Which song don't you get?



  • Low Light is my favourite song by anyone. I think it's kind of like a sequel to Last Kiss, I mean maybe not intended as one, but a song about what a sequel to Last Kiss could be about if you see what I mean.
    A restaurant with a smoking section is like a swimming pool with a pissing section
  • nocode23nocode23 Posts: 411
    Low Light is my favourite song by anyone. I think it's kind of like a sequel to Last Kiss, I mean maybe not intended as one, but a song about what a sequel to Last Kiss could be about if you see what I mean.

    What the hell? Kind of? Sort of? Honestly, I can see where you're coming from. A little...
  • The song I don't get is "Hey Foxymophandlemama, that's me"

    It's always confused the shit out of me.
    6/30/98 -- Minneapolis
    10/8/00 -- East Troy (The Ice Bowl)
    6/16/03 -- St. Paul
    5/16/06 -- Chicago
    9/18/22 -- St. Louis
    8/31/23 -- St. Paul
    9/2/23 -- St. Paul
  • periaqua wrote:
    The song I don't get is "Hey Foxymophandlemama, that's me"

    It's always confused the shit out of me.

    Cincinnati. 6.24.06 Portland. 7.20.06 Gorge I. 7.22.06 London. 6.18.07
    Lollapalooza. 8.5.07 West Palm Beach. 6.11.08 Bonnaroo. 6.14.08
    Hartford. Mansfield.

  • satansbedbugssatansbedbugs On Tour Posts: 2,412
    whats up with lukin? I think ed knows someone named lukin, but not sure...an awful lot of yelling...sbb
    *Marker in the Sand Fanclub * HNIC

    Philly- 2005, 2013, 2016, 2024
    Camden 2000, 2003, 2006, 2008, 2022, 2023
    Philly Spectrum 2009 x4 - We closed that MFER Down Proper
    Baltimore- 2024
    DC- 2006, 2008
    New York- 2008, 2010
    Boston - Fenway 2016 (night 2) , 2024 (night1)
    East Rutherford, New Jersey- 2006
    Chicago - Lollapalooza 2007
    Seattle- Gorge 2005
    EV Solo- DC x2, Baltimore x2 , Newark NJ x2,  Tower Theater x2 

    - Given To Fly
  • nocode23 wrote:
    What the hell? Kind of? Sort of? Honestly, I can see where you're coming from. A little...

    Well you do better then...
    A restaurant with a smoking section is like a swimming pool with a pissing section
  • nocode23nocode23 Posts: 411
    Hey didn't mean to offend. Just didn't quite understand what you were trying to say. But I can see your point a little better now. Your wording just threw me a bit is all. Cheers.
  • TWHoltTWHolt Moncton, NB Posts: 407
    How much better would Storytellers have been with Immortality, Daughter, Rearviewmirror and perhaps Off he goes......the list could go on and on....easily could've been an extremely interesting 4 hours. Should we start a petition for Storytellers Part 2?
    |Montreal 03|Halifax 05|St. John's 1 05|St. John's 2 05|Toronto 1 06|Toronto 2 06|NYC 1 08|NYC 2 08|Toronto 09|Hartford 10|Boston 10|Newark 10|NYC 1 10|NYC 2 10|Alpine Valley 1 11|Alpine Valley 2 11|Montreal 11|Hartford 13|Ottawa 16|Chicago 1 16|Chicago 2 16|Boston 1 18|Quebec City 22|Ottawa 22|Boston 1 24|Boston 2 24|
  • slight of hand

    I can see how people dig it, but it doesn't do anything for me.

    also last kiss, it's a fluke song in any case.

    stupidmop is probably the only pearl jam song I did not even bother transferring to my i tunes. It's also the only pj song I know how many times I've heard it

  • angryyoungmanangryyoungman Medford, NY Posts: 1,028
    ledbetter, i mean, duh. . .the song makes 0 sense. that being said i love it and it sounds great.

    will that be a box or a bag sir?
    i have wished for so long, how i wish for you today

    9.10.98 NYC / 8.23.00 JONES BEACH /4.30.03 UNIONDALE / 7.9.03 NYC /5.12.06 ALBANY/ 6.1.06 E.RUTHEFORD/ 6.3.06 E. RUTHEFORD/ CAMDEN 6.19.08/ NYC 6.24.08/ NYC 6.25.08/ HARTFORD 6.27.08/ CHICAGO 8.24.09/ PHILLY 10.31.09/ HARTFORD 5.15.10/ NEWARK 5.18.10/ NYC 5.20.10/ CHICAGO 7.19.13/ BROOKLYN 10.18.13/ BROOKLYN 10.19.13/ HARTFORD 10.25.13/ NYC 9.26.15/ 4.8.16 FT. LAUDERDALE/ 4.9.16 MIAMI / 5.1.16 NYC/ 5.2.16 NYC / 8.5.16 BOSTON / 8.7.16 BOSTON/ 8.20.18 CHICAGO/ 9.2.18 BOSTON/ 9.4.18 BOSTON/ 9.18.21 ASBURY PARK

