Anyone SEE Some kind of Monster yet?



  • Kirk is an amazing guitar player, in the same status as Mike or better.
  • nailz100nailz100 Posts: 1,176
    All i'm saying man is that I KNOW (unless you're in a multi-million $ band) and have sold 100 million records worldwide (thats got to stand for something)...then what gives you the right to talk shit about someone and downplay their playing or personality, or anything for that me that just seems wrong. Listen to Everlast's (what its like) and maybe you'll see my point. I am not saying, nor have I ever said I know of you capabilities or whether or not you rock out (you probably do), it is just one of my pet peeves when people (in my opinion mind you) have no idea what its like to be in those shoes, but yet feel they have the right to downplay people in certain situation. No personal vendetta here man, and hope there is no hard feelings....didn't mean to start a war...I guess everyone just has their own beliefs...end of story.
    Only with our eyes closed can we truly see
  • JofZJofZ Posts: 1,276
    nailz100 wrote:
    All i'm saying man is that I KNOW (unless you're in a multi-million $ band) and have sold 100 million records worldwide (thats got to stand for something)...then what gives you the right to talk shit about someone and downplay their playing or personality, or anything for that me that just seems wrong. Listen to Everlast's (what its like) and maybe you'll see my point. I am not saying, nor have I ever said I know of you capabilities or whether or not you rock out (you probably do), it is just one of my pet peeves when people (in my opinion mind you) have no idea what its like to be in those shoes, but yet feel they have the right to downplay people in certain situation. No personal vendetta here man, and hope there is no hard feelings....didn't mean to start a war...I guess everyone just has their own beliefs...end of story.

    I take nothing personal on a message board :) SO no hard feelings. Besides you are entitled to your opinion. I think what ticked me off a bit was that you were just so quick to say I was wrong period.
    I never once tried to start a pissing match, I was curious how many people felt the same way I do. I prefer to hear other artists opinions, because they are the ones that count in my book.
    I think face to face we could have a really calm dicussion pointing out various facts and at the end of the day we are probably both a little right.
    I am shocked, well maybe not there are some pretty silly posts here and on other boards by fanatics who must compare everything in life to their favorite band, athlete, etc. I never once compared Metallica to PJ, or Kirk to Mike.
    Let it be known, Mike was the reason I switched to guitar!
    I guess my point of all of this was to vent a little about how much I hate it when a band sticks together for all the wrong reasons way too long.
    Just for the record, comparing Mike to Kirk is like comparing Doug Flute to John Elway, the only thing they have in common is the play the same position!
    Have a good day!
    Hanging at
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    Playing Les Pauls, Teles, Hubers, Gustavssons, Kolls through a Mad Professor amp with a Bob Burt Cab.
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  • nailz100nailz100 Posts: 1,176
    Its true that they have stuck together for a long time, and aside from the fact that they've sold millions of records (which hopefully isn't the only reason they're still doing it)....its probably all they know, and probably all they've ever known. How could you let something like that go....I know I couldn't.
    Only with our eyes closed can we truly see
  • surferdudesurferdude Posts: 2,057
    I got the sense from the movie that Bob Rock was the only one who really had fun playing their songs.

    There doesn't seem to be a high level of respect or admiration between the band members. Nor did I see any real passion for the music. The happiest I saw Lars is when he sold his paintings.

    To me, they came across as aging sports stars who don't have the good sense to hang 'em up.

    It seems a real sad commentary on them as people to think "its probably all they know, and probably all they've ever known". They're all in their 40's, they should have grown up long ago.

    All that being said I really liked the movie.
    “One good thing about music,
    when it hits you, you feel to pain.
    So brutalize me with music.”
    ~ Bob Marley
  • you cant just sell a mind blowing amount of albums all when your lead guitarist is crap, your lead singer cant really sing oh and your drummer cant drum
  • nailz100nailz100 Posts: 1,176
    "It seems a real sad commentary on them as people to think "its probably all they know, and probably all they've ever known". They're all in their 40's, they should have grown up long ago."

    I don't think you understand what I am saying. They've been doing this for well over 20 years now....thats their life, and their work, and their heart, and probably their soul too (whether you believe it or not)...its what their best at....and probably something that none of them could ever stand to lose. I'm not talking about anything even remotely to do with them "growing up". Its like a guy working at the same job for that sorta becomes your life...not ALL you know...but a large part of it. Strip away the millions and its the same thing.
    Only with our eyes closed can we truly see
  • surferdudesurferdude Posts: 2,057
    Nailz - Do you think the band showed a lot of genuine passion for making music or each other? Do you think the guys respect and or admire each other?

    I saw glimpses of passion then whole segments of blah.

    I know for myself that if a friend got to a point in life where he needed to go to rehab I'd be jumping for joy for my friend. At no point did I notice real concern for James or happiness that he had his life going in the direction he wanted. I still think the happiest I saw anyone the whole movie was Lars selling his paintings, then Bob Rock playing bass to old Metallica.

    And as for having rules of only working on the album between noon and four. So much for creativity. I don't care what you do, you are not going to achieve your potential let lone be world class putting in a four hour day. Then mandating that everyone else involved in the project must do the same - world class act of being a dickhead.

    My son is eleven and he's figured out that you cannot put a clock on creativity. He draws when inspired, he writes when inspired. Telling him to only do it between noon and four makes it homework.

