new/ newish gadgets to the guitar scene+ ramblings.



  • exhaustedexhausted Posts: 6,638
    try an X3 sometime. the dual amping is spectacular. my XT served me well for four years but the x3 really does sound better. what do you feel is lacking with the XT live (i only had the bean).

    only bummer on the X3 live is there is still no way (that i know of) to engage/disengage the reverb (i like to have a simple spring verb and then a big buckley-esque verb on hand, for every patch virtually) but i'm just going to use the live's effect loop for a DL4 (looping) and a reverb pedal (for the big verb). of course, you can always just switch between two copies of the tone but that's a PITA when you tweak a lot.

    congrats on the impending arrival. it's a touch adjustment but you'll figure it out.
  • Well... the mic input is a great feature, as are the XLR direct outputs. The boost. I wouldn't probably use it, but the XT doesn't have an FX loop.

    I agree on the 'verb switch. Hell, I wish they'd put a generic 'verb in the delay bank so I could have SOMETHING on a footswitch. At least the X3 has a 'verb knob in the control section.

    The other thing I wish they'd figure out is how to get multiple FX in-line from each bank. What if I want a comp AND autowah? Or phaser AND tremolo?

    I also think a gig bag should be included. I need one, but can't quite get over spending $60 more. I should just get one of the cheapie pedalboard cases off eBay.

    EDIT: Oh, and the controls on the X3 just seem like they'd be more convenient and faster to use. The XT is a lot of push this, then this, then tweak that, and THEN you're changing a parameter. Takes too many steps for some things. The 'verb alone is ten pages deep.
    ...and if you don't like it, you can suck on an egg.
  • exhaustedexhausted Posts: 6,638
    figured out how to switch the verb on and off. assign it to the comp/boost switch.

    also figured out that my 250K ernie ball will work as a second expression pedal. sweet.

    i'm mounting mine to my big nyc pedalboard but i agree a piece of gear worth this much should come with a bag.
  • exhausted wrote:
    figured out how to switch the verb on and off. assign it to the comp/boost switch.

    That would help me if I had a comp/boost switch.
    exhausted wrote:
    also figured out that my 250K ernie ball will work as a second expression pedal. sweet.

    I've heard that, but never needed to access that feature... what jack do you use on the VP? I figured it was the regular output, but never really knew for sure.
    exhausted wrote:
    i'm mounting mine to my big nyc pedalboard but i agree a piece of gear worth this much should come with a bag.

    There used to be more of these, a bigger selection of designs:

    But you get the idea. For $100 I can get an ATA-style (if not ATA-quality) hard case, as opposed to a softshell Line 6 bag for $60.
    ...and if you don't like it, you can suck on an egg.
  • exhaustedexhausted Posts: 6,638
    That would help me if I had a comp/boost switch.

    I've heard that, but never needed to access that feature... what jack do you use on the VP? I figured it was the regular output, but never really knew for sure.

    There used to be more of these, a bigger selection of designs:

    But you get the idea. For $100 I can get an ATA-style (if not ATA-quality) hard case, as opposed to a softshell Line 6 bag for $60.

    oh right, i'm thinking of the FBV boards. they have the comp/boost.

    the ernie ball works ok but the range isn't right. a quick parallel resistor will fix that. i'm using the regular output.
  • The only thing I've ever wanted to use that for was a Digitech Whammy sorta thing... I think it's called a "Bender" under the Stomp menu. If their external expression pedal didn't look and feel like a cheap piece of crap, I'd just get one of those. I'd really prefer a Vox / Crybaby sort of pedal enclosure. Maybe I should look for an old crapped-out wah, utilize the case, and re-wire the guts.
    ...and if you don't like it, you can suck on an egg.
  • exhaustedexhausted Posts: 6,638
    as long as the pot is something like 10K i think. i put a 15K across the pot in the EB (it's all i had) and it improved things but the range still isn't right. i'll need to research it more. if nothing else, i'll do the same, find a wah case and gut it. even the boss EV-5 is $80 up here. the L6 pedal is crap.

