F Me In The Brain
this knows everybody from other commets Posts: 31,599
10 miles in this morning....was hot as fuck by the time I finished but much cooler than the past two weekends. Took it easy, throughout, and enjoyed it. Hope Y'all have a good run in, this weekend!
So my plan was to run a few times while in Prague. But I only ran once on the hotel treadmill. Unfortunately, I came back sick - really bad cold - negative Covid test. I have not been able to run yet. So right now it has been a week since my last run and it will probably be several more days until I feel well enough to run again. I am really afraid what this has done to my progress. I have never gone this long without a run since I started. I hope it won’t take too long to build it back up. I was doing really well in terms of increasing my speed. Oh well.
Hope you all are doing great.
F Me In The Brain
this knows everybody from other commets Posts: 31,599
Hope you feel better, soon! You will be right back at it, I'm sure.
Since my next race is Wednesday night, I'm on a fucked up schedule vs normal weekend race prep. Went 5 this morning, 6 on tap for tomorrow morning. So frigging humid, took 20 mins to stop sweating today.
Hope you feel better, soon! You will be right back at it, I'm sure.
Since my next race is Wednesday night, I'm on a fucked up schedule vs normal weekend race prep. Went 5 this morning, 6 on tap for tomorrow morning. So frigging humid, took 20 mins to stop sweating today.
Thanks. Good luck with the race. It is really humid out. I can’t even imagine running outside right now. Good for you. Stay hydrated. Keep us posted on the race.
it has been 10 days since my last run. I am feeling better but not 100 percent. Yesterday I had a positive rapid test, a negative rapid test, and a negative PCR test. I am going with negative. My plan is to continue to rest this weekend and then start fresh on Monday. This has been the longest I have gone without running since I started. I am really nervous about how much progress I lost. I usually run 5.5 miles. Should I be happy with 3.5 to start?
F Me In The Brain
this knows everybody from other commets Posts: 31,599
I would suggest going with a timed run vs a distance. Perhaps a 30 minute run on first few days and moving up from there. This may stop you from doing too much and worry about speed/distance while you get your breath back. Glad you are feeling better and hope it continues! Race is Wednesday evening. This week was a different schedule since the prep is for a Wednesday event....went 5,7,3 mile runs in the AMs and today did a 30 minute fast run. Tomorrow I have 2 miles easy and then will have Monday and Tuesday off. These whacky approaches- hoping to get a PR out of it, although night running is something I almost never do.
Thanks for the suggestion. I may try that. My runs have been about 55 minutes. So 30 minutes should be good to start. Or I will just run until I can’t anymore. I will try not to put pressure on myself but that will be hard. I also have to start back with my weekly weight training, yoga, and Pilates. But for some reason missing those doesn’t bother me as much as missing the running.
Sounds like you have an good training plan. A night race sounds interesting. I hope it is not too humid.let us know how it goes.
So I finally got back to running today. It had been 13 days. I went to the gym and used the treadmill since it was too hot outside. I had planned to ease back into it but I knew my type A personality wouldn't let me do that. I ended up running 5 miles. I did slow it down a bit so my time was not as fast, but still a good workout. Tonight is Pilates. I think once I get back into my regular fitness routine I will feel more normal. My fatigue was much less today.
How is everyone doing?
F Me In The Brain
this knows everybody from other commets Posts: 31,599
Ha. Nice work- careful not to hurt yourself but glad you are back to it and feeling better. It is so damn hot here right now....good thing the run on Wednesday night is only a 5k. Hoping the heat won't stop me from a PR.
I recently switched from road running to treadmill, and it has been so much kinder to my body. I knew that this would be the case, but was holding off for as long as possible, because I love to pass the scenery as I run through the countryside around here. But I guess I'm preserving myself so that I can be in better condition when I go on my country runs more sporadically. I had an ankle injury earlier this year which prompted this.
What sort of distances are you putting in on the treadmill?
What did you do to your ankle?
Curious on these, as I have a shit treadmill (aka the dreadmill) and prefer to be outdoors as the dreadmill slaughters my knees.
I also prefer to make my own pace and while the dreadmill is likely better for training and driving the pace, if I am aiming at a speed I would prefer to average it out as I feel vs. running to the same exact pace the whole time.
