And yet Jared Dear Boy had to revise and resubmit his security clearance application 6 times and ultimately had it revoked. But lets worry about Hunter Biden's gun background check. Last time I checked, that crime didn't get you "thrown in a dark hole." And yes, he should be prosecuted for that just like every other gun loving 'Murican who lies on their federal gun purchase background check. What's Chelsea been up to of late?
It's bad enough when social media platforms hide stories but it's even worse when the officials we are supposed to trust do the same. Not everything about this election was on the up and up.
To the others, this was first reported by Politico, not the Post. But more importantly:
1. It's a long standing Justice Dept policy not to pursue investigations during a federal election year that could be deemed to provide one political candidate an advantage over another. This should not be news to you and this clearly would fall into that category. The investigations would continue after the election.
2. The decision maker in this case was a Trump appointed US Attorney
3. The DOJ was under Trump
So what we have here is a Trump official following DOJ policy. I'm not sure why this would bother you.
It bothers me because this isn't justice. Has the investigation started up again? I don't know but what I do know is that Hunter Biden is now selling his "art" for upwards of $500,000. The laptop already showed that he used Joe Biden for pay to play. The laptop shows plenty of damaging evidence that if you or I were caught with, we'd be thrown in a dark hole as we should be.
Oh and please tell me the specific crime Hunter committed that would get you and I thrown in a dark hole. I guarantee I can pick apart your argument with basic legal and statutory knowledge.
Hunter lied on a federal background check when he purchased a gun by stating that he wasn't addicted to drugs.
Do you want stronger gun control? How about we start with enacting the laws that are already in place?
1. What does this have to do with his laptop?
2. How do you prove addiction beyond a reasonable doubt to a jury? You are saying that you or I would definitely have been proven as addicted to drugs and received jail time? That's an almost impossible argument.
And btw, sentencing for a class 5 felony first offense is usually no jail time and a fine of about $2500
And yet Jared Dear Boy had to revise and resubmit his security clearance application 6 times and ultimately had it revoked. But lets worry about Hunter Biden's gun background check. Last time I checked, that crime didn't get you "thrown in a dark hole." And yes, he should be prosecuted for that just like every other gun loving 'Murican who lies on their federal gun purchase background check. What's Chelsea been up to of late?
The Hunter gun background check was one good example. I was guaranteed that what I said could be picked apart so I figured that was a good one to start off with... Isn't that right @mrussel1
If you want to talk about Jared, that's OK but that is deflection.
It's bad enough when social media platforms hide stories but it's even worse when the officials we are supposed to trust do the same. Not everything about this election was on the up and up.
To the others, this was first reported by Politico, not the Post. But more importantly:
1. It's a long standing Justice Dept policy not to pursue investigations during a federal election year that could be deemed to provide one political candidate an advantage over another. This should not be news to you and this clearly would fall into that category. The investigations would continue after the election.
2. The decision maker in this case was a Trump appointed US Attorney
3. The DOJ was under Trump
So what we have here is a Trump official following DOJ policy. I'm not sure why this would bother you.
It bothers me because this isn't justice. Has the investigation started up again? I don't know but what I do know is that Hunter Biden is now selling his "art" for upwards of $500,000. The laptop already showed that he used Joe Biden for pay to play. The laptop shows plenty of damaging evidence that if you or I were caught with, we'd be thrown in a dark hole as we should be.
Oh and please tell me the specific crime Hunter committed that would get you and I thrown in a dark hole. I guarantee I can pick apart your argument with basic legal and statutory knowledge.
Hunter lied on a federal background check when he purchased a gun by stating that he wasn't addicted to drugs.
Do you want stronger gun control? How about we start with enacting the laws that are already in place?
1. What does this have to do with his laptop?
2. How do you prove addiction beyond a reasonable doubt to a jury? You are saying that you or I would definitely have been proven as addicted to drugs and received jail time? That's an almost impossible argument.
And btw, sentencing for a class 5 felony first offense is usually no jail time and a fine of about $2500
There are many pictures of Hunter taking pictures of himself taking drugs while on his laptop during the same time period he filled out the gun background check.
What you are saying does not "pick apart your argument with basic legal and statutory knowledge" as you guaranteed.
It's bad enough when social media platforms hide stories but it's even worse when the officials we are supposed to trust do the same. Not everything about this election was on the up and up.
