Need a bit of help from long time Porch-ers finding an old forum member and his music.

Hi. First off, if I have posted this in the wrong forum please feel free to move it, or tell me, and I will move it. Thank you.

I have a bit of a long shot, which I'm hoping some of the members who've been here a very long time like I have (I lost my OG username login long ago) might be able to assist me with. Okay, maybe it's a REEEEAALL long shot. 

Here goes.

Back around 2000-2003, somewhere around there...there used to be a forum member and musician here who, as best I can recall, went by the name "Dave Maverick". He shared with the forum a song he had written and recorded called "I'm Sorry". A simple, sad song in C. It was beautiful and lovely, and I can still remember the first verse and chorus, which I've been playing on my guitar and singing all these years, but not much else. The song really stuck with me, and I'd very much love to give it another listen. I've done every kind of internet, Youtube, and Spotify search I can think of and have found nothing about any Dave Maverick or his song.

Again, I realize this is like trying to find a needle in a (23 year old) haystack, but I figured it was worth a try. Can any long time forum members lend a hand? Thank you in advance to any kind soul who can share any kind of lead on this.


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