For me, the best deal for my ankle/knees has been the local track. It is boring as hell, and I need to start quite early, but it is easier on my body and I dont have to be concerned about twisting my ankle on something. [Last year I tore a tendon in my ankle training for a 26.2 and I didnt treat until after the distance was accomplished and was in a boot and on a physical therapy tour for a while this year. On the longer runs now it still hurts - I wear a brace and am suspicious that this is holding me back but until I accomplish this year's goal (50k) and then another marathon after it I am not going to scale back, start running w/o the brace.]
I twisted my ankle quite badly last year, and it took a very long time to heal because I was incapable of taking the appropriate amount of downtime. It's a lot better these days, but I also run a lot less. For example, today I did 3.33km on the treadmill. I am a much different type of runner than you are from the sound of things. I was previously capable of running 10km multiple times per week, but I've decided to take it very easy for the remainder of the year and hopefully start to build it back up next year.
Dublin 2006 Dublin 2010 Madrid 2018 Werchter 2022 London 1 2022 London 2 2022 Krakow 2022
F Me In The Brain
this knows everybody from other commets Posts: 31,599
Sounds like you know your body and what you should do - good for you. Hope you are enjoying getting back going.
Ha. Nice work- careful not to hurt yourself but glad you are back to it and feeling better. It is so damn hot here right now....good thing the run on Wednesday night is only a 5k. Hoping the heat won't stop me from a PR.
The heat is ridiculous. I hope it is a bit cooler for your run. I know when I run in the heat it really throws me off. But it sounds like you have been training outside. I bet you do great.
I recently switched from road running to treadmill, and it has been so much kinder to my body. I knew that this would be the case, but was holding off for as long as possible, because I love to pass the scenery as I run through the countryside around here. But I guess I'm preserving myself so that I can be in better condition when I go on my country runs more sporadically. I had an ankle injury earlier this year which prompted this.
What sort of distances are you putting in on the treadmill?
What did you do to your ankle?
Curious on these, as I have a shit treadmill (aka the dreadmill) and prefer to be outdoors as the dreadmill slaughters my knees.
I also prefer to make my own pace and while the dreadmill is likely better for training and driving the pace, if I am aiming at a speed I would prefer to average it out as I feel vs. running to the same exact pace the whole time.
For me, the best deal for my ankle/knees has been the local track. It is boring as hell, and I need to start quite early, but it is easier on my body and I dont have to be concerned about twisting my ankle on something. [Last year I tore a tendon in my ankle training for a 26.2 and I didnt treat until after the distance was accomplished and was in a boot and on a physical therapy tour for a while this year. On the longer runs now it still hurts - I wear a brace and am suspicious that this is holding me back but until I accomplish this year's goal (50k) and then another marathon after it I am not going to scale back, start running w/o the brace.]
I twisted my ankle quite badly last year, and it took a very long time to heal because I was incapable of taking the appropriate amount of downtime. It's a lot better these days, but I also run a lot less. For example, today I did 3.33km on the treadmill. I am a much different type of runner than you are from the sound of things. I was previously capable of running 10km multiple times per week, but I've decided to take it very easy for the remainder of the year and hopefully start to build it back up next year.
I hope you ankle is better. I know that taking downtown is both hard and frustrating. It is good that you have a plan. It sounds like it will be good for you to take it easy and build up slowly.
Ha. Nice work- careful not to hurt yourself but glad you are back to it and feeling better. It is so damn hot here right now....good thing the run on Wednesday night is only a 5k. Hoping the heat won't stop me from a PR.
Good luck with the 5K. I hope the heat doesn’t affect you too much. Let us know how it goes.
Just back from a lovely family holiday to Spain, so not alot of training done 💃🍹🍻
I'm not confident of hitting my autumn half marathon PB target purely due to the summer were having here. We've had highs of around 41c (105) and we're regularly in the 30s (90s) and I just can't hit my pace targets in this heat... We are not used to it 🥵
F Me In The Brain
this knows everybody from other commets Posts: 31,599
Hope your vacation was great!