To the others, this was first reported by Politico, not the Post. But more importantly:
1. It's a long standing Justice Dept policy not to pursue investigations during a federal election year that could be deemed to provide one political candidate an advantage over another. This should not be news to you and this clearly would fall into that category. The investigations would continue after the election.
2. The decision maker in this case was a Trump appointed US Attorney
3. The DOJ was under Trump
So what we have here is a Trump official following DOJ policy. I'm not sure why this would bother you.
It bothers me because this isn't justice. Has the investigation started up again? I don't know but what I do know is that Hunter Biden is now selling his "art" for upwards of $500,000. The laptop already showed that he used Joe Biden for pay to play. The laptop shows plenty of damaging evidence that if you or I were caught with, we'd be thrown in a dark hole as we should be.
Oh and please tell me the specific crime Hunter committed that would get you and I thrown in a dark hole. I guarantee I can pick apart your argument with basic legal and statutory knowledge.
Hunter lied on a federal background check when he purchased a gun by stating that he wasn't addicted to drugs.
Do you want stronger gun control? How about we start with enacting the laws that are already in place?
1. What does this have to do with his laptop?
2. How do you prove addiction beyond a reasonable doubt to a jury? You are saying that you or I would definitely have been proven as addicted to drugs and received jail time? That's an almost impossible argument.
And btw, sentencing for a class 5 felony first offense is usually no jail time and a fine of about $2500
America has a big enough problem with guns but this kind of thing gets overlooked every day so it is a big deal no matter how much jail time or how much the fine would be.
It's bad enough when social media platforms hide stories but it's even worse when the officials we are supposed to trust do the same. Not everything about this election was on the up and up.
To the others, this was first reported by Politico, not the Post. But more importantly:
1. It's a long standing Justice Dept policy not to pursue investigations during a federal election year that could be deemed to provide one political candidate an advantage over another. This should not be news to you and this clearly would fall into that category. The investigations would continue after the election.
2. The decision maker in this case was a Trump appointed US Attorney
3. The DOJ was under Trump
So what we have here is a Trump official following DOJ policy. I'm not sure why this would bother you.
It bothers me because this isn't justice. Has the investigation started up again? I don't know but what I do know is that Hunter Biden is now selling his "art" for upwards of $500,000. The laptop already showed that he used Joe Biden for pay to play. The laptop shows plenty of damaging evidence that if you or I were caught with, we'd be thrown in a dark hole as we should be.
Oh and please tell me the specific crime Hunter committed that would get you and I thrown in a dark hole. I guarantee I can pick apart your argument with basic legal and statutory knowledge.
Hunter lied on a federal background check when he purchased a gun by stating that he wasn't addicted to drugs.
Do you want stronger gun control? How about we start with enacting the laws that are already in place?
1. What does this have to do with his laptop?
2. How do you prove addiction beyond a reasonable doubt to a jury? You are saying that you or I would definitely have been proven as addicted to drugs and received jail time? That's an almost impossible argument.
And btw, sentencing for a class 5 felony first offense is usually no jail time and a fine of about $2500
There are many pictures of Hunter taking pictures of himself taking drugs while on his laptop during the same time period he filled out the gun background check.
What you are saying does not "pick apart your argument with basic legal and statutory knowledge" as you guaranteed.
Again, how do you prove addiction beyond a reasonable doubt? No prosecutor would take that to court. Not as a 5th degree felony. He would have to be proved as an addict and he knowingly lied on the app.
It's bad enough when social media platforms hide stories but it's even worse when the officials we are supposed to trust do the same. Not everything about this election was on the up and up.
To the others, this was first reported by Politico, not the Post. But more importantly:
1. It's a long standing Justice Dept policy not to pursue investigations during a federal election year that could be deemed to provide one political candidate an advantage over another. This should not be news to you and this clearly would fall into that category. The investigations would continue after the election.
2. The decision maker in this case was a Trump appointed US Attorney
3. The DOJ was under Trump
So what we have here is a Trump official following DOJ policy. I'm not sure why this would bother you.
It bothers me because this isn't justice. Has the investigation started up again? I don't know but what I do know is that Hunter Biden is now selling his "art" for upwards of $500,000. The laptop already showed that he used Joe Biden for pay to play. The laptop shows plenty of damaging evidence that if you or I were caught with, we'd be thrown in a dark hole as we should be.
Oh and please tell me the specific crime Hunter committed that would get you and I thrown in a dark hole. I guarantee I can pick apart your argument with basic legal and statutory knowledge.
