The hatred from the trumpist towards Biden or liberal Democrats is through the roof out here in red Suffolk county!
Saw a pickup yesterday with two flags one was Trump pissing on the word liberals the other just said Fuck Biden lol
During the election there was a huge booth set up on one of our bigger roads. After the election and through winter, the booth was gone but now it's back on weekends big-time.
Now, I'm not a prude and I do admit so saying thing like "fuck" and "shit" sometimes, and even "shitfuckdamnpisshell" once in a while, but having a huge flag on one's truck that say "Fuck Biden" (or fuck anyone, for that matter) says more about the person with the flag than the message on the flag. And just think- a lot of these people somehow get driver's licenses, have jobs (or not), procreate, or even go to church. Strange days!
"Don't give in to the lies. Don't give in to the fear. Hold on to the truth. And to hope."
-EV 8/14/93