On Wednesday night I experienced a total fuck up on my race but still had a run at it. 5 k, night, on a university track. Heats broken out by pace. I was in the 22 minute to 24 1/2 minute finishing group. (That would be a PR if I managed 24.30, I believe 24:34 was previous best 5k time)
Long story short(er) but I was talking with a group I thought was made up of my fellow heat runners....not anywhere near the starting line
I hear the gun go off ans the announcer starts talking about the heat # running. I say "fuck!" and realize that it is my group that just started. Quickly, in a bit of a panic, looked around and thought through my options....and started sprinting around about 300 meters of track to get to the starting line and just started wayyyyyyyy behind I ND everyone else. The people at the starting line were busting up laughing as I confirmed that yes, I was part of the group that started a good 90 seconds previous. The announcer was calling out my name, making some jokes about the late start and encouraging me. I ran the first lap as part of the race at full tilt...I was convinced I could catch up to the tail of the pack, tuck in, and get back to normal pace. What an idiot! I had a realistic shot of finishing last given the time of the entrants so it was foolish to blow it into early, like that. The crowd (a few hundred other runners/friends of runners) were great about cheering me on but I shot my load way too early to catch up. I finished 1min50 seconds off my record, solidly on last place. Last, I don't really mind...but I didn't give myself a real shot. Ha. I alternated between laughing and being angry...and the last mile I was just in pain, pushing as hard as I could. People were awesome about cheering me on and while it was embarrassing a bit....some likely did not hear and understand I started a lap behind....I accepted all of the kind words with a smile.
Live and learn! I fucked up with my watch and music as well, so I have no idea how long I really ran in the time of 26:25. I can laugh more about it now.
It was hot as fuck 90+ , humid, and I started after I usually go to bed. I started as fucked up as I probably could have, and still am glad to have finished with that time and running as hard as I could.
On Wednesday night I experienced a total fuck up on my race but still had a run at it. 5 k, night, on a university track. Heats broken out by pace. I was in the 22 minute to 24 1/2 minute finishing group. (That would be a PR if I managed 24.30, I believe 24:34 was previous best 5k time)
Long story short(er) but I was talking with a group I thought was made up of my fellow heat runners....not anywhere near the starting line
I hear the gun go off ans the announcer starts talking about the heat # running. I say "fuck!" and realize that it is my group that just started. Quickly, in a bit of a panic, looked around and thought through my options....and started sprinting around about 300 meters of track to get to the starting line and just started wayyyyyyyy behind I ND everyone else. The people at the starting line were busting up laughing as I confirmed that yes, I was part of the group that started a good 90 seconds previous. The announcer was calling out my name, making some jokes about the late start and encouraging me. I ran the first lap as part of the race at full tilt...I was convinced I could catch up to the tail of the pack, tuck in, and get back to normal pace. What an idiot! I had a realistic shot of finishing last given the time of the entrants so it was foolish to blow it into early, like that. The crowd (a few hundred other runners/friends of runners) were great about cheering me on but I shot my load way too early to catch up. I finished 1min50 seconds off my record, solidly on last place. Last, I don't really mind...but I didn't give myself a real shot. Ha. I alternated between laughing and being angry...and the last mile I was just in pain, pushing as hard as I could. People were awesome about cheering me on and while it was embarrassing a bit....some likely did not hear and understand I started a lap behind....I accepted all of the kind words with a smile.
Live and learn! I fucked up with my watch and music as well, so I have no idea how long I really ran in the time of 26:25. I can laugh more about it now.
It was hot as fuck 90+ , humid, and I started after I usually go to bed. I started as fucked up as I probably could have, and still am glad to have finished with that time and running as hard as I could.
Sorry that happened. I am glad you can already laugh about it. It is great that you still did the run. I may have said screw it. This heat doesn’t make it any easier either. Nice effort on your part 👏👏👏
Just back from a lovely family holiday to Spain, so not alot of training done 💃🍹🍻
I'm not confident of hitting my autumn half marathon PB target purely due to the summer were having here. We've had highs of around 41c (105) and we're regularly in the 30s (90s) and I just can't hit my pace targets in this heat... We are not used to it 🥵
I love Spain. I hope you had fun. The summer has been brutal. I have been mostly on the treadmill. But I am not training for anything so that doesn’t matter as much. I hope the heatwave breaks soon. Good luck.