Hunter lied on a federal background check when he purchased a gun by stating that he wasn't addicted to drugs.
Do you want stronger gun control? How about we start with enacting the laws that are already in place?
1. What does this have to do with his laptop?
2. How do you prove addiction beyond a reasonable doubt to a jury? You are saying that you or I would definitely have been proven as addicted to drugs and received jail time? That's an almost impossible argument.
And btw, sentencing for a class 5 felony first offense is usually no jail time and a fine of about $2500
America has a big enough problem with guns but this kind of thing gets overlooked every day so it is a big deal no matter how much jail time or how much the fine would be.
How about Hunter violating FARA?
So the secret service is now a prosecutorial body? This proves nothing related to guilt.
And yet Jared Dear Boy had to revise and resubmit his security clearance application 6 times and ultimately had it revoked. But lets worry about Hunter Biden's gun background check. Last time I checked, that crime didn't get you "thrown in a dark hole." And yes, he should be prosecuted for that just like every other gun loving 'Murican who lies on their federal gun purchase background check. What's Chelsea been up to of late?
The Hunter gun background check was one good example. I was guaranteed that what I said could be picked apart so I figured that was a good one to start off with... Isn't that right @mrussel1
If you want to talk about Jared, that's OK but that is deflection.
How is it a deflection? You seem to have latched onto a NY Post story, of all sources, and are trying to insinuate that there's some really dark and nefarious shit going down with Hunter Biden and POTUS, and the laptop and his art. Regarding the laptop, the source you cited, has a "history" if you will (see my previous post). When challenged, you switched to purported drug use/addiction and point to pictures on Hunter's lap top as evidence. Do you know for certain those were drugs/illegal substances? That "evidence" would get tossed out of court and no jury would convict based solely upon pictures on a laptop.
Hunter Biden is a private citizen who's dad just happens to be the legitimately elected POTUS. Hunter is not a member of the Administration and has not been tasked with any official duties. There is no evidence that Hunter's previous relationships, board memberships or art sales have resulted in a quid pro quo or any type of influence on US policy, domestic or foreign. Jared Dear Boy, on the other hand, was a special envoy/assistant/general fuck up of major proportions and had the POOTWH's ear. And yet he needed six tries to get his security clearance application right and wasn't "thrown in a dark hole" for lying on it, particularly the parts about meeting with Russians.
What exactly is the allegation that you're trying to make about the Bidens? The thread title is Biden vs POOTWH 2020 so Jared Dear Boy is relevant and not a deflection. Should Hunter Biden be treated differently because his dad is a lib POTUS?
Whole lot of "responsible" gun ownership going on.
POOTWH's DOJ (from 9/11/2018):
If you lied to buy a firearm, fear not the feds.
Your chances of being prosecuted by the Justice Department for falsifying information to illegally buy a gun are almost zero.
Reviews by the National Instant Criminal Background Check System in fiscal 2017 led to 112,000 gun-purchase denials because people were in forbidden categories, according to a new report by the Government Accountability Office (GAO). The Justice Department’s Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) investigated 12,700 of those cases.
How many of the investigated cases resulted in prosecutions?
That’s 0.09 percent of the cases ATF investigated.
That means the crooks, the wife beaters and the homicidal maniacs who lie to get a gun have little reason to worry that Uncle Sam will get them for faking on Form 4473. It lists nine questions designed to cull those who should not be strapped. The questions include: “Have you ever been convicted in any court of a felony,” “Are you a fugitive from justice,” and “Have you ever been adjudicated as a mental defective.”
That raises this question from Avery Gardiner, co-president of the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence: “If it's official DOJ policy to enforce existing gun laws, why isn't the government following its own policy?”
Pennsylvania, by comparison, makes Sam look like a real slacker.
While the Justice Department prosecuted only a dozen cases, the Quaker State had 472 convictions, not just prosecutions, during fiscal 2017. “In 2014, the state changed its policy to investigate all firearms denials,” the GAO explained.
Attorney General Jeff Sessions attempted to boost prosecutions with a March 12, 2018, memo to U.S. attorneys. “Criminals and other prohibited persons who attempt to thwart the background check process by lying on the required forms threaten to undermine this important crime prevention tool,” he wrote. “Such conduct cannot be tolerated. We must vigilantly protect the integrity of the background check system through appropriate prosecution of those who attempt to circumvent the law.”
