Vintage show review - September 26, 1991 Town Pump Vancouver, BC
Would love to have been there.
Remember concerts?
Twenty-nine years ago today--on September 26, 1991--Pearl Jam played the Town Pump in Gastown. That was less than a month after the release of its debut album, Ten, which went on to sell 13-million copies in the U.S. alone. Maybe you were there? To jog your memory, here's my review, which was originally published in the October 3, 1991, issue of the Georgia Straight:
I’d been warned by someone who caught Pearl Jam’s sound check at the Town Pump last Thursday afternoon (September 26) that the Seattle band was extremely loud. My second clue, upon entering the busy club around midnight, was the abundance of black leather and tattoos among the beer-guzzling patrons. These weren’t your typical new-age followers. And the blonde lady with the sign of the Antichrist tattooed on her temple wasn’t there to see Peter, Paul & Mary.
My hearing-safety concerns were justified when the band hit the stage and launched into “Once”, the raunchy opening track from its debut album, Ten. Drummer Dave Krusen’s cymbal smashes were shrill enough to kill small rodents, and I kept my distance, leaning against a wall at the far end of the bar. Then one of the show’s promoters came up and remarked that a body can’t really review a concert from that far away.
So instead of telling him where he could review it from, I risked a closer look.
Gutted: London 2 2018, Sacramento 2022, Noblesville 2023
Give yourself a big pat on the back for the prophetic comments about the strong possibility of a very bright future for the band.