"i told you the cabinet was sexy" - the 18watt build thread

a photo gallery with notes about each stage.
will update with pictures every step of the way. this will be slow with a new baby etc. not the one weekend job my 5E3 was.
the cabinet.
levant ivory with checker grill and gold piping. 12" weber alnico silver bell speaker.
will be getting finishing washers for the back if there aren't any in the kit. i haven't opened the actual amp box yet.
a photo gallery with notes about each stage.
will update with pictures every step of the way. this will be slow with a new baby etc. not the one weekend job my 5E3 was.
the cabinet.
levant ivory with checker grill and gold piping. 12" weber alnico silver bell speaker.
will be getting finishing washers for the back if there aren't any in the kit. i haven't opened the actual amp box yet.
Post edited by Unknown User on
nice, that's a silver bell right? Alnico?
I want a leviant blue 4x10 with the bluesbreaker style grill cloth.
unpacked the amp.
bonus water bottle.
nice turret board. the transformers look good etc. nice little weber logo that i'll put somewhere on the grill.
i skipped the chinese tubes that come standard and have a complement of EHX tubes coming. my experience with JJ on my last amp and on the tubes i bought for my valve jr soured me on them. EHX has never let me down.
7/9/06 LA 1
7/10/06 LA 2
10/21/06 Bridge 1
7/9/06 LA 1
7/10/06 LA 2
10/21/06 Bridge 1
started the circuit board tonight.
the felt pieces are to eliminate the potential for components rattling against the circuit board. lesson learned from my last amp build.
halfway in place but not soldered.
halfway and soldered.
all components soldered. still have to do some underboard connections and all flying leads.
also need to go get some heavy gauge copper wire to use as a ground bus.
What happend with JJ's on your valve junior? I boycotted JJ's for about 7 years over 10 years ago, but have finally gone back to them.
Yeah te vibration noise issues is a constant battle it seems with combo amps.
My 6v6 bronson power tubes are noisy as can be, and those are only a few hours old. Sometimes you just get lucky.
I had a EL84 JJ short out with in a week 10 years ago on one of my amps, and took a board out with it.
board done. the rest of the leads i'll take from the top of the board. i only ran the leads that ran across the board underneath for neatness. tagged the resistors that may need adjustment once the amp's up and running.
putting the board aside now. moving on the to chassis. will be installing all the tube sockets and wiring up the power next.
doing some pot and jack wiring.
faceplate, pots and jacks in place. cracked two of the plastic nuts on the jacks accidentally. oops.
heathen frog psycho number ONE!
11/30/1991 ~ 3/25/92 ~ 8/28/92 ~ 6/30/98 ~ 10/8/2000 ~ 6/18/2003 ~ 6/21/2003 ~ 6/26/2006 ~ 6/27/2006 ~ 7/7/2006 ~ 8/5/2007 ~ 6/24/2008 ~ ALPINE VALLEY in '09 ;-)
power and output transformers completed wired, save for the AC cord which I will do last. the kit didn't make provisions for a speaker jack (neither did the original) so i've added that.
filament wiring completed. i know i violated colour convention here but the green wire provided had insulation that made it hard to work with so i used the red with pushback insulation after i used up what was left of my green from my last amp. much nicer to use. edit: at this point i'd forgotten the filaments to the rectifier. i've since added them.
board mounted in the chassis. no turning back now. i triple checked everything because once i start wiring this in, it'll be impossible to go back.
all wiring to the tube sockets is now completed.
all i have left is the pot wiring and the AC cord.
AC cord wired in and secured.
final chassis overview.
mounted to the back panel.
now for some refresher reading on first power up....
and a torturous wait as my tubes don't arrive until wednesday.
mechanically complete.
Next logical step...experimentation
and a 4x12 wired exotically.
i'm going to voice it for lower gain on the TMB channel than the "stock" amp is. i guess lots of people seem to have issues with oscillation etc. because of the amount of gain. we'll see. i'm a low gain guy anyway.
i turned it on to check that the filament voltage was getting to each tube socket and nothing blew up so i'm encouraged.
but, as i've learned and was pointed out to me, my neat wiring may cause me grief. i may also need to take the ground connections off the backs of the pots. we'll see how much hum i get. the neatness of old hiwatts was my inspiration.
compare this to my 5E3 rat's nest. which works great and really only hisses due to all the carbon comp resistors in my opinion.
Those amps sound better as low gain amps anyway (see bassman) and unless the amp is cascaded high gain amps generally sound like shite.
I like your idea. It'll sound great when you crank it.
revised the grounding.
the filaments to the rectifier that i forgot. it's not on the layout since they assume you're using the weber copper cap instead of a rectifier tube but i'm using a tube.
i had huge self-oscillation issues with the TMB channel due to my wire routing. the guys on the weber forum predicted it.
redressing everything solved that problem.
now the only issues i have is a crackly volume pot on the TMB channel and a really subtle bass control that may be inherent to the design.
amp sounds super sweet though. i'm running it fairly tame gainwise and it's really nice. still lots of gain on tap on the TMB channel and lots of good headroom on the normal channel.
very quiet humwise. no complaints there at all.
maybe a little bassy overall but we'll see as i get used to it.
i replaced the volume pot to fix that issue.
i found a missed solder joint which fixed the bass control issue.
i'm now just tweaking EQ and gain to taste but the amp is done and cooking.
here's a photo gallery with some more detailed notes one each stage, including important information about mistakes i'd made.
Insert Treble Boost!!!!