there are a lot of douches sponsored by PRS. I agree there is a "non cool" stigma that comes with playing one but i don't let it get to me. It's an amazing instrument
They are very easy to play. That helps playing some things, but not others. I guess we can confirm that PRS guitars aren't for every style of music. I can see how it works for Santana-type stuff and guys that pick and play more softly. God someone playing like SRV ever got a hold of a PRS... he'd probably bend the strings off the board every time
(Fender Strat & Gibson Les Paul) because you can easily get convincing Strat and Les Paul tones from 1-guitar.
Try doing that with a Strat or LP (it's not the same animal). I mean shit the guy that designed the Les Paul in 1952
(Ted McCarty - President of the of Gibson Guitar Corporation in 1950) went in with PRS for the McCarty model.
You've just got to find your model - I hate how the Santana model plays, but I absolutely love how mine play.
They're all different - Cheers . . .
- Ian
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And as for McCready, I've never seen him use an Ibanez, or any brand other than Fender and Gibson.
The Ibanez he plays/has played is an orange flying V. I think it's on the Touring Band 2000 dvd. If you watch Single Video Theory, I know he plays a Gretsch Silverjet on "Faithfull".
Orange Ibanez V:
Gretsch Silverjet:
I'm not disagreeing with you though... Pearl Jam use Gibson or Fender about 98% of the time. Just thought you'd like to see those guitars.
The same thing that most folks seem to like about the PRS (perfect mix of Fender meets Gibson) is what puts me off. It's like Beef and Chicken. when I want beef, I want beef. Same with chicken. I don't want to get down with a food product that is the perfect combination of beef and chicken...because really...WTF is that?
Play what you love. That's all that matters. The PRS definitely addresses a need for many players who have the wish to straddle the gap between Gibson and Fender, and the QC on those guitars is off the charts...making them a no-brainer for the same or similar money as high end Fender and Gibson stuff. for me, aesthetic wins. A strat is a strat. a Tele is a Tele, a Les Paul is a Les Paul...etc. Compromise to achieve something in between doesn't do it for me, personally.
Mira doesn't look to be of that philosophy, so I'm down to try one, and maybe even buy one
As for PJ...Mike and Stone could take the stage playing $150 student model import guitars and make 'em sound like a million bucks
old music:
What a guitar.
"Pearl Jam always eases my mind and fires me up at the same time.”-Jeff Hardy