Looking for a ticket to OK City
Please and thanks love a pit and GA but doubt I will be so lucky so take what I can get!
Im not greedy just seen them a few times but never lucky enough to see them from the pit!
Not greedy will buy whatever!
Not greedy will buy whatever!
UNT , SMU, Austin , Dallas 3x, PJ20, Wrigley, Missoula, Mexico City, OK C, Tulsa
They're popping up like crazy on the fan to fan exchange. I just got one in sec 2.
Boston 04'
Boston 06' 1 & 2
Mansfield 08' 1
Boston 10'
Worcester 13' 1 & 2
Hartford 13'
Austin 14'
Ft lauderdale 16'
Miami 16'
Philly 16' 1
Fenway !6' 1 & 2