Hit and run posts with no source.

Dear mods,
Can we put an end to these hit and run trolling memes, especially the ones that not not include the source? It's obvious trolling and is making a bad joke out of some of the threads here. I know of other forums that do not allow simply posting memes with no content from the poster and no source. Seems like a good idea. Thanks for considering it.
(Just a heads up from the get-go, I will ignore any snarky remarks and trolling of this post.)
"Don't give in to the lies. Don't give in to the fear. Hold on to the truth. And to hope."
-Jim Acosta
However I read words in a lot of these threads and people are not sourcing what they are writing with footnotes and a bibliography page. I’ve found some factual inaccuracies.
where does it end? A meme is meant to convey a thought, an idea, a point, and in a funny way. Pretty much by definition it’s not supposed to be taken literally.
as long as it’s on topic I have less of an issue with a meme than reading a paragraph that is also made up and inaccurate. At least with the meme I know it’s not supposed to be treated as fact, I can’t say that for a written comment.