    i want it for whammy and for delay feedback mostly but you can even assign it to the effect loop parameters in the x3.
  • I have a feeling that if someone took a Vox / Crybaby style enclosure and made a good, reliable expression pedal out of it, they could make a pretty good penny with the gearheads out there. Nobody makes one that's ever been worth a damn. Someone should tell RMC or Teese to get on that, already.
    ...and if you don't like it, you can suck on an egg.
  • exhaustedexhausted Posts: 6,638
    I have a feeling that if someone took a Vox / Crybaby style enclosure and made a good, reliable expression pedal out of it, they could make a pretty good penny with the gearheads out there. Nobody makes one that's ever been worth a damn. Someone should tell RMC or Teese to get on that, already.

    i looked it up. it needs to be a 10K pot. others will work but part of the sweep of the pedal will have no effect.

    with the xt live, can you assign the board's pedal as a tweak? i mean, it's easy enough to just have a normal volume pedal in front of the unit and then use the onboard for tweaking or wah. i use wah so little that i think i'll just do that.
  • exhausted wrote:
    with the xt live, can you assign the board's pedal as a tweak? i mean, it's easy enough to just have a normal volume pedal in front of the unit and then use the onboard for tweaking or wah. i use wah so little that i think i'll just do that.

    Yeah, you can definitely do that. I just hate that the thing was designed with an expression input, but there isn't a decent expression pedal out there to plug into it.

    Maybe I'll just have to get over it, and use the on-board exp pedal. I can always use the tuner to mute.
    ...and if you don't like it, you can suck on an egg.
  • exhaustedexhausted Posts: 6,638
    i went with a roland EV-5. it'll work for now.

    also, super cool on the X3, you can blend between two tones by setting the volume pedal in reverse for one tone. ie. heel down, clean fender, toe down, dirty marshall or something. a la mike's old set-up.

    also, had to take the first X3 live back, the panel LEDs would start to cut out once the unit warmed up, not a good sign for future reliability (it's happened quite a bit from what i've read on L6 forums). we'll see how the second one does.
  • It wouldn't be so bad if you could put a passive volume out front, and have the on-board expression pedal switch from Wah to Tweak. You'd have to add another footswitch somewhere for either Toggle or Bypass function.

    I just downloaded someone's RATM patch on L6 Edit, and changed the Stomp to the Bender, then assigned the exp pedal to that function.

    I haven't had a lot of time to play around with it, though, since I've been stuck at the hospital for three days...
    ...and if you don't like it, you can suck on an egg.
  • exhaustedexhausted Posts: 6,638
    yeah, wah to tweak would be great. the EV-5 has a variable minimum setting which is handy.

    i've been getting tones from L6 as well. found a pretty good jeff buckley clean tone and a nice gilmour lead tone so far.

    i didn't get into that a lot with my old pod but this floorboard has me digging deeper.

    three days. ouch. complications or just healing time for mom?

    probably don't want to hear how my daughter was fired out as from a cannon within a couple hours at home in the tub, hey?

    my first was much longer and my wife was, while at home, still laid up for a good few days.
  • exhausted wrote:
    three days. ouch. complications or just healing time for mom?

    Mom is pretty beat up... but coming along nicely. She'll need a few weeks of taking it REALLY easy before she gets back to normal. Baby has us a little worried, though... she keeps spitting up. We'll see how things go. We may have a long weekend, whether we stay or go home.
    ...and if you don't like it, you can suck on an egg.
  • exhaustedexhausted Posts: 6,638
    Mom is pretty beat up... but coming along nicely. She'll need a few weeks of taking it REALLY easy before she gets back to normal. Baby has us a little worried, though... she keeps spitting up. We'll see how things go. We may have a long weekend, whether we stay or go home.

    well, take care of them as best you can. get whatever rest you can when they are.

    i was very fortunate as things went relatively smoothly for us. all i had to do was stand there and look pale the first time. the second time i was a little more animated but no more useful really.
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