Your Pedal Board Setup. What works for you?

So everybody's got their own tricks and toys to achieve the "Brown Sound", and stomp boxes have a little to do with it. What's your pedal board look like? Mine consists of a:
- Boss TU2
- Boss DS1
- EVH 90 Phaser (replacing my original Phase 90)
- DOD Flanger (Until I get my dirty little hands on an MXR)
- Crybaby Wah
All of which run into my 5150 Combo.
- Boss TU2
- Boss DS1
- EVH 90 Phaser (replacing my original Phase 90)
- DOD Flanger (Until I get my dirty little hands on an MXR)
- Crybaby Wah
All of which run into my 5150 Combo.
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boss FV300H (with a TU-2)
EHX double muff
EHX small stone (or modded phase 90)
keeley BD-2 blues driver
line 6 DL4
into a POD xt or a fender deluxe reverb with a THD hotplate
Hey Sabbath,
Do you use your TU2 to power the other pedals?
-Ben Harper-MSG 1 2003 -7-8
i plan on getting a new wah and distortion pedal soon. i have a few other pedals i dont use
boss dd6 digital delay
really shitty bose overdrive
i have a fender amp with the seperate disortion thing so i dont have to use more than one chord for 3 levels of drive. and it doesnt go in the main input.
Oh my, they dropped the leash.
Morgan Freeman/Clint Eastwood 08' for President!
"Make our day"
boss tu 2 tuner
ibanez ad 9 delay
mxr phase 90
boss tremolo
boss cs3 sustainer
ibanez sonic distortion
shannon overdrive
fender twin II
1. sony 4.3 pedal
2. fender strato
3. sony amp
4. 2005 sony amps
* Other guitars:
Cort Explorer clone with Classic 57 pups
Line 6 Variax 500
50's Danelectro DC-2
** Tuner Out -> Korg DT-3
*** Amp varies
1. 65 Fender Vibro Champ
2. 70's Fender MusicMaster Bass
3. Sovtek Mig 50
3a. Crate 4x10" cab with Weber alnico's
3b. Marshall 4x10" cab with Celection ceramic's
so far my pedalboard is WEAK...535Q wah---Shannon OD
i'm workin on it...i'll be getting an MXR 90 soon and hopefully a Sonic Distortion (hint hint Brian
"Japan is awesome; the fans there knew all the words to all the least phonetically." - Stone
"I know this song so well, I can smoke a cigarette, have a drink, brush my teeth, take a shit, and mow the lawn while singing it. But I'll only be doing a couple of those things during this version." - EV
pretty crap, but meh, I'm only 17
amp > Boss BF-2 Flanger > Boss DS-1 Dist. > Boss DD-3 Delay > Crybaby wah > strat
Ernie Ball volume
Ts9 Tubescreamer
Ibanez Phaser
Boss Delay (cant remember which one DD5 i think)
Boss Distortion
Boss Flanger
Original Crybaby
I think that was it...I had something I would switch up with that distortion but I dont remember what it was....
I usually use a strat...but I also use a pretty sweet Schecter tele that I really like....
guitar - Dunlop JH Wah - Marshall Jackhammer OD/Dist - Proco Vintage RAT - Boss TR-2 - amp
I want to try out the AD9 RI.. and as a future dream the Foxrox TZF
On order:
Analogman Bi Comp
Analogman Sun Face with bass mod
Lovepedal BBB
Lovepedal Beleive
Waiting on Bj's Delay and Mike's Delay before buying the TTE, new price annouced today 889 down from 999.
Hanging at
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Playing Les Pauls, Teles, Hubers, Gustavssons, Kolls through a Mad Professor amp with a Bob Burt Cab.
BJF powers my Pedal Board
addicted much?
hhahahaha, you should see how I have to buy these damn things. I have a secret GAS account!
In all honesty, I have been waiting to pull the trigger for a long time on most of this stuff. I was waiting to see what was coming out from some other builders before making the purchase. I figured I couldn't go wrong with any analogman pedal, have you seen what his stuff is going for on ebay?
I really need to post some clips of the cot pushing the eternity and honeybee stacked, its just too sick for words.
As soon as my new mac gets here I will post them. Anyone ever use garageband?
Pac, the Black Beauty is tone bender type fuzz + boost, it can pretty much nail every tone out there, check it out.
Hanging at
The only Forum for players by players.......
