A bad one. Going to send $2000 to a bunch of people who didn’t lose jobs or any income. Stupid lazy ass plan. It was stupid and lazy the first time
Means testing has been proven to cost a lot to governments pursuing it. If the cost of means testing plus the $2000 to the eligible citizens exceeds $2000 for everyone, give it to everyone. We all talk about the top 1% of earners - what percentage of the citizenry should be excluded from this? 1%? 2%? 5%? The fact is - these bureaucratic decisions take time that many Americans don't have, and that has to be factored into the plan to bringing this relief to the public.
A bad one. Going to send $2000 to a bunch of people who didn’t lose jobs or any income. Stupid lazy ass plan. It was stupid and lazy the first time
Means testing has been proven to cost a lot to governments pursuing it. If the cost of means testing plus the $2000 to the eligible citizens exceeds $2000 for everyone, give it to everyone. We all talk about the top 1% of earners - what percentage of the citizenry should be excluded from this? 1%? 2%? 5%? The fact is - these bureaucratic decisions take time that many Americans don't have, and that has to be factored into the plan to bringing this relief to the public.
Or you know, just utilize the unemployment process already in place? Or you know in the beginning make the payroll for small businesses so they are ready to go once open back up...you know...do your fucking jobs.
A bad one. Going to send $2000 to a bunch of people who didn’t lose jobs or any income. Stupid lazy ass plan. It was stupid and lazy the first time
Means testing has been proven to cost a lot to governments pursuing it. If the cost of means testing plus the $2000 to the eligible citizens exceeds $2000 for everyone, give it to everyone. We all talk about the top 1% of earners - what percentage of the citizenry should be excluded from this? 1%? 2%? 5%? The fact is - these bureaucratic decisions take time that many Americans don't have, and that has to be factored into the plan to bringing this relief to the public.
Or you know, just utilize the unemployment process already in place? Or you know in the beginning make the payroll for small businesses so they are ready to go once open back up...you know...do your fucking jobs.
Some people have been unemployed longer than the benefits last. Unemployment is a stop-gap measure and is nowhere near full pay. It is a fine system if you are between contracts and are laid off for a couple of weeks or months, but it is nothing compared to what is needed at this time. Not everyone was fortunate enough to make it through the year at a level where they could criticize others. I probably brought in half of what I normally do in a year because of this pandemic that was brought on by no fault of mine, we survived but had to get into the savings and live with a very tight budget. Others were even less fortunate than that, people are losing their homes and apartments, and livelihoods with no view of getting back to normal anytime soon.
If it means helping some people that didn't have it as bad in order to help the people hit hardest and save money from not using bullshit means-testing, go for it. Guaranteed $75,000 earners based on 2019 taxes for the most part were hit hard enough to deserve a little help whether you think so or not. Have a heart
Not to mention UI is state-run. States do not have the breadth/reach/financial capacities to handle this.
Now, if someone wants to argue that this should go through tax filings I'm down with that (ie if you don't have a drop in income then you pay the money back). But the scale this is at is unprecedented.
And, again, at the end of the day give every single person in this country cash, that's it.
Moving through All Kinds of Terrain. Posts: 42,800
What a great day! I knew I would be glad when this time had come. What I wasn't prepared for was the emotional response. My wife and I we're both shedding tears of joy and relief a number of time throughout the inauguration. And Biden's speech was magnificent. A great day indeed!
Happy happy inauguration I was at work so I missed it but I’m so happy that it brought so many people to release emotions! It reflects Joe he was in tears yesterday to me that speaks volumes✌️🤘so damn happy that good prevailed!
What a great day! I knew I would be glad when this time had come. What I wasn't prepared for was the emotional response. My wife and I we're both shedding tears of joy and relief a number of time throughout the inauguration. And Biden's speech was magnificent. A great day indeed!
Happy happy inauguration I was at work so I missed it but I’m so happy that it brought so many people to release emotions! It reflects Joe he was in tears yesterday to me that speaks volumes✌️🤘so damn happy that good prevailed!
Honestly, what I loved most of all, was that Biden seemed to know that his presidency is almost typical but that Harris' vice presidency is the critical inflection point in the nation's history. That's humility - something we haven't seen since Obama as POTUS.