    I like Metallica a lot. But saw nothing in the movie (or last couple of albums) to convince me they should still be making new music.
    “One good thing about music,
    when it hits you, you feel to pain.
    So brutalize me with music.”
    ~ Bob Marley
  • nailz100nailz100 Posts: 1,176
    Yeah, he was kinda pushing his authority on the noon to 4 thing....I can kinda see his point though, but he was taking it a little too far. As for me I personally hope they continue to do it because thats probably what I would try and do if I was in their position, and Metallica is a band I could see in concert over and over again. I am going through alot of the same sh*t that I saw in the movie with my band. Strip away the millions and the arguements are still the same....almost word for word sometimes in the movie, it kinda freaked me out. Its kinda nice to see that they at least found some kind of resolution to their problems.

    I honestly never bought the last album, nor have I really liked any of the songs on it...not even close compared to puppets, but for some reason I still have a HUGE respect and admiration for this band because of the things they have done throughout their career. I also really like the movie because it is nice to see people for who they are instead of through the spotlights that are smothering them all the time.
    Only with our eyes closed can we truly see
  • JofZJofZ Posts: 1,276
    nailz100 wrote:
    Yeah, he was kinda pushing his authority on the noon to 4 thing....I can kinda see his point though, but he was taking it a little too far. As for me I personally hope they continue to do it because thats probably what I would try and do if I was in their position, and Metallica is a band I could see in concert over and over again. I am going through alot of the same sh*t that I saw in the movie with my band. Strip away the millions and the arguements are still the same....almost word for word sometimes in the movie, it kinda freaked me out. Its kinda nice to see that they at least found some kind of resolution to their problems.

    I honestly never bought the last album, nor have I really liked any of the songs on it...not even close compared to puppets, but for some reason I still have a HUGE respect and admiration for this band because of the things they have done throughout their career. I also really like the movie because it is nice to see people for who they are instead of through the spotlights that are smothering them all the time.

    Well the last few posts are more of what I thought I would read :)
    I just don't see them enjoying themselves anymore and I really do beleive that INC is more important at this point then the music. Why else make a movie? I thinks it is safe to say, they earned thier place in mucis history and are without a doubt one of the most influential bands of the last 20 years, but all good things come to an end. Its funny how you actually appreciate things more if they aren't around forever. Look at every great band that broke up. Would Cream be Cream if they were still together? Would CCR have been as influential if they were still together?(there are many examples) I think there is a time and place to call it quits, I am afraid that James and Lars are past that point and they will continue to milk the machine for what ever it has to give financially. The fans will always be there out of respect, but I don't think they will ever support their new efforts.
    At the end of the day, everyone has to ask themselves the same question; Am I happy and fulfilled with what I do, regardless of my income? If you enjoy it and get paid well, that is awesome. many just don't. I have walked away from 2 careers that compensated me very well. I walked away because I had no life, no family time, the money didn't equate to the loss of enjoyment. Some called me a fool for walking away, but as many other succesful people will state, if you did it once, you can do it again. Why is it James and Lars are afraid to do it again on their own? That is the question that needs to be answered. As miserable as they are, there is a codependce and I just don't think either one of them has the balls to walk away, that is the hardest thing to do.
    Personally, I would rather have made 1 great album then make 10 and have no enjoyment out of the process. Money really doesn't buy happiness.
    Now if Kirk was so good, why did they cut his solos :) hahahah j/k
    Hanging at
    The only Forum for players by players.......

    Playing Les Pauls, Teles, Hubers, Gustavssons, Kolls through a Mad Professor amp with a Bob Burt Cab.
    BJF powers my Pedal Board
  • justamjustam Posts: 21,408
    I saw this movie tonight.

    I found it interesting and liked it.

    When they were talking about having a record without Kirk's solos ( and he looked crestfallen about it) I felt like chiming in and saying but "your fans LOVE those parts of the songs, don't leave 'em out!!!!"

    I liked all those parts where they were in therapy talking too. :)
  • TavTav Posts: 63
    I'm not going to read all of the posts as it seems there's a lot of bitching going on. I have seen the film in the cinema and I own it one DVD. I must have watched it about 10times now. I think it is so great. I disagree with some of the points I have seen "mike is better than kirk" and what not but I don't feel like getting into a huge argument that has no end.

    My opinion on the film is that Metallica come out of looking better/stronger than they ever have. I was worried when Jason left/St.Anger came out that I would never get to see the real Metallica live and that they are past it.

    Well from a live point of view I have seen them and I thought it was as good as any of the shit, cunning stunts...just as good. They played great, it sounded great and the set list was really good. It's amazing how well the songs from St.Anger translate live. Alot of my friends who didn't like he album really enjoyed the songs live.

    I think watching the film helps you appriciate St.Anger more as an album.

    I find it quite hard to watch the old Metallica now...seeing James drunk and acting macho after seeing him being real in the film...werid. I think everyone comes out well in the film.

    James goes from having a lot of problems and being a real dick to being a level headed and very real person.

    Bob Rock is shown in a good light and just how much he is apart of Metallica. Though this can already be seen in "A year and half in the life..." how different are the two films !?!?!

    Kirk comes across as laid back but the film shows his personality. We don't normally hear a lot from him but I think the film shows him as a funny/genuine guy.

    Lars...well Lars is just what he is. Loud and not worried about offending people. Even Jason came out well. I've always liked his attitude....shame the extras make him look like a bit of a dick though!

    So yeah great film...stop bitching and picking holes in the film just because the way they do things doesn't conform to your ideas.

    P.S I think seeing a band like that sitting down and talking is good. It's funny how in life we often hold back or don't say what we really feel. My own band have been doing a lot of talking recently and I think it really yeah I think the film was good.
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