Looking for 1 GA ticket to OKC

Hi all -- I just found out that a friend will be able to join me in OKC. Does anyone have a spare GA ticket by any chance? I secured one via the presale 2+ years ago and would love to have my friend (also a massive PJ fan) join me in the pit! Please DM me.
I need a donation directly to my nonprofit Operation Yellow Ribbon then can set you up with the person who will transfer the ticket or walk in with you etc.
Boston 04'
Boston 06' 1 & 2
Mansfield 08' 1
Boston 10'
Worcester 13' 1 & 2
Hartford 13'
Austin 14'
Ft lauderdale 16'
Miami 16'
Philly 16' 1
Fenway !6' 1 & 2
PM if you have a GA floor or lower thanks