F Me In The Brain
this knows everybody from other commets Posts: 31,599
On Wednesday night I experienced a total fuck up on my race but still had a run at it. 5 k, night, on a university track. Heats broken out by pace. I was in the 22 minute to 24 1/2 minute finishing group. (That would be a PR if I managed 24.30, I believe 24:34 was previous best 5k time)
Long story short(er) but I was talking with a group I thought was made up of my fellow heat runners....not anywhere near the starting line
I hear the gun go off ans the announcer starts talking about the heat # running. I say "fuck!" and realize that it is my group that just started. Quickly, in a bit of a panic, looked around and thought through my options....and started sprinting around about 300 meters of track to get to the starting line and just started wayyyyyyyy behind I ND everyone else. The people at the starting line were busting up laughing as I confirmed that yes, I was part of the group that started a good 90 seconds previous. The announcer was calling out my name, making some jokes about the late start and encouraging me. I ran the first lap as part of the race at full tilt...I was convinced I could catch up to the tail of the pack, tuck in, and get back to normal pace. What an idiot! I had a realistic shot of finishing last given the time of the entrants so it was foolish to blow it into early, like that. The crowd (a few hundred other runners/friends of runners) were great about cheering me on but I shot my load way too early to catch up. I finished 1min50 seconds off my record, solidly on last place. Last, I don't really mind...but I didn't give myself a real shot. Ha. I alternated between laughing and being angry...and the last mile I was just in pain, pushing as hard as I could. People were awesome about cheering me on and while it was embarrassing a bit....some likely did not hear and understand I started a lap behind....I accepted all of the kind words with a smile.
Live and learn! I fucked up with my watch and music as well, so I have no idea how long I really ran in the time of 26:25. I can laugh more about it now.
It was hot as fuck 90+ , humid, and I started after I usually go to bed. I started as fucked up as I probably could have, and still am glad to have finished with that time and running as hard as I could.
Sorry that happened. I am glad you can already laugh about it. It is great that you still did the run. I may have said screw it. This heat doesn’t make it any easier either. Nice effort on your part 👏👏👏
Thanks. Was 60 when I ran this AM. Felt great but a reminder that it will not be long and it'll be getting cold.
Yes. Thanks. I am feeling back to myself. I have been running again. I am back up to my normal pace - so that is good. Two weeks of feeling under the weather was long enough.
So I've been doing my shorter, faster training in the conservatory on the treadmill... It's still really hot in there but atleast there no beating sun. It's cooled a little last few days out for 10 miles today
F Me In The Brain
this knows everybody from other commets Posts: 31,599
Enjoy it! I went 10 yesterday AM and had to wash my gear 2x to get the sweat stink out. Still very hot here...
Good job with the 10 miles to both of you. I did 5 miles on the treadmill yesterday. I just don’t get up early enough to beat the heat. At least the treadmill is now an option. When the gym was closed during Covid I had to force myself to get up early enough to run outside in the blazing summer.
F Me In The Brain
this knows everybody from other commets Posts: 31,599
Was meant to be an off day today as I did intervals yesterday AM but I couldn't resist sunrise #1 on vacation. Tomorrow I'll find somewhere to do a long run but went back and forth on this today. Sand running is hard work! (Also, high 70s in 90% humidity range....)
Beautiful! Where are you? I would love to be at the beach right now.
I had an interesting week. On Monday I had a really bad run. I knew from the first mile that it was going to suck. After 4 miles I had to stop and walk 5 minutes before finishing the last mile. But then Wednesday I had an amazing run. Everything felt great and I had my best time ever for 5 miles. I wish I knew why this happens sometimes.
F Me In The Brain
this knows everybody from other commets Posts: 31,599
a good (but hard) run this morning, it's still warm and sunny... I am ready for autumn!
F Me In The Brain
this knows everybody from other commets Posts: 31,599
Good speed, Phantom!
Yesterday AMs long run was brutal. I got a good drunk on Friday night and combining that with running Friday AM on a normal off day & crazy heat/humidity and it was a slog
Did it, though, and still went hiking in the rainforest after....swam under a waterfall.
My watch had my Body Battery at 6/100 when I went to bed last night.
Yesterday AMs long run was brutal. I got a good drunk on Friday night and combining that with running Friday AM on a normal off day & crazy heat/humidity and it was a slog
Did it, though, and still went hiking in the rainforest after....swam under a waterfall.
