First time going to Fenway - any advice?



  • Stay in Newton, Ma and take the Greenline D from Riverside Station and back after.  Easy peasy.

    BTW, I’ve been to many shows at Fenway, it’s a shitty concert venue unfortunately.  It’s outdated and (not that you’ll be sitting) but seats are horrid.  Acoustics vary depending on where you’re sitting.  
  • smile6680smile6680 Posts: 428
    Stay in Newton, Ma and take the Greenline D from Riverside Station and back after.  Easy peasy.

    BTW, I’ve been to many shows at Fenway, it’s a shitty concert venue unfortunately.  It’s outdated and (not that you’ll be sitting) but seats are horrid.  Acoustics vary depending on where you’re sitting.  
    You forgot to mention that everything you buy is expensive. 

    One time was good enough. I enjoyed being on the field and looking around, but I have very little desire to see a concert there again. 
  • Merkin BallerMerkin Baller Posts: 12,094
    Stay in Newton, Ma and take the Greenline D from Riverside Station and back after.  Easy peasy.

    BTW, I’ve been to many shows at Fenway, it’s a shitty concert venue unfortunately.  It’s outdated and (not that you’ll be sitting) but seats are horrid.  Acoustics vary depending on where you’re sitting.  
    Watertown’s another option (next to Newton); the 57 bus runs from Watertown Square to Kenmore Square. 
  • Thanks for the tips. I'll check those out. We have a friends trip to Seahawks Patriots. So it just makes sense to hit Fenway. The price for accoms is way out there in space right now. I'll be in Foxborough area for the game and figured I'd find something near airport but that doesn't seem like a viable option,. 
  • I might just book a 5am flight and avoid going anywhere post show except airport. Pull an all nighter. Can't justify $500 for a few hours in a hotel. Just as well to goto airport and wait for flight. 
  • LoujoeLoujoe Posts: 10,417
    Hang after show and meet ev then airport.
  • Found an airbnb that worked. Now onto ticket search! I ended up with a 4pm flight out. I have yet to meet EV lol. Is there a preparty? I haven't done much poking around to find it yet. 
  • LoujoeLoujoe Posts: 10,417
    edited August 2024
    You most likely will have to wait til 4amish. & he might just wave and drive away. Have sharpie ready just in case. Have him sign whatever 'to Lou, sorry I didn't sign your ball last time!'  ;)
    Have fun!!!!
    Post edited by Loujoe on
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