Good point Ben. I wish Kamala all the best!
"Don't give in to the lies. Don't give in to the fear. Hold on to the truth. And to hope."
Not today Sir, Probably not tomorrow.............................................. bayfront arena st. pete '94
you're finally here and I'm a mess................................................... nationwide arena columbus '10
memories like fingerprints are slowly raising.................................... first niagara center buffalo '13
another man ..... moved by sleight of hand...................................... joe louis arena detroit '14
When our weary world was young
The struggle of the ancients first began
The gods of love and reason
Sought alone to rule the fate of man
They battled through the ages
But still neither force would yield
The people were divided
Every soul a battlefield
[II. Apollo / Dionysus]
[Apollo: Bringer Of Wisdom]
'I bring truth and understanding
I bring wit and wisdom fair
Precious gifts beyond compare
We can build a world of wonder
I can make you all aware
I will find you food and shelter
Show you fire to keep you warm
Through the endless winter storm
You can live in grace and comfort
In the world that you transform'
The people were delighted
Coming forth to claim their prize
They ran to build their cities
And converse among the wise
But one day the streets fell silent
Yet they knew not what was wrong
The urge to build these fine things
Seemed not to be so strong
The wise men were consulted
And the Bridge of Death was crossed
In quest of Dionysus
To find out what they had lost
[Dionysus: Bringer Of Love]
'I bring love to give you solace
In the darkness of the night
In the Heart's eternal light
You need only trust your feelings
Only love can steer you right
I bring laughter, I bring music
I bring joy and I bring tears
I will soothe your primal fears
Throw off those chains of reason
And your prison disappears'
The cities were abandoned
And the forests echoed song
They danced and lived as brothers
They knew love could not be wrong
Food and wine they had aplenty
And they slept beneath the stars
The people were contented
And the gods watched from afar
But the winter fell upon them
And it caught them unprepared
Bringing wolves and cold starvation
And the hearts of men despaired
[III. Armageddon: The Battle Of Heart and Mind]
The universe divided
As the heart and mind collided
With the people left unguided
For so many troubled years
In a cloud of doubts and fears
Their world was torn asunder into hollow
Some fought themselves, some fought each other
Most just followed one another
Lost and aimless like their brothers
For their hearts were so unclear
And the truth could not appear
Their spirits were divided into blinded
Some who did not fight
Brought tales of old to light
'My Rocinante sailed by night
On her final flight'
To the heart of Cygnus' fearsome force
We set our course
Spiralled through that timeless space
To this immortal place
[IV. Cygnus: Bringer Of Balance]
I have memory and awareness
But I have no shape or form
As a disembodied spirit
I am dead and yet unborn
I have passed into Olympus
As was told in tales of old
To the city of Immortals
Marble white and purest gold...
I see the gods in battle rage on high...
Thunderbolts across the sky...
I cannot move, I cannot hide...
I feel a silent scream begin inside...
Then all at once the chaos ceased
A stillness fell, a sudden peace
The warriors felt my silent cry
And stayed their struggle, mystified
Apollo was astonished
Dionysus thought me mad
But they heard my story further
And they wondered, and were sad
Looking down from Olympus
On a world of doubt and fear
Its surface splintered
Into sorry Hemispheres
They sat a while in silence
Then they turned at last to me
'We will call you Cygnus
The god of Balance you shall be'
[V. The Sphere: A Kind Of Dream]
We can walk our road together
If our goals are all the same
We can run alone and free
If we pursue a different aim
Let the truth of love be lighted
Let the love of truth shine clear
Armed with sense and liberty
With the heart and mind united in a single
Not today Sir, Probably not tomorrow.............................................. bayfront arena st. pete '94
you're finally here and I'm a mess................................................... nationwide arena columbus '10
memories like fingerprints are slowly raising.................................... first niagara center buffalo '13
another man ..... moved by sleight of hand...................................... joe louis arena detroit '14
A bad one. Going to send $2000 to a bunch of people who didn’t lose jobs or any income. Stupid lazy ass plan. It was stupid and lazy the first time
Means testing has been proven to cost a lot to governments pursuing it. If the cost of means testing plus the $2000 to the eligible citizens exceeds $2000 for everyone, give it to everyone. We all talk about the top 1% of earners - what percentage of the citizenry should be excluded from this? 1%? 2%? 5%? The fact is - these bureaucratic decisions take time that many Americans don't have, and that has to be factored into the plan to bringing this relief to the public.