  • TrixieCatTrixieCat Posts: 5,756
    I remember reading somewhere that Daughter used to be son or brother or something in the male sense. That was how he used to sing it live before recording it. Can anyone back this up?
    Also I think Off He Goes is about Ed. I think I heard that too. Makes sense to me. You loose sight of your true self when so many people are pulling from you emotionally every night. But even when he comes back down, the same old shit is going on and nothing has changed. It's all good.
    Cause I'm broken when I'm lonesome
    And I don't feel right when you're gone away
  • ycckkycckk Posts: 23
    my understanding was of a "fan" that stalked Eddie....found out where lived and all that kind of stuff. Said she was pregnent by him, <which wasn't true of course> Broke into his house..Lunkin was a place to go to feel safe <imo>

    It's the reason he moved out of Seattle to go someplace where he wasn't known....and to keep his family safe.

    Of course i could be wrong.....but that's what i've read over the years.
  • lephtylephty Posts: 770
    my opinion on Daughter has always been about a father kind of looking at what was once his family through a window (kinda peeping but not perverted like).

    father sees his daughter "holding the hand that holds her down" and thinks she will "rise above'.

    "don't call me, daughter - not fit to" is maybe the fathers sarcastic reaction to how he feels the court system failed to see that he was the "normal" parent and the mother is the nut.

    "the shades go down" - i always took that as a literal meaning as if he was looking through the window and the shades went down and he could not see what was going on - only imagining the worst.

    "the picture kept will remind me" - again i took that very literally, daddy has a picture to see her when the shades are down.
  • ycckk wrote:
    We've all listened!! We've all heard!! But there's just that song you don't get!!
    I'm on this "Gremmie out of Control" kick ..i don't get it!! "RATS" i've never gotten it. my question to all of you. Is there a song...you can admitt, you don't get?

    It never was aboout "getting"...Everything is about "feeling"...
    ...can´t wear my mask, your first my last...
  • ymerejymerej Posts: 70
    It never was aboout "getting"...Everything is about "feeling"...

    Totally agree...always thought that you have to listen Pearl Jam with your heart, not with your mind...
    I just want to scream...
    My god its been six years...
    never dreamed...
    ...you'd return.
  • ycckkycckk Posts: 23
    i agree with your statement...wrote the original thread very quickly.

    Finally got the "live" "STATE COLLEGE 2003" DISC...BEST OF ALL OF THEM.

    3HRS...OF TOTAL BLISS!!!!!...LOV'IN IT!!!!
  • Lisa81Lisa81 Posts: 132
    A Gremmie is an inexperienced surfer.

    The only PJ song I don't like is Sleight of Hand. I don't know why, I keep thinking just listen to it again and you'll like it eventually, but I just don't.
  • whats up with lukin? I think ed knows someone named lukin, but not sure...an awful lot of yelling...sbb

    Matt Lukin was a guitarist for Mudhoney. I think the chorus was somewhat a joke compared to the rest of the song. I think I read somewhere how they almost jokingly called it "Can't Find a Better Kitchen."
  • Ms. HaikuMs. Haiku Washington DC Posts: 7,294
    ycckk wrote:
    We've all listened!! We've all heard!! But there's just that song you don't get!!
    I'm on this "Gremmie out of Control" kick ..i don't get it!! "RATS" i've never gotten it. my question to all of you. Is there a song...you can admitt, you don't get?
    Parachutes. Just give me a full force yes or a full force no, but not a maybe sometimes yes, but not really sortof.
    There is no such thing as leftover pizza. There is now pizza and later pizza. - anonymous
    The risk I took was calculated, but man, am I bad at math - The Mincing Mockingbird
  • parel jamparel jam Posts: 7,223
    I really don't get the feeling of Grievance...


  • Eddie Vedder about "Daughter":

    The child in that song obviously has a learning difficulty. And it's only in the last few years that they've actually been able to diagnose these learning disabilities that before were looked at as misbehaviour, as just outright fucking rebelliousness. But no one knew what it was. And these kids, because they seemed unable or reluctant to learn, they'd end up getting the shit beaten outta them. The songs ends, you know, with this idea of the shades going down--so that the neighbours can't see what happens next. What hurts about shit like that is that it ends up defining peoples' lives. They have to live with that abuse for the rest of their lives. Good, creative people are just fucking destroyed

    -hope that helps you all with the interpretation :-)
  • ShapurShapur Posts: 18
    I don't get a few lines of Immortality.
  • LiftedLifted Posts: 1,836
    DOSW wrote:
    Yep. But I think the "the picture kept will remind me" line makes no sense.

    i don't understand the confusion about the "daughter" lyrics. i could be wrong but to me it all makes perfect sense. don't call me daughter, not fit to be is just saying that don't call me your daughter, cause you fucked up and you're not a fit parent....the picture kept will remind me is just saying i know where i come from and always will but i will never respect you as a father. the girl could be talking about her mother too, but i think both parents are mentioned in this song, and i think its more about a father/daughter relationship. the father abuses the daughter and the mother turns the other cheek. that's just my interpretation. SHE HOLDS THE HAND THAT HOLDS HER DOWN
  • Ms. Haiku wrote:
    Parachutes seems to flip flop between sentiments. I don't know if it is a song about staying together, just meeting, or about to leave.
    thought it was similiar to cant keep

    I have trouble with Hail Hail.
    All that's sacred, comes from youth....dedications, naive and true.
  • ycckkycckk Posts: 23
    i have "Present Tense" playing.......any thoughts....i love this love version...from philly....just dont' get the message.
  • korbykorby Posts: 298
    what does that mean ?
    its ok
  • black.

