My niece’s boss wants to do one of those “it’s not mandatory but really is” retreats for his employees. This is the same guy who eschews masks and didn’t share that a nearby employee was infected.
What in the holy fuck is wrong with some people? Save that rah-rah shit for another time.
Long, but possibly entertaining. I did the Real ID thing maybe two years ago. It had only started in Ohio a few weeks before I went. I swore that I had everything they needed, despite Ohio BMV's website not being updated to the changes.
"Um, yes?" (Hyphenation angers a lot of people. I do not know why. I tell them that I did it to complicate their lives. If they weren't sunshine and rainbows before . . . )
"DID YOU CHANGE YOUR NAME?" (I swear that she really was yelling.)
"When I got married." (She needn't know about the legal name change at 15.)
"You need your marriage certificate!"
"My guess is that the marriage certificate isn't the pretty paper that they sent after we were married, right?"
"Where do I obtain a marriage certificate?"
"The courthouse downtown."
Sweet Jesus. We go through downtown which is like the largest jog through orange barrels you have ever seen. Park in the deck, hoof it to the courthouse, step inside and the police officer says, "You do not look happy."
"I just want a driver's license."
He laughed, "Oh, you are one of THOSE."
My daughter set off the security thing with her belt. After that, we went upstairs as instructed. I kept meeting up with helpful people with the same question and their response was all the same, "Oh, you are one of THOSE." Finally, I get my marriage certificate for the bargain price of $2.00, now it has been hours (I started the journey at 8:30 when they opened) it was now lunchtime, it was humid, it looked like I had stuck my finger in a light socket and quite frankly, I was cranky. I went to tame the wildness and have a bite to eat before I went back.
Second trip down went much better. I believe that my lady had either something to eat, had a vat of coffee or something because she was a kind human. She even asked me if I liked my photo.
"If both eyes are open and I don't look like I have done drugs, it's fine. I don't plan on putting it in a picture frame in the living room."
She laughed. All was well.
But . . . you need Real ID for flights and to enter into government buildings.
Previously referred to by other regimes as “your papers.”
I joked with my friends that I think the next time New Jersey might want a DNA sample and family history. No lie. Years ago when the 6 points of ID started, I produced a birth certificate, with the seal, from the hospital I was born in. That was not acceptable, it had to be from the county vital statistics office where I was born. I was born in MA, I lived in NJ. My parents went to visit in MA, went to the office, requested numerous copies of all 5 children without showing ANY ID, just provided names and DOBs and they gladly handed them over. It's a joke, this was the same DMV office I have dealing with since I was 17 and all of sudden they couldn't verify I was who I said I was.
Not the animal (mmm, bacon) but the people who flocked to our beaches yesterday and left them trashed. Litter all over the sand...a lot of it.
And this state is supposed to be so progressive and considerate and environmentally responsible. Nope. Bunch of selfish boors who think nothing of leaving their waste behind.
Not the animal (mmm, bacon) but the people who flocked to our beaches yesterday and left them trashed. Litter all over the sand...a lot of it.
And this state is supposed to be so progressive and considerate and environmentally responsible. Nope. Bunch of selfish boors who think nothing of leaving their waste behind.
I learned that shit at FIVE.
First, I'm with you there with bacon, I LOVE bacon. I live about an hour + from some South Jersey shore towns. Wildwood is a place where, pre-COVID, the seniors and prom goers would go after prom for the weekend. The filth these kids left behind is unfathomable. Absolutely no respect. What boggles my mind is a lot of these young people are the ones blaming prior generations for the environmental situation today and global warming, etc. Blame others, but don't take any responsibility yourself, doesn't work that way.
I don't have it in me to just toss a sandwich bag or soda bottle off to the side and walk away. We were obviously raised right Hedo. And even if you get stoned or drunk or you're just having the time of your life, you don't lose that instinct to find the nearest trash receptacle, not if you were raised right.
In a (my) fantasy world, I’d like to bitchslap them or worse. Like in that Richard Bachman (Stephen King?) short story, where the guy hits “delete” on his computer and poof - said annoyance is no more.
This year has been a shining example of the sheer stupidity of many.
I’m not talking differing opinions here. Just inanity - almost smugly and willingly. Delete ‘em all, I say! Or maybe keep a few around for entertainment.
Second trip down went much better. I believe that my lady had either something to eat, had a vat of coffee or something because she was a kind human. She even asked me if I liked my photo.
"If both eyes are open and I don't look like I have done drugs, it's fine. I don't plan on putting it in a picture frame in the living room."
She laughed. All was well.
But . . . you need Real ID for flights and to enter into government buildings.
this made me laugh; same with me, they ask do you like your picture, I thought I don't give a rats ass what it looks like, as long as I get on a plane. Oh by all means, let me hold up the line even more to have my picture taken multiple times . . . i'm not vain like that.
Not the animal (mmm, bacon) but the people who flocked to our beaches yesterday and left them trashed. Litter all over the sand...a lot of it.
I don't have it in me to just toss a sandwich bag or soda bottle off to the side and walk away. We were obviously raised right Hedo. And even if you get stoned or drunk or you're just having the time of your life, you don't lose that instinct to find the nearest trash receptacle, not if you were raised right.
In a (my) fantasy world, I’d like to bitchslap them or worse. Like in that Richard Bachman (Stephen King?) short story, where the guy hits “delete” on his computer and poof - said annoyance is no more.
This year has been a shining example of the sheer stupidity of many.
Yeah, it’s only pet peeve of mine. I swear