Or you know, just utilize the unemployment process already in place? Or you know in the beginning make the payroll for small businesses so they are ready to go once open back up...you know...do your fucking jobs.
Some people have been unemployed longer than the benefits last. Unemployment is a stop-gap measure and is nowhere near full pay. It is a fine system if you are between contracts and are laid off for a couple of weeks or months, but it is nothing compared to what is needed at this time. Not everyone was fortunate enough to make it through the year at a level where they could criticize others. I probably brought in half of what I normally do in a year because of this pandemic that was brought on by no fault of mine, we survived but had to get into the savings and live with a very tight budget. Others were even less fortunate than that, people are losing their homes and apartments, and livelihoods with no view of getting back to normal anytime soon.
If it means helping some people that didn't have it as bad in order to help the people hit hardest and save money from not using bullshit means-testing, go for it. Guaranteed $75,000 earners based on 2019 taxes for the most part were hit hard enough to deserve a little help whether you think so or not. Have a heart
You seem to miss my point. Extend it, add benefits and $ to it. In normal times it’s a stop gap, in today’s world it could be used actually target those in need.
$2000 is not enough for the people that need it and way to much for those that don’t.
everyone wants someone who is competent. that's the unfortunate low bar we're at. previously that shouldn't have even needed to be stated.
there are numerous studies out there that conclude that women make better leaders. of course, that's up for debate, but the research is out there if you wish to look.
i know this has been talked about before. no, that doesn't mean 100% of women are better than 100% of men. just, on average, women tend to have more of the total package. of course, world leader is a bit of wild card.
anecdotally, i've had shitty bosses of both genders. however, the males tend to fall into two shitty categories: assholes and incompetent. the bad women bosses i've had have only been assholes (it should be noted, though, that out of the asshole bosses i've had of both genders, the females have tended to be assholier than the males). i have yet to experience an incompetent female boss.
and brian, yes, i was talking about my choice in a vacuum, not who had a better chance of winning. honestly, it was a toss up between her and yang for me.
Honestly, just think not enough women have gotten the chance to be the shitty leaders they would be. Women have had to be amazing to get a step below where they should be.
as world leaders, yes, but in my company, the only position a woman hasn't held is president. several VP's. and from my colleagues who work directly for them as managers and directors, I never hear a bad word about the females. only the males.
but it is an interesting point you bring up. maybe you're right. maybe if it had been 50/50 all along we'd have had a Georgia W Bush or a Stephanie Harper.
I could be totally wrong. But in my company we have women at all levels. We have amazing leaders and really shitty ones too...both men and women. I have been lucky enough to work for 6 plant managers. 3 men and 3 women. I would rate them this way:
1) Man 2) Woman 3) Man 4) Woman 5) Woman 6) Man
Not to mention all the other different levels/functions I have worked with. I've found one thing to be true...it didn;t matter if it was a man or a woman, they could be awesome or suck bad.
I’ve worked mostly with men, the majority of whom were standup guys and fantastic managers.
The two other women under whom I worked: Sued one for non-payment of commissions (she blew it on coke, and I won my case), and the second got off on loudly berating me in front of my coworkers for non-existent issues.
I really don’t care what genitalia a president has. Just do the fucking job, and do it well!
I, Joseph R. Biden Jr., President of the United States of America, having seen and considered the Paris Agreement, done at Paris on December 12, 2015, do hereby accept the said Agreement and every article and clause thereof on behalf of the United States of America.
Done at Washington this 20th day of January, 2021.
everyone wants someone who is competent. that's the unfortunate low bar we're at. previously that shouldn't have even needed to be stated.
there are numerous studies out there that conclude that women make better leaders. of course, that's up for debate, but the research is out there if you wish to look.
i know this has been talked about before. no, that doesn't mean 100% of women are better than 100% of men. just, on average, women tend to have more of the total package. of course, world leader is a bit of wild card.
anecdotally, i've had shitty bosses of both genders. however, the males tend to fall into two shitty categories: assholes and incompetent. the bad women bosses i've had have only been assholes (it should be noted, though, that out of the asshole bosses i've had of both genders, the females have tended to be assholier than the males). i have yet to experience an incompetent female boss.
and brian, yes, i was talking about my choice in a vacuum, not who had a better chance of winning. honestly, it was a toss up between her and yang for me.