  • slightofjeffslightofjeff Posts: 7,762
    Double post. Deleted. See below.
    everybody wants the most they can possibly get
    for the least they could possibly do
  • slightofjeffslightofjeff Posts: 7,762
    neh. the mother has too many expectations on the girl that she can't live up to. no matter how hard she tries she can't be what her mother wants. the mother resents her for it, just as the daughter 'hates' the mother for those unreal expectations. why can't she love her daughter for who she is, not what she wants her to be.
    this is my opinion anyway. :)

    I think that's part of daughter. but I also think it's much, much darker than that.

    "The shades go down ... " to me, in an ominous line. No one knows what's going on behind those drawn shades. And what's going on, in my view, is the Daughter is being sexually molested.

    It's not just that she's a bad mother, or he's a bad father. It's that they've done the one thing that completely nullifies the father-daughter relationship. They've crossed a line and there's no going back. A father can't do this to his daughter and still be a father. A mother can't let it happen and still be a mother. The protagonist is saying, "Don't call me daughter if you're going to treat me like your whore."

    And notice, the lyrics in the chorus switch back and forth.

    Don't call me daughter, not fit to
    Don't call me daughter, not fit to be

    There's a difference.

    Here, the daughter switches back and forth between blaming her parents for what they've done to her, and blaming herself.

    It's, "Don't call me daughter, because you're not fit to call me that." and "Don't call me daughter, because I'm not fit to be your daughter."

    It's sick, and twisted. Psychologically, this is a phenomenon common with sexually molested children. They think somehow it's their fault, that they've led their parents to do this to them.

    And of course, the last line of the last chorus ends with "Don't call me." Period. To me, it suggests the daughter has gotten out. Maybe she's grown up and moved on and begun to come to terms with what happened to her. And she's left. Moved out. Moved on. Started over. She's cut all ties with her family, and has no desire to stay in touch with her horrific past. Don't call me.

    Daughter is just a fascinating, fascinating study for me. I think if people really knew what it was about, it might not have ever been a "radio hit."
    everybody wants the most they can possibly get
    for the least they could possibly do
  • slightofjeffslightofjeff Posts: 7,762
    Brez wrote:
    Two songs... Lowlight and Off He Goes. I love quite a few of the lines from both songs, but the overall meaning of those songs just zip right over my head. I'm sure there are plenty of you who know.

    Ah, you better stop me before I begin ... Off He Goes is one of my favorite songs.

    Specifically, the song is about ed getting famous, becoming a rock star, becoming this scowling guy on the cover of Time magazine. And it's written from the perspective of someone who knew ed way back when, before all this fame, fortune and surrounding bullshit happened.

    The "man" in "know a man ... " is Ed, basically.

    Imagine, for moment, that you knew Ed in high school. He was basically a normal guy. Maybe you sat behind him in Algebra class. He was friendly. He seemed happy. You hung out with him at parties on the weekend. He was normal. Just an average joe.

    Now, let's say you both graduate, move on, and lose touch. And five years later, here's that guy, the normal guy who sat in front of you in Algebra, and now he's the biggest rock star in the world. And, what's more, he seemed really, really pissed off about it. You see his face on the cover of a magazine at your supermarket. And the face looks angry.

    "But I seen his picture ... it doesn't look the same upon the rack." The rack, in that line, is a magazine rack.

    The song, specifically, is about people in ed's past trying to reconcile what has become of their old friend.

    Universally, however, I think this song is about something we all can relate to ... growing up, getting older, trying to hold on to our past even as we become more and more disconnected from it.

    Since leaving college and what not, I've had hundreds of "Off He Goes" moments. You go back home to a party or something, and reconnect with all these old friends you haven't seen in years. And you start to talking. And laughing. And swapping tales from the old days. "Like we always did, my same old friend."

    Nothing's changed but the surrounding bullshit, as it were.

    But then the night starts to wear on. And you start to check your watch. And you remember you've got to be at work early the next day. And you've got to get that power-point presentation finished before bed tonight .... yada yada yada. It's like you mentally check out of the reunion before it's over. Real life comes back at you.

    And before your first step, you are off again.

    It's really a kind of sad song, and one ed must had to have been pretty self-aware to write. He basically wrote, in the third person, a song about himself being a shitty friend.

    And this song convicts me every time I hear it. Just a brilliant piece of songwriting.
    everybody wants the most they can possibly get
    for the least they could possibly do
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