Sessions instructed federal prosecutors “to enhance prosecution of cases involving false statements on ATF Form 4473,” which he called “lie-and-try” cases. Lying on the form is a felony that can bring up to 10 years in prison and a $250,000 fine.
But the DOJ’s deeds fall far short of Sessions’s declarations.
ATF blamed the almost invisible federal prosecution rate on the number of denial cases that more than doubled from fiscal 2011 to 2017 and the time-intensive nature of the investigations.
The GAO’s report said U.S. attorneys “generally do not accept and prosecute denial cases that do not involve aggravating circumstances, as these cases can require significant effort for prosecutors relative to the short length of punishment and may offer little value to public safety because the offender does not obtain the firearm, compared to other cases involving gun violence.”
As the number of denial cases multiplied, investigators did not. The GAO said “ATF data show that special agent staffing across … six selected field divisions collectively only increased by one special agent from fiscal years 2011 through 2017.”
The Justice Department did not respond to a request for comment.
The report “reveals some alarming gaps in how we investigate and prosecute firearms denials,” said Rep. José E. Serrano (N.Y.), the top Democrat on the House Appropriations justice subcommittee, who requested the study. “We need additional investment and improved practices to prevent dangerous individuals from purchasing guns, and to punish them when they attempt to do so.”
Calling the dearth of prosecutions “shocking,” the Brady Campaign’s Gardiner said she agrees with Sessions that existing federal gun laws should be enforced.
“But his Department of Justice is not doing that,” she added.
She wants Justice to aggressively enforce gun laws and Congress to be more aggressive in its oversight.
After suing the department to get records related to background checks, the Brady Campaign found the laws are repeatedly and openly flouted.
“In those documents, we've seen time and time again dealers going ahead and transferring guns when someone answered a question on background check form ‘I am a felon,’ ‘I am subject to a restraining order,’ ‘I was dishonorably discharged from the military,’ ” Gardiner said in a phone interview. “So, people who are not allowed to buy guns are actually answering the form honestly and still get a gun.”
In a letter to Sessions in March, she and co-president Kris Brown said the documents point to the need for Justice to focus on dealers as well as buyers.
“These documents confirm that ATF has already identified many gun dealers that repeatedly engage in knowing or negligent straw transactions, but many of them are allowed to keep their licenses to sell guns,” they wrote. “Not only have these gun dealers evaded prosecution for their criminal acts, but they also remain in business profiting from illegal gun sales, where they can continue to supply firearms to those who criminally traffic them. As an urgent matter of public safety, the Department of Justice must address these gun dealers through prosecutions and license revocations.”
This situation, Gardiner said, is not a battle line between those favoring gun control and gun rights.
“None of the gun rights supporters that I speak to think that felons should have easy access to guns,” she said.
Not today Sir, Probably not tomorrow.............................................. bayfront arena st. pete '94
you're finally here and I'm a mess................................................... nationwide arena columbus '10
memories like fingerprints are slowly raising.................................... first niagara center buffalo '13
another man ..... moved by sleight of hand...................................... joe louis arena detroit '14
Not today Sir, Probably not tomorrow.............................................. bayfront arena st. pete '94
you're finally here and I'm a mess................................................... nationwide arena columbus '10
memories like fingerprints are slowly raising.................................... first niagara center buffalo '13
another man ..... moved by sleight of hand...................................... joe louis arena detroit '14
Not today Sir, Probably not tomorrow.............................................. bayfront arena st. pete '94
you're finally here and I'm a mess................................................... nationwide arena columbus '10
memories like fingerprints are slowly raising.................................... first niagara center buffalo '13
another man ..... moved by sleight of hand...................................... joe louis arena detroit '14
(Reuters) -A Republican lawmaker in Pennsylvania has come out against his colleagues’ “forensic” audit of the 2020 election, becoming the party’s first statewide official to publicly call for an end to the effort and warn of electoral consequences.
Voters fill out their ballots on Election Day in Conshohocken, Pennsylvania, U.S., November 3, 2020. REUTERS/Rachel Wisniewski
In an op-ed on Thursday, state Senator Dan Laughlin says that moves to investigate Donald Trump’s loss to President Joe Biden in the state are being made “absent credible evidence of fraud” and won’t change the outcome, as some voters hope.
“The current attempt to discredit the 2020 election results runs headlong into an unmistakable truth,” wrote Laughlin, a centre-right Republican from Erie County. “Donald Trump lost Pennsylvania because Donald Trump received fewer votes.”