Honestly, just think not enough women have gotten the chance to be the shitty leaders they would be. Women have had to be amazing to get a step below where they should be.
as world leaders, yes, but in my company, the only position a woman hasn't held is president. several VP's. and from my colleagues who work directly for them as managers and directors, I never hear a bad word about the females. only the males.
but it is an interesting point you bring up. maybe you're right. maybe if it had been 50/50 all along we'd have had a Georgia W Bush or a Stephanie Harper.
I could be totally wrong. But in my company we have women at all levels. We have amazing leaders and really shitty ones too...both men and women. I have been lucky enough to work for 6 plant managers. 3 men and 3 women. I would rate them this way:
1) Man 2) Woman 3) Man 4) Woman 5) Woman 6) Man
Not to mention all the other different levels/functions I have worked with. I've found one thing to be true...it didn;t matter if it was a man or a woman, they could be awesome or suck bad.
I’ve worked mostly with men, the majority of whom were standup guys and fantastic managers.
The two other women under whom I worked: Sued one for non-payment of commissions (she blew it on coke, and I won my case), and the second got off on loudly berating me in front of my coworkers for non-existent issues.
I really don’t care what genitalia a president has. Just do the fucking job, and do it well!
I agree. I will admit if all things close to equal...I’d really like to have a female president sooner than later though. Just to break through that once and for all
everyone wants someone who is competent. that's the unfortunate low bar we're at. previously that shouldn't have even needed to be stated.
there are numerous studies out there that conclude that women make better leaders. of course, that's up for debate, but the research is out there if you wish to look.
i know this has been talked about before. no, that doesn't mean 100% of women are better than 100% of men. just, on average, women tend to have more of the total package. of course, world leader is a bit of wild card.
anecdotally, i've had shitty bosses of both genders. however, the males tend to fall into two shitty categories: assholes and incompetent. the bad women bosses i've had have only been assholes (it should be noted, though, that out of the asshole bosses i've had of both genders, the females have tended to be assholier than the males). i have yet to experience an incompetent female boss.
and brian, yes, i was talking about my choice in a vacuum, not who had a better chance of winning. honestly, it was a toss up between her and yang for me.
Honestly, just think not enough women have gotten the chance to be the shitty leaders they would be. Women have had to be amazing to get a step below where they should be.
as world leaders, yes, but in my company, the only position a woman hasn't held is president. several VP's. and from my colleagues who work directly for them as managers and directors, I never hear a bad word about the females. only the males.
but it is an interesting point you bring up. maybe you're right. maybe if it had been 50/50 all along we'd have had a Georgia W Bush or a Stephanie Harper.
I could be totally wrong. But in my company we have women at all levels. We have amazing leaders and really shitty ones too...both men and women. I have been lucky enough to work for 6 plant managers. 3 men and 3 women. I would rate them this way:
1) Man 2) Woman 3) Man 4) Woman 5) Woman 6) Man
Not to mention all the other different levels/functions I have worked with. I've found one thing to be true...it didn;t matter if it was a man or a woman, they could be awesome or suck bad.
I’ve worked mostly with men, the majority of whom were standup guys and fantastic managers.
The two other women under whom I worked: Sued one for non-payment of commissions (she blew it on coke, and I won my case), and the second got off on loudly berating me in front of my coworkers for non-existent issues.
I really don’t care what genitalia a president has. Just do the fucking job, and do it well!
I agree. I will admit if all things close to equal...I’d really like to have a female president sooner than later though. Just to break through that once and for all
Men historically have dominated through might, and women through compassion (to grossly generalize based on evolutionary traits). I personally think what will be most important in a female president, is to bring with it an empathetic and compassionate approach to governance. It really seems like Biden has the potential to be a graceful segue into that new future, with Kamala Harris by his side.