Playing Les Pauls, Teles, Hubers, Gustavssons, Kolls through a Mad Professor amp with a Bob Burt Cab.
BJF powers my Pedal Board
I was just there. I want that vibe unit too.
It's time I re-did my OD/Dist. I'm about ready to sell/trade my DD and Keeley Rat and start fresh.
The BBB is definitely something i'm interested in. But I still have my heart set on a CC2
I'm ordering that strat I've been talking about for a year now from as soon as I get the tax back from the government and he gets his pricing up.
Sean sold out the vibes in 1 day, I think he sold 50 or something. I have heard all the clips and if I wasnt so attached to my mojo I would get it. One knob, small foot print and cheap. $100 for a vintage vibe is a steal.
The CC2 is great, but it takes up too much room! Plus I wasn't sold on octave, I like ring modulators that can actually be used beyond the 12th fret LOL.
The BBB is the ONE I am really waiting for.
I guess it depends on what you want. I was looking for sustain, harmonics and no mud. The Cot is a boost, a plexi in a box, but a boost. The eternity (now that I have had it for a couple weeks) is a little compressed, it is a TS but much better. It reacts to your picking and has gain, but not a ton. Its just the perfect OD.
Hanging at
The only Forum for players by players.......
Playing Les Pauls, Teles, Hubers, Gustavssons, Kolls through a Mad Professor amp with a Bob Burt Cab.
BJF powers my Pedal Board
the provibe is the main reason I like the CC2, the speed control and that kind of thing. I don't know perhaps it's not the way to go.
I'd like a tremolo now but the vibe unit is first, and I'm definately going to have to purchase several fuzzes, the fuzz factory being one and some kind of tonebender as you mention, certainly germanium fuzz face type and probably silicon too.
the BBB is definately rangemaster inspired hearing those clips.
likely a woody is on my list. I'm pretty much convinced to sell the Keeley Rat now, for something different. The Woody is freaking awesome
Pedal Board -
-guitar -- Jim Dunlop Crybaby Wah -- Ibanez TS9 -- DOD Corrosion -- Line6 MM4 -- Boss TU2 -- Line6 DL4 -- Ernie Ball Stereo Volume/Pan -- Amp
Amps - 1973 Fender Bassman 10, 1985 Jordan.
I'm glad the pit is back up, REALLY glad. I have more questions for MIG, since I've started saving for an SG.
9-4-05 Calgary (10c Tix!)
8-8-09 Calgary
9-21-12 Calgary (10c Tix! Row 12!!)
The woody is a no knob blues pedal, I have heard some clips. I like anything you can't adjust too much. I'll end up pushing my FF off my board once I get the fuzz sound I am looking for, the FF can't be left alone
Check out the BJ Dyna Red before you buy anything.
Hanging at
The only Forum for players by players.......
Playing Les Pauls, Teles, Hubers, Gustavssons, Kolls through a Mad Professor amp with a Bob Burt Cab.
BJF powers my Pedal Board
if you sell your FF contact me first.
How do you like your honey bee?
9-4-05 Calgary (10c Tix!)
8-8-09 Calgary
9-21-12 Calgary (10c Tix! Row 12!!)
I will let you know if I sell it, its a love/hate relationship. I like the tones, but never seem to be able to duplicate them LOL. I think the pedal is best for studio use.
The HB is in a league all by itself, there is nothing else out there like it. It can be placed anywhere in the chain, which is something I like about it. It sweetens everything, and does so without getting to distorted, in fact this is a real light overdrive with great harmonics and is super sensitive to your picking. The best part of the HB is it loves to be stacked. I am pushing it with the COt and Eternity and it is just awesome, light break up, smokin lead blues riffs, and it never gets muddy or really heavy.
BJ says it is just like the old supro amps and it sounds just like an 18watt being pushed. It has great clean highs and runs great in a clean and slightly dirty amp.
I had a hard time picking between the Eternity and the HB and they are different, so I got them both.
I run my COT all the time and have been playing around with the HB and Eternity seperate, but I just love em stacked.
My BBB is shipping soon, board is built and Sean snagged some OC81's that he found over seas, it should be the perfect cross between rangemaster and tone bender.
Hanging at
The only Forum for players by players.......
Playing Les Pauls, Teles, Hubers, Gustavssons, Kolls through a Mad Professor amp with a Bob Burt Cab.
BJF powers my Pedal Board