His comments mark a rare public rebuke of Republican state Senator Doug Mastriano from within his own party. Mastriano has been arguing for a comprehensive “forensic” investigation involving the inspection of voting equipment, modeled on a contentious partisan probe ongoing in Maricopa County, Arizona.
Mastriano, who has promoted Trump’s baseless stolen-election claims, launched the investigation earlier this month with requests to Tioga, Philadelphia and York counties for access to their voting machines. Mastriano has said he would subpoena the counties if they did not comply by July 31.
Tioga and York have indicated they would not comply after the state’s top election official said she would decertify their voting equipment if they were handed over to a third party, triggering large costs for taxpayers. Philadelphia is also expected to reject Mastriano’s request after debating the issue at a commissioner’s meeting on Friday.
On Thursday, Tioga sent a letter to Mastriano saying it remained open to cooperating if he could arrange for funding to cover the $1 million it needed to buy new machines after the state’s expected decertification. The rural county of about 40,000 people said it must have new equipment in place by Aug. 20 to be ready for elections later this year.
Not today Sir, Probably not tomorrow.............................................. bayfront arena st. pete '94
you're finally here and I'm a mess................................................... nationwide arena columbus '10
memories like fingerprints are slowly raising.................................... first niagara center buffalo '13
another man ..... moved by sleight of hand...................................... joe louis arena detroit '14
Speaking as someone who lives in the Philly suburbs, which largely swung PA to Biden (YOU'RE WELCOME, AMERICA)...doing this bogus audit feels like a good way to motivate independents and dems who might otherwise not be so motivative in a midterm election to get to the polling booths.
It's just a hunch.
I just cannot believe how Mickey Mouse the Republican party has become over the last twenty plus years or so since I became a registered voter. Like today, with their stupid mask protest in the capitol building. The problem is keeping reasonable people engaged. The republicans can always count on a frenzied base of culture warrior morons who are engaged 24/7.
why does anyone give a fuck about hunter? the only reason I criticized ivanka was because of her status in the white house. I couldn't give two shits about beavis and butthead (don jr and eric). ivanka directly used her white house role as a way to make millions. "buh buh buh hunter sells art". who gives a fuck.
"Oh're beautiful when you're drunk" -EV 8/14/93
why does anyone give a fuck about hunter? the only reason I criticized ivanka was because of her status in the white house. I couldn't give two shits about beavis and butthead (don jr and eric). ivanka directly used her white house role as a way to make millions. "buh buh buh hunter sells art". who gives a fuck.
Well Beavis and Butthead run a company that the former president never fully divested from so we rightfully should've cared more about them than Hunter.
why does anyone give a fuck about hunter? the only reason I criticized ivanka was because of her status in the white house. I couldn't give two shits about beavis and butthead (don jr and eric). ivanka directly used her white house role as a way to make millions. "buh buh buh hunter sells art". who gives a fuck.
Well Beavis and Butthead run a company that the former president never fully divested from so we rightfully should've cared more about them than Hunter.
in that instance I care more about the president, not his sons. those two idiots couldn't run a race, nevermind a company.
"Oh're beautiful when you're drunk" -EV 8/14/93
why does anyone give a fuck about hunter? the only reason I criticized ivanka was because of her status in the white house. I couldn't give two shits about beavis and butthead (don jr and eric). ivanka directly used her white house role as a way to make millions. "buh buh buh hunter sells art". who gives a fuck.
Well Beavis and Butthead run a company that the former president never fully divested from so we rightfully should've cared more about them than Hunter.
in that instance I care more about the president, not his sons. those two idiots couldn't run a race, nevermind a company.
But they were actually a part of the administration. So they're fair game and what they do is important. Of course the First Daughter and First Son in Law were arguably both in the top-5 most important people in America. Nepotism is one of several fascist characteristics of that administration.
Hunter is 1) a meaningless distraction and 2) a GOP projection.
1995 Milwaukee 1998 Alpine, Alpine 2003 Albany, Boston, Boston, Boston 2004 Boston, Boston 2006 Hartford, St. Paul (Petty), St. Paul (Petty) 2011 Alpine, Alpine 2013 Wrigley 2014 St. Paul 2016 Fenway, Fenway, Wrigley, Wrigley 2018 Missoula, Wrigley, Wrigley 2021 Asbury Park 2022 St Louis 2023 Austin, Austin 2024 Napa, Wrigley, Wrigley
why does anyone give a fuck about hunter? the only reason I criticized ivanka was because of her status in the white house. I couldn't give two shits about beavis and butthead (don jr and eric). ivanka directly used her white house role as a way to make millions. "buh buh buh hunter sells art". who gives a fuck.