'05 - TO, '06 - TO 1, '08 - NYC 1 & 2, '09 - TO, Chi 1 & 2, '10 - Buffalo, NYC 1 & 2, '11 - TO 1 & 2, Hamilton, '13 - Buffalo, Brooklyn 1 & 2, '15 - Global Citizen, '16 - TO 1 & 2, Chi 2
Toronto Film Festival 9/11/2007, '08 - Toronto 1 & 2, '09 - Albany 1, '11 - Chicago 1
Representation matters. I have a feeling all the people preaching here that "it doesn't matter if it's a man or woman as long as they do their job good blah blah blah "are a buncha white dudes. No shit, that's inherent to any job. Who is insuating that if it was a woman they shouldn't do a less than good job?
There should be more women and POC leading, especially in public servant positions so it's representative of the electorate. Look at the Senate and tell me if that's representative of our country. Things don't change unless they're pushed. And it needs to be pushed.
Representation matters. I have a feeling all the people preaching here that "it doesn't matter if it's a man or woman as long as they do their job good blah blah blah "are a buncha white dudes. No shit, that's inherent to any job. Who is insuating that if it was a woman they shouldn't do a less than good job?
There should be more women and POC leading, especially in public servant positions so it's representative of the electorate. Look at the Senate and tell me if that's representative of our country. Things don't change unless they're pushed. And it needs to be pushed.
Well of course it does. My discussion was about someone stating women are better leaders and there have been studies about it. I think it's the lack of opportunity that has led to us not realizing that women are just as capable of being a good leader as a they are of being a bad leader as men are.
You cannot argue that congress shouldn't be as diverse as the nation is with a straight face I don't think. So I certainly agree with you on this point. And diversity isn't just gender, color....it's background, upbringing, etc. Diversity is in fact more than skin deep.
Representation matters. I have a feeling all the people preaching here that "it doesn't matter if it's a man or woman as long as they do their job good blah blah blah "are a buncha white dudes. No shit, that's inherent to any job. Who is insuating that if it was a woman they shouldn't do a less than good job?
There should be more women and POC leading, especially in public servant positions so it's representative of the electorate. Look at the Senate and tell me if that's representative of our country. Things don't change unless they're pushed. And it needs to be pushed.
Think of me as you wish, but I am not a white dude. I do find it ridiculous to elect someone because of their gender, or race, or religion, etc.
My city council is made up of all types that fit the diversity mold just fine. However, many of them suck at their jobs. So I stand by what I said.
Lastly, I have very little trust in politicians as a whole to begin with. Maybe that’s why I stress ability (and accountability) over other factors.
everyone wants someone who is competent. that's the unfortunate low bar we're at. previously that shouldn't have even needed to be stated.
there are numerous studies out there that conclude that women make better leaders. of course, that's up for debate, but the research is out there if you wish to look.
i know this has been talked about before. no, that doesn't mean 100% of women are better than 100% of men. just, on average, women tend to have more of the total package. of course, world leader is a bit of wild card.
anecdotally, i've had shitty bosses of both genders. however, the males tend to fall into two shitty categories: assholes and incompetent. the bad women bosses i've had have only been assholes (it should be noted, though, that out of the asshole bosses i've had of both genders, the females have tended to be assholier than the males). i have yet to experience an incompetent female boss.
and brian, yes, i was talking about my choice in a vacuum, not who had a better chance of winning. honestly, it was a toss up between her and yang for me.
Honestly, just think not enough women have gotten the chance to be the shitty leaders they would be. Women have had to be amazing to get a step below where they should be.
as world leaders, yes, but in my company, the only position a woman hasn't held is president. several VP's. and from my colleagues who work directly for them as managers and directors, I never hear a bad word about the females. only the males.
but it is an interesting point you bring up. maybe you're right. maybe if it had been 50/50 all along we'd have had a Georgia W Bush or a Stephanie Harper.
I could be totally wrong. But in my company we have women at all levels. We have amazing leaders and really shitty ones too...both men and women. I have been lucky enough to work for 6 plant managers. 3 men and 3 women. I would rate them this way:
1) Man 2) Woman 3) Man 4) Woman 5) Woman 6) Man
Not to mention all the other different levels/functions I have worked with. I've found one thing to be true...it didn;t matter if it was a man or a woman, they could be awesome or suck bad.