My watch had my Body Battery at 6/100 when I went to bed last night.
😂😂😂😂 That name is a 'running' joke with my cousin... Because I run almost silent, with no breathing or footstep noise 😂
F Me In The Brain
this knows everybody from other commets Posts: 31,599
Hope Y'all have a good run in, this weekend!
You will be right back at it, I'm sure.
Since my next race is Wednesday night, I'm on a fucked up schedule vs normal weekend race prep.
Went 5 this morning, 6 on tap for tomorrow morning. So frigging humid, took 20 mins to stop sweating today.
it has been 10 days since my last run. I am feeling better but not 100 percent. Yesterday I had a positive rapid test, a negative rapid test, and a negative PCR test. I am going with negative. My plan is to continue to rest this weekend and then start fresh on Monday. This has been the longest I have gone without running since I started. I am really nervous about how much progress I lost. I usually run 5.5 miles. Should I be happy with 3.5 to start?
Glad you are feeling better and hope it continues!
Race is Wednesday evening. This week was a different schedule since the prep is for a Wednesday event....went 5,7,3 mile runs in the AMs and today did a 30 minute fast run. Tomorrow I have 2 miles easy and then will have Monday and Tuesday off.
These whacky approaches- hoping to get a PR out of it, although night running is something I almost never do.
It is so damn hot here right now....good thing the run on Wednesday night is only a 5k. Hoping the heat won't stop me from a PR.
Dublin 2010
Madrid 2018
Werchter 2022
London 1 2022
London 2 2022
Krakow 2022
I'm not confident of hitting my autumn half marathon PB target purely due to the summer were having here. We've had highs of around 41c (105) and we're regularly in the 30s (90s) and I just can't hit my pace targets in this heat... We are not used to it 🥵
On Wednesday night I experienced a total fuck up on my race but still had a run at it.
5 k, night, on a university track.
Heats broken out by pace.
I was in the 22 minute to 24 1/2 minute finishing group.
(That would be a PR if I managed 24.30, I believe 24:34 was previous best 5k time)
Long story short(er) but I was talking with a group I thought was made up of my fellow heat runners....not anywhere near the starting line
I hear the gun go off ans the announcer starts talking about the heat # running.
I say "fuck!" and realize that it is my group that just started.
Quickly, in a bit of a panic, looked around and thought through my options....and started sprinting around about 300 meters of track to get to the starting line and just started wayyyyyyyy behind I ND everyone else.
The people at the starting line were busting up laughing as I confirmed that yes, I was part of the group that started a good 90 seconds previous.
The announcer was calling out my name, making some jokes about the late start and encouraging me.
I ran the first lap as part of the race at full tilt...I was convinced I could catch up to the tail of the pack, tuck in, and get back to normal pace.
What an idiot!
I had a realistic shot of finishing last given the time of the entrants so it was foolish to blow it into early, like that.
The crowd (a few hundred other runners/friends of runners) were great about cheering me on but I shot my load way too early to catch up.
I finished 1min50 seconds off my record, solidly on last place.
Last, I don't really mind...but I didn't give myself a real shot. Ha. I alternated between laughing and being angry...and the last mile I was just in pain, pushing as hard as I could.
People were awesome about cheering me on and while it was embarrassing a bit....some likely did not hear and understand I started a lap behind....I accepted all of the kind words with a smile.
Live and learn!
I fucked up with my watch and music as well, so I have no idea how long I really ran in the time of 26:25.
I can laugh more about it now.
It was hot as fuck 90+ , humid, and I started after I usually go to bed. I started as fucked up as I probably could have, and still am glad to have finished with that time and running as hard as I could.
Are you feeling 💯?
I went 10 yesterday AM and had to wash my gear 2x to get the sweat stink out. Still very hot here...
Tomorrow I'll find somewhere to do a long run but went back and forth on this today. Sand running is hard work! (Also, high 70s in 90% humidity range....)
We are in Puerto Rico.
Yesterday AMs long run was brutal. I got a good drunk on Friday night and combining that with running Friday AM on a normal off day & crazy heat/humidity and it was a slog
Did it, though, and still went hiking in the rainforest after....swam under a waterfall.
My watch had my Body Battery at 6/100 when I went to bed last night.
Love it