Well Beavis and Butthead run a company that the former president never fully divested from so we rightfully should've cared more about them than Hunter.
in that instance I care more about the president, not his sons. those two idiots couldn't run a race, nevermind a company.
But they were actually a part of the administration. So they're fair game and what they do is important. Of course the First Daughter and First Son in Law were arguably both in the top-5 most important people in America. Nepotism is one of several fascist characteristics of that administration.
Hunter is 1) a meaningless distraction and 2) a GOP projection.
don jr and eric were part of the admin? news to me.
"Oh're beautiful when you're drunk" -EV 8/14/93
All I was saying is they mattered more than Hunter simply because they were running the business the former president never divested from. In addition---though they were not part of the administration, they were/are an extremely vocal mouthpiece of his political machine whereas Hunter is not.
All I was saying is they mattered more than Hunter simply because they were running the business the former president never divested from. In addition---though they were not part of the administration, they were/are an extremely vocal mouthpiece of his political machine whereas Hunter is not.
"Oh're beautiful when you're drunk" -EV 8/14/93
PHOENIX (AP) — Arizona Republicans’ partisan review of the 2020 election results got off to a rocky start when their contractors broke rules for counting ballots and election experts warned the work was dangerous for democracy.
When the auditors stopped the counting and returned the ballots this week, it hadn't gotten better. In the last week alone, the only audit leader with substantial election experience was locked out of the building, went on the radio to say he was quitting, then reversed course hours later. The review's Twitter accounts were suspended for breaking the rules. A conservative Republican senator withdrew her support, calling the process “botched.” And the lead auditor confirmed what was long suspected: that his work was almost entirely paid for by supporters of Donald Trump who were active in the former president’s movement to spread false narratives of fraud.
All this came nearly 100 days into a process that was supposed to take “about 60 days," according to the Senate Republicans who launched it. And it's not over yet. Contractors are now producing a report on the findings that could take weeks or more to write.
The turmoil casts even more doubt on the conclusions of what backers describe as a “forensic audit" but what experts and critics say is a deeply flawed, partisan process.
“Not even a shred of being salvaged at this point,” said Sen. Paul Boyer, the first Republican state senator to publicly come out against the audit in May. “They’ve botched it at so many points along the way that it's irrecoverable.”
Boyer's opposition became less lonely last weekend when another Republican, Sen. Michelle Ugenti-Rita, one of the Legislature's strongest advocates for stricter voting laws, agreed that “the Trump audit” was “botched.” Along with all 14 Democrats, a majority of the Senate, which commissioned the audit, is now against it.
“I wanted to review our election processes and see what, if anything, could be improved,” Ugenti-Rita wrote on Twitter. “Sadly, it's now become clear that the audit has been botched.”
The review includes a hand count of ballots, the analysis of voter data and a review of ballot-counting machines. It's being led by Cyber Ninjas, a software security consultant with no election experience before Trump began trying to overturn the 2020 results. Its owner, Doug Logan, has supported the movement to spread false conspiracies about the vote count in battleground states.
On Wednesday night, Logan ended months of silence about who was paying him when he said a whopping $5.7 million had been contributed by political groups run by prominent Trump supporters including Michael Flynn, Sidney Powell, Patrick Byrne and correspondents from One America News Network. The figure dwarfs the $150,000 to be paid by the Senate.
Logan has said he was approaching the review objectively and his own views are irrelevant. Still, Logan appeared in “The Deep Rig,” a conspiratorial film claiming the election was stolen from Trump. The filmmakers were given access to restricted areas of the ballot-counting operation, including the secure area where ballots were stored.
The review's integrity took another hit when former Secretary of State Ken Bennett, a Republican whose experience in elections lent credibility to the operation, found himself locked out of the building where the audit was underway because he'd given outside election experts data without authorization, he said.
Bennett told a conservative talk-radio host that he was quitting because he was expected to rubber-stamp the findings. Later the same day, he said he was not quitting after all. Senate President Karen Fann, a Republican, agreed Bennett “will have full access to all audit work spaces, procedures, and data.”
When the Cyber Ninjas’ hand count of ballots didn’t match the county’s official tally, a third count was ordered, this time using paper-counting machines to tally the number of ballots but not the winning candidates. The findings have not been released.