I’ve worked mostly with men, the majority of whom were standup guys and fantastic managers.
The two other women under whom I worked: Sued one for non-payment of commissions (she blew it on coke, and I won my case), and the second got off on loudly berating me in front of my coworkers for non-existent issues.
I really don’t care what genitalia a president has. Just do the fucking job, and do it well!
I agree. I will admit if all things close to equal...I’d really like to have a female president sooner than later though. Just to break through that once and for all
Men historically have dominated through might, and women through compassion (to grossly generalize based on evolutionary traits). I personally think what will be most important in a female president, is to bring with it an empathetic and compassionate approach to governance. It really seems like Biden has the potential to be a graceful segue into that new future, with Kamala Harris by his side.
thank you for articulating what i couldn't.
"Oh Canada...you're beautiful when you're drunk" -EV 8/14/93
Representation matters. I have a feeling all the people preaching here that "it doesn't matter if it's a man or woman as long as they do their job good blah blah blah "are a buncha white dudes. No shit, that's inherent to any job. Who is insuating that if it was a woman they shouldn't do a less than good job?
There should be more women and POC leading, especially in public servant positions so it's representative of the electorate. Look at the Senate and tell me if that's representative of our country. Things don't change unless they're pushed. And it needs to be pushed.
Think of me as you wish, but I am not a white dude. I do find it ridiculous to elect someone because of their gender, or race, or religion, etc.
My city council is made up of all types that fit the diversity mold just fine. However, many of them suck at their jobs. So I stand by what I said.
Lastly, I have very little trust in politicians as a whole to begin with. Maybe that’s why I stress ability (and accountability) over other factors.
Your cynicism shouldn't negate the need to push proper representation.
At the end of the day democracy allows people to be cynical and hurt when it's abused, because the whole thing relies on active participation. Otherwise, it's self affirming to think it doesn't work because politicians are corrupt. Whether you like it or not politicians make the rules, because democracy is foundational. Elect better candidates then.
Representation matters. I have a feeling all the people preaching here that "it doesn't matter if it's a man or woman as long as they do their job good blah blah blah "are a buncha white dudes. No shit, that's inherent to any job. Who is insuating that if it was a woman they shouldn't do a less than good job?
There should be more women and POC leading, especially in public servant positions so it's representative of the electorate. Look at the Senate and tell me if that's representative of our country. Things don't change unless they're pushed. And it needs to be pushed.
Well of course it does. My discussion was about someone stating women are better leaders and there have been studies about it. I think it's the lack of opportunity that has led to us not realizing that women are just as capable of being a good leader as a they are of being a bad leader as men are.
You cannot argue that congress shouldn't be as diverse as the nation is with a straight face I don't think. So I certainly agree with you on this point. And diversity isn't just gender, color....it's background, upbringing, etc. Diversity is in fact more than skin deep.
Agreed, but it shouldn't be discounted. As much as i do agree with cliches of seeing beyond color, the unfortunate truth it does make a lot of people in this country squirm. So there is merit to it. Opportunity starts with just that. Women and POC can lead, so give them the opportunity to do it more often.
Not today Sir, Probably not tomorrow.............................................. bayfront arena st. pete '94
you're finally here and I'm a mess................................................... nationwide arena columbus '10
memories like fingerprints are slowly raising.................................... first niagara center buffalo '13
another man ..... moved by sleight of hand...................................... joe louis arena detroit '14
Not today Sir, Probably not tomorrow.............................................. bayfront arena st. pete '94
you're finally here and I'm a mess................................................... nationwide arena columbus '10
memories like fingerprints are slowly raising.................................... first niagara center buffalo '13
another man ..... moved by sleight of hand...................................... joe louis arena detroit '14
Not the point. You're telling me you don't see this coming? Same with the debt debate, already on its crawl out of the grave.
it is part of the point to me. hannity deserves all the scorn coming to him, however, if he gets it because of something fake or fabricated, it diminishes the credence given to criticism that is warranted.
"Oh Canada...you're beautiful when you're drunk" -EV 8/14/93
Not the point. You're telling me you don't see this coming? Same with the debt debate, already on its crawl out of the grave.
it is part of the point to me. hannity deserves all the scorn coming to him, however, if he gets it because of something fake or fabricated, it diminishes the credence given to criticism that is warranted.
