hmmm...probably stretching it a little..."all time greats"??
well, we could play a game....
Give me your criteria for an 'all time great', and I'll tell you why NIN fits it...
I could just say that your 'can't be taken seriously' comment needed balance
This phrase gets thrown around far too often...NIN don't fit it any more than any other 90's alternative outfit...but if you think so...according to your criteria, that's all that matters!
T: Absolutely I do. I'm saying if I did that I'd feel shitty about selling a lot of records. But I've made the records I've wanted to make. And if a lot of people want to buy them, then who am I to say they're not cool enough to buy my records. You're a nerd. You're from Pennsylvania, you can't buy this. I grew up there! I was one of those guys who wasn't cool enough. It's music. If you don't like it, the Pearl Jam record is right there on the shelf. Buy it! It's for people like you.
I really cant stand nin, sorry to hear ed covered it but i dont have a lot of faith in his choice. cashes cover was so god awful (equally bad as the orig.) that i lost interest in his later stuff, almost made me miss rusty cage which was awesome. worst video ever too (by jc).
trent strikes me as a vastly over rated character.
the only joy he brought to me was (def not his production of maryln mansons hideous albums) an interview with him and roger waters where mr. waters flat out told him he had never even heard any music from nin, then trent offered to send him copies of his albums, which waters was not into at all. call it dark satisfaction for me
ok, terrible lie is an awesome song i admit it, but head like a hole was bad, as were downword spirals and everything after
Does it really matter if Trent Reznor likes PJ or if the members of PJ like NIN? like both bands...gotta quit being "sheep" folks...think for yourself
All this says to me is that Trent was tired of grunge in 94. He isn't the first to have that opinion. 94 was also before No Code et al so all he had to go on was 2, MAYBE 3 albums. And lets face it, those albums weren't as different from one another as the later ones have been. Does that make them bad? No, but I think he is just using Pearl Jam because they were on top at the time. He'd probably intersplice that with Fallout Boy today.
Give me your criteria for an 'all time great', and I'll tell you why NIN fits it...
I could just say that your 'can't be taken seriously' comment needed balance
trent strikes me as a vastly over rated character.
the only joy he brought to me was (def not his production of maryln mansons hideous albums) an interview with him and roger waters where mr. waters flat out told him he had never even heard any music from nin, then trent offered to send him copies of his albums, which waters was not into at all. call it dark satisfaction for me
ok, terrible lie is an awesome song i admit it, but head like a hole was bad, as were downword spirals and everything after