Meanwhile, the timeline for a final report, most recently expected in late July, has continued slipping.
Supporters of the effort blame stonewalling by Maricopa County. The county's Republican leaders refuse to cooperate, saying “competent auditors” have everything they would need to fully review the vote count.
“It is unfortunate that the county has been recalcitrant,” Republican Sen. Warren Petersen, chair of the Judiciary Committee that issued subpoenas, said recently. “That doesn’t breed trust. It slows things down. It makes things difficult.”
Twitter this week suspended audit-related accounts, including the Arizona review's official account and several others seeking similar reviews in other states. A Twitter spokesperson said the accounts were suspended “for violating the Twitter rules on platform manipulation and spam.”
The U.S. Justice Department has weighed in, warning any state that is looking to conduct an Arizona-style review that they will need to follow federal law that requires officials to retain and preserve election records, including ballot and ballot materials, for 22 months.
Earlier, Justice Department officials had alerted Arizona officials of the federal requirement. At this point, the Justice Department has not taken any public action beyond the letter. A Justice Department spokesperson this week declined to comment further.
“It’s being purported as though this effort is going to build confidence in our elections, when we know that that is not the motivation behind any of this,” said Tammy Patrick, a senior adviser at the Democracy Fund and a former Maricopa County elections official. “Because if that was the case, then they would tell the truth.”
The operation got off to a rocky start on day one. A journalist pointed out that workers were using blue pens in violation of a fundamental rule of election administration. Blue and black pens are strictly prohibited near ballots because those are the colors voters are told to use, creating the potential for workers to manipulate the count.
Days later, a former Republican state lawmaker who lost his reelection bid — and who would have been a Trump elector to the Electoral College had Trump won — was among the workers counting ballots. The auditors chased conspiracy theories, for a time shining ultraviolet lights to look for watermarks on ballots and taking high-resolution photographs to look for evidence, such as bamboo fibers in the paper, that fraudulent ballots from Asia were slipped into the stack.
Not today Sir, Probably not tomorrow.............................................. bayfront arena st. pete '94
you're finally here and I'm a mess................................................... nationwide arena columbus '10
memories like fingerprints are slowly raising.................................... first niagara center buffalo '13
another man ..... moved by sleight of hand...................................... joe louis arena detroit '14
Yet somehow Trump has a superhuman love for America, a country that Biden hates.
1995 Milwaukee 1998 Alpine, Alpine 2003 Albany, Boston, Boston, Boston 2004 Boston, Boston 2006 Hartford, St. Paul (Petty), St. Paul (Petty) 2011 Alpine, Alpine 2013 Wrigley 2014 St. Paul 2016 Fenway, Fenway, Wrigley, Wrigley 2018 Missoula, Wrigley, Wrigley 2021 Asbury Park 2022 St Louis 2023 Austin, Austin 2024 Napa, Wrigley, Wrigley
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
2. How do you prove addiction beyond a reasonable doubt to a jury? You are saying that you or I would definitely have been proven as addicted to drugs and received jail time? That's an almost impossible argument.
And btw, sentencing for a class 5 felony first offense is usually no jail time and a fine of about $2500
Hunter Biden is a private citizen who's dad just happens to be the legitimately elected POTUS. Hunter is not a member of the Administration and has not been tasked with any official duties. There is no evidence that Hunter's previous relationships, board memberships or art sales have resulted in a quid pro quo or any type of influence on US policy, domestic or foreign. Jared Dear Boy, on the other hand, was a special envoy/assistant/general fuck up of major proportions and had the POOTWH's ear. And yet he needed six tries to get his security clearance application right and wasn't "thrown in a dark hole" for lying on it, particularly the parts about meeting with Russians.
What exactly is the allegation that you're trying to make about the Bidens? The thread title is Biden vs POOTWH 2020 so Jared Dear Boy is relevant and not a deflection. Should Hunter Biden be treated differently because his dad is a lib POTUS?
Whole lot of "responsible" gun ownership going on.
POOTWH's DOJ (from 9/11/2018):
If you lied to buy a firearm, fear not the feds.
Your chances of being prosecuted by the Justice Department for falsifying information to illegally buy a gun are almost zero.
Reviews by the National Instant Criminal Background Check System in fiscal 2017 led to 112,000 gun-purchase denials because people were in forbidden categories, according to a new report by the Government Accountability Office (GAO). The Justice Department’s Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) investigated 12,700 of those cases.