So the satire of the reality, which is to the point where the reality has exceeded the satire for the past four years, shouldn't be a thing and/or is too much for you to handle? I mean i get it.
Not the point. You're telling me you don't see this coming? Same with the debt debate, already on its crawl out of the grave.
it is part of the point to me. hannity deserves all the scorn coming to him, however, if he gets it because of something fake or fabricated, it diminishes the credence given to criticism that is warranted.
So the satire of the reality, which is to the point where the reality has exceeded the satire for the past four years, shouldn't be a thing and/or is too much for you to handle? I mean i get it.
all i was asking was if you knew it was fake. because your "annnd just like that" told me otherwise. i think it's important to make sure we know the difference between reality and satire, even if sometimes it feels like they intersect.
"Oh Canada...you're beautiful when you're drunk" -EV 8/14/93
Not the point. You're telling me you don't see this coming? Same with the debt debate, already on its crawl out of the grave.
it is part of the point to me. hannity deserves all the scorn coming to him, however, if he gets it because of something fake or fabricated, it diminishes the credence given to criticism that is warranted.
So the satire of the reality, which is to the point where the reality has exceeded the satire for the past four years, shouldn't be a thing and/or is too much for you to handle? I mean i get it.
all i was asking was if you knew it was fake. because your "annnd just like that" told me otherwise. i think it's important to make sure we know the difference between reality and satire, even if sometimes it feels like they intersect.
Yeah, nah, Fox News should never be taken seriously so differentiating between the two doesn't matter.
If it means helping some people that didn't have it as bad in order to help the people hit hardest and save money from not using bullshit means-testing, go for it. Guaranteed $75,000 earners based on 2019 taxes for the most part were hit hard enough to deserve a little help whether you think so or not. Have a heart
There are no kings inside the gates of eden
Now, if someone wants to argue that this should go through tax filings I'm down with that (ie if you don't have a drop in income then you pay the money back). But the scale this is at is unprecedented.
And, again, at the end of the day give every single person in this country cash, that's it.
Good point Ben. I wish Kamala all the best!
Not today Sir, Probably not tomorrow.............................................. bayfront arena st. pete '94
you're finally here and I'm a mess................................................... nationwide arena columbus '10
memories like fingerprints are slowly raising.................................... first niagara center buffalo '13
another man ..... moved by sleight of hand...................................... joe louis arena detroit '14
"Cygnus X-1, Book II: Hemispheres" lyrics
Rush Lyrics
When our weary world was young
The struggle of the ancients first began
The gods of love and reason
Sought alone to rule the fate of man
They battled through the ages
But still neither force would yield
The people were divided
Every soul a battlefield
[II. Apollo / Dionysus]
[Apollo: Bringer Of Wisdom]
'I bring truth and understanding
I bring wit and wisdom fair
Precious gifts beyond compare
We can build a world of wonder
I can make you all aware
I will find you food and shelter
Show you fire to keep you warm
Through the endless winter storm
You can live in grace and comfort
In the world that you transform'
The people were delighted
Coming forth to claim their prize
They ran to build their cities
And converse among the wise
But one day the streets fell silent
Yet they knew not what was wrong
The urge to build these fine things
Seemed not to be so strong
The wise men were consulted
And the Bridge of Death was crossed
In quest of Dionysus
To find out what they had lost
[Dionysus: Bringer Of Love]
'I bring love to give you solace
In the darkness of the night
In the Heart's eternal light
You need only trust your feelings
Only love can steer you right
I bring laughter, I bring music
I bring joy and I bring tears
I will soothe your primal fears
Throw off those chains of reason
And your prison disappears'
The cities were abandoned
And the forests echoed song
They danced and lived as brothers
They knew love could not be wrong
Food and wine they had aplenty
And they slept beneath the stars
The people were contented
And the gods watched from afar
But the winter fell upon them
And it caught them unprepared
Bringing wolves and cold starvation
And the hearts of men despaired
[III. Armageddon: The Battle Of Heart and Mind]
The universe divided
As the heart and mind collided
With the people left unguided
For so many troubled years
In a cloud of doubts and fears
Their world was torn asunder into hollow
Some fought themselves, some fought each other
Most just followed one another
Lost and aimless like their brothers
For their hearts were so unclear
And the truth could not appear
Their spirits were divided into blinded
Some who did not fight
Brought tales of old to light
'My Rocinante sailed by night
On her final flight'
To the heart of Cygnus' fearsome force
We set our course
Spiralled through that timeless space
To this immortal place
[IV. Cygnus: Bringer Of Balance]
I have memory and awareness
But I have no shape or form
As a disembodied spirit
I am dead and yet unborn
I have passed into Olympus
As was told in tales of old
To the city of Immortals
Marble white and purest gold...
