Looking for 1 GA ticket to OKC

Hi all -- I just found out that a friend will be able to join me in OKC.  Does anyone have a spare GA ticket by any chance?  I secured one via the presale 2+ years ago and would love to have my friend (also a massive PJ fan) join me in the pit!  Please DM me.


  • elwayvedderelwayvedder South Jersey Posts: 9,143
    Not GA but  I have one available for a donation to my nonprofit. Not GA but just as good. or better. Row C in Sec 114!!  Check it out on the seating chart.
    I need a donation directly to my nonprofit Operation Yellow Ribbon then can set you up with the person who will transfer the ticket or walk in with you etc.
  • footsteps66footsteps66 Boston,Ma Posts: 61
    Posting one at 8pm Et 
    Mansfield 03' 1,2,3
    Boston 04'
    Boston 06' 1 & 2
    Mansfield 08' 1
    Boston 10'
    Worcester 13' 1 & 2
    Hartford 13'
    Austin 14'
    Ft lauderdale 16'
    Miami 16'
    Philly 16' 1
    Fenway !6' 1 & 2
  • I have one for sale! save me a good spot in the GA line and we have a deal
  • JeffPJeffP Posts: 82
    I have one GA for tonight, ISO good seat for Denver

    PM if you have a GA floor or lower thanks 
    10/1/96 Buffalo, 9/11/98 MSG, 9/13/98 Hartford, 8/30/00 Great Woods, 9/29/04 Boston
  • Thanks, all.  I was able to find one by refreshing the ticketmaster site 100 times... See you all there in a few hours!
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