How many of the investigated cases resulted in prosecutions?
That’s 0.09 percent of the cases ATF investigated.
That means the crooks, the wife beaters and the homicidal maniacs who lie to get a gun have little reason to worry that Uncle Sam will get them for faking on Form 4473. It lists nine questions designed to cull those who should not be strapped. The questions include: “Have you ever been convicted in any court of a felony,” “Are you a fugitive from justice,” and “Have you ever been adjudicated as a mental defective.”
That raises this question from Avery Gardiner, co-president of the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence: “If it's official DOJ policy to enforce existing gun laws, why isn't the government following its own policy?”
Pennsylvania, by comparison, makes Sam look like a real slacker.
While the Justice Department prosecuted only a dozen cases, the Quaker State had 472 convictions, not just prosecutions, during fiscal 2017. “In 2014, the state changed its policy to investigate all firearms denials,” the GAO explained.
Attorney General Jeff Sessions attempted to boost prosecutions with a March 12, 2018, memo to U.S. attorneys. “Criminals and other prohibited persons who attempt to thwart the background check process by lying on the required forms threaten to undermine this important crime prevention tool,” he wrote. “Such conduct cannot be tolerated. We must vigilantly protect the integrity of the background check system through appropriate prosecution of those who attempt to circumvent the law.”
Sessions instructed federal prosecutors “to enhance prosecution of cases involving false statements on ATF Form 4473,” which he called “lie-and-try” cases. Lying on the form is a felony that can bring up to 10 years in prison and a $250,000 fine.
But the DOJ’s deeds fall far short of Sessions’s declarations.
ATF blamed the almost invisible federal prosecution rate on the number of denial cases that more than doubled from fiscal 2011 to 2017 and the time-intensive nature of the investigations.
The GAO’s report said U.S. attorneys “generally do not accept and prosecute denial cases that do not involve aggravating circumstances, as these cases can require significant effort for prosecutors relative to the short length of punishment and may offer little value to public safety because the offender does not obtain the firearm, compared to other cases involving gun violence.”
As the number of denial cases multiplied, investigators did not. The GAO said “ATF data show that special agent staffing across … six selected field divisions collectively only increased by one special agent from fiscal years 2011 through 2017.”
The Justice Department did not respond to a request for comment.
The report “reveals some alarming gaps in how we investigate and prosecute firearms denials,” said Rep. José E. Serrano (N.Y.), the top Democrat on the House Appropriations justice subcommittee, who requested the study. “We need additional investment and improved practices to prevent dangerous individuals from purchasing guns, and to punish them when they attempt to do so.”
Calling the dearth of prosecutions “shocking,” the Brady Campaign’s Gardiner said she agrees with Sessions that existing federal gun laws should be enforced.
“But his Department of Justice is not doing that,” she added.
She wants Justice to aggressively enforce gun laws and Congress to be more aggressive in its oversight.
After suing the department to get records related to background checks, the Brady Campaign found the laws are repeatedly and openly flouted.
“In those documents, we've seen time and time again dealers going ahead and transferring guns when someone answered a question on background check form ‘I am a felon,’ ‘I am subject to a restraining order,’ ‘I was dishonorably discharged from the military,’ ” Gardiner said in a phone interview. “So, people who are not allowed to buy guns are actually answering the form honestly and still get a gun.”
In a letter to Sessions in March, she and co-president Kris Brown said the documents point to the need for Justice to focus on dealers as well as buyers.
“These documents confirm that ATF has already identified many gun dealers that repeatedly engage in knowing or negligent straw transactions, but many of them are allowed to keep their licenses to sell guns,” they wrote. “Not only have these gun dealers evaded prosecution for their criminal acts, but they also remain in business profiting from illegal gun sales, where they can continue to supply firearms to those who criminally traffic them. As an urgent matter of public safety, the Department of Justice must address these gun dealers through prosecutions and license revocations.”
This situation, Gardiner said, is not a battle line between those favoring gun control and gun rights.
“None of the gun rights supporters that I speak to think that felons should have easy access to guns,” she said.
The National Rifle Association had no comment.
Lying to buy a gun? Don’t worry about the feds. - The Washington Post
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
Not today Sir, Probably not tomorrow.............................................. bayfront arena st. pete '94
you're finally here and I'm a mess................................................... nationwide arena columbus '10
memories like fingerprints are slowly raising.................................... first niagara center buffalo '13
another man ..... moved by sleight of hand...................................... joe louