Live recording at home question for you pros!

So, my Macbook Pro died last summer, which was my main device for home recording. My set up would be using a Mackie pro mixer with live mics, running into my Macbook. My DAW has always been Garageband. Now without a portable device to track drums, guitars live, I need a portable device that:
1) I can track drums and guitars and that has some EQ settings. I would also be open to having this device connect to my Mackie (that has like 6 XLR inputs). I must be able to track using headphones.
2) I would like the ability to record a guitar track, etc., and have that playback as I track drums, bass, vocals, other instruments.
3) Ability to dump those recorded tracks into Garageband on my not so portable iMac for mixing, etc., etc., etc.,
My budget is around $250.