I can't believe some of you young whipper snappers crashing out before midnight, lol! Of course, old and crusty me, I'm still a night owl so was up until about 1:30 AM.
We watched an episode of Doc Martin- loving that show! Played a game of Scrabble and a round of Quiddler.
C. crashed out around 11:20, drifting off to sleep as nearly every night with me playing and singing a few tunes for her on my LX1 Little Martin.
And then I started the new year just as I do every year- with anxiety until the shooting and fireworks subside. It's strange to go through this annual PTSD episode to start the year.
But got past that and read some more of Peter Jesperson's most excellent memoir, Euphoric Recall before crashing to the sound of my wife and the cat both making their cute little nighttime sleep breathing sounds.
Happy New Year, all!
Wait! What? I didn't know you got PTSD from gunshot? fireworks sounds. I want to know more about you B boy. What's up with that?
For whatever reason, it's kind of embarrassing for me to say much about it, but I opened that door so...
The thing is, my issues compared to people I know who were in Vietnam, Iran, or Iraq, let alone people today in Gaza, The Ukraine, etc. indicates that I really have little grounds to complain. My issues stem from multiple mostly lesser issues.
When I was a kid, I lost my way not too far from camp and some people were shooting near by and I didn't know where it was safe to go. Eventually, when there was a lull, I took off running. Years later, in my early 20's, there were close by neighbors in my apartment in S.F. who were having some kind of shoot out. And then about 10 years ago a guy I had recently befriended was shot and killed in Sacramento (I wasn't there but heard about it the next day). So guns are a bad thing for me.
Also, I was exposed to an explosion of hydrogen and oxygen gasses in 1993-- very close by and it was a lot louder than most gunshot or even loud fire crackers like cherry bombs or M-80's. That incident permanently damaged my auditory nerves and gave my hyperacusis, poor auditory discrimination, and 27/7 tinnitus.
So now all loud noises are painful, and basically any kind of shooting, or fireworks, etc. trigger anxiety big time. New Years and 4th of July aren hell for me
But the good part of the story is that I've learned to just deal with it best I can. I was addicted to Xanax for most of the 90's until that almost killed me, but I got off that stuff and don't take any medication at all.
So yeah, there are bad days but, hey, I'm alive and life is mostly good! I'm hoping 2024 is going to be great!
This winter/New Year hasn't brought enough rain/snow here in BC. Soccer moms are putting special x-mas items in their go-bags. I think climate change PTSD is gonna be a thing. I just dreamed of trying to out run fire. Fortunately, I stuck my head under a drain and didn't get bad facial burns like my dream bud.
Moving through All Kinds of Terrain. Posts: 42,765
I can't believe some of you young whipper snappers crashing out before midnight, lol! Of course, old and crusty me, I'm still a night owl so was up until about 1:30 AM.
We watched an episode of Doc Martin- loving that show! Played a game of Scrabble and a round of Quiddler.
C. crashed out around 11:20, drifting off to sleep as nearly every night with me playing and singing a few tunes for her on my LX1 Little Martin.
And then I started the new year just as I do every year- with anxiety until the shooting and fireworks subside. It's strange to go through this annual PTSD episode to start the year.
But got past that and read some more of Peter Jesperson's most excellent memoir, Euphoric Recall before crashing to the sound of my wife and the cat both making their cute little nighttime sleep breathing sounds.
Happy New Year, all!
Wait! What? I didn't know you got PTSD from gunshot? fireworks sounds. I want to know more about you B boy. What's up with that?
For whatever reason, it's kind of embarrassing for me to say much about it, but I opened that door so...
The thing is, my issues compared to people I know who were in Vietnam, Iran, or Iraq, let alone people today in Gaza, The Ukraine, etc. indicates that I really have little grounds to complain. My issues stem from multiple mostly lesser issues.
When I was a kid, I lost my way not too far from camp and some people were shooting near by and I didn't know where it was safe to go. Eventually, when there was a lull, I took off running. Years later, in my early 20's, there were close by neighbors in my apartment in S.F. who were having some kind of shoot out. And then about 10 years ago a guy I had recently befriended was shot and killed in Sacramento (I wasn't there but heard about it the next day). So guns are a bad thing for me.
Also, I was exposed to an explosion of hydrogen and oxygen gasses in 1993-- very close by and it was a lot louder than most gunshot or even loud fire crackers like cherry bombs or M-80's. That incident permanently damaged my auditory nerves and gave my hyperacusis, poor auditory discrimination, and 27/7 tinnitus.
So now all loud noises are painful, and basically any kind of shooting, or fireworks, etc. trigger anxiety big time. New Years and 4th of July aren hell for me
But the good part of the story is that I've learned to just deal with it best I can. I was addicted to Xanax for most of the 90's until that almost killed me, but I got off that stuff and don't take any medication at all.
So yeah, there are bad days but, hey, I'm alive and life is mostly good! I'm hoping 2024 is going to be great!
This winter/New Year hasn't brought enough rain/snow here in BC. Soccer moms are putting special x-mas items in their go-bags. I think climate change PTSD is gonna be a thing. I just dreamed of trying to out run fire. Fortunately, I stuck my head under a drain and didn't get bad facial burns like my dream bud.
Sorry to hear about the lack of rain and snow up your way. Just last night, I was wondering how the Sierra snow pack is doing her in Calif. Were a 44% of normal for this date. :sad:
Scary dream you had! We still have a good bit of winter left and then spring. Let's hope for more rain this year!
Wishing you no more bad dreams, just sweet dreams!
"Don't give in to the lies. Don't give in to the fear. Hold on to the truth. And to hope."