I see the gods in battle rage on high...
Thunderbolts across the sky...
I cannot move, I cannot hide...
I feel a silent scream begin inside...
Then all at once the chaos ceased
A stillness fell, a sudden peace
The warriors felt my silent cry
And stayed their struggle, mystified
Apollo was astonished
Dionysus thought me mad
But they heard my story further
And they wondered, and were sad
Looking down from Olympus
On a world of doubt and fear
Its surface splintered
Into sorry Hemispheres
They sat a while in silence
Then they turned at last to me
'We will call you Cygnus
The god of Balance you shall be'
[V. The Sphere: A Kind Of Dream]
We can walk our road together
If our goals are all the same
We can run alone and free
If we pursue a different aim
Let the truth of love be lighted
Let the love of truth shine clear
Armed with sense and liberty
With the heart and mind united in a single
Not today Sir, Probably not tomorrow.............................................. bayfront arena st. pete '94
you're finally here and I'm a mess................................................... nationwide arena columbus '10
memories like fingerprints are slowly raising.................................... first niagara center buffalo '13
another man ..... moved by sleight of hand...................................... joe louis arena detroit '14
The two other women under whom I worked: Sued one for non-payment of commissions (she blew it on coke, and I won my case), and the second got off on loudly berating me in front of my coworkers for non-existent issues.
I really don’t care what genitalia a president has. Just do the fucking job, and do it well!
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
Toronto Film Festival 9/11/2007, '08 - Toronto 1 & 2, '09 - Albany 1, '11 - Chicago 1
There should be more women and POC leading, especially in public servant positions so it's representative of the electorate. Look at the Senate and tell me if that's representative of our country. Things don't change unless they're pushed. And it needs to be pushed.
You cannot argue that congress shouldn't be as diverse as the nation is with a straight face I don't think. So I certainly agree with you on this point. And diversity isn't just gender, color....it's background, upbringing, etc. Diversity is in fact more than skin deep.
My city council is made up of all types that fit the diversity mold just fine. However, many of them suck at their jobs. So I stand by what I said.
Lastly, I have very little trust in politicians as a whole to begin with. Maybe that’s why I stress ability (and accountability) over other factors.
-EV 8/14/93
-EV 8/14/93
Looky here...timely article.
At the end of the day democracy allows people to be cynical and hurt when it's abused, because the whole thing relies on active participation. Otherwise, it's self affirming to think it doesn't work because politicians are corrupt. Whether you like it or not politicians make the rules, because democracy is foundational. Elect better candidates then.
cincybearcat said: Agreed, but it shouldn't be discounted. As much as i do agree with cliches of seeing beyond color, the unfortunate truth it does make a lot of people in this country squirm. So there is merit to it. Opportunity starts with just that. Women and POC can lead, so give them the opportunity to do it more often.
Not today Sir, Probably not tomorrow.............................................. bayfront arena st. pete '94
you're finally here and I'm a mess................................................... nationwide arena columbus '10
memories like fingerprints are slowly raising.................................... first niagara center buffalo '13
another man ..... moved by sleight of hand...................................... joe louis arena detroit '14
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
hunter was a very big topic I hear....
Not today Sir, Probably not tomorrow.............................................. bayfront arena st. pete '94
you're finally here and I'm a mess................................................... nationwide arena columbus '10
memories like fingerprints are slowly raising.................................... first niagara center buffalo '13
another man ..... moved by sleight of hand...................................... joe louis arena detroit '14
-EV 8/14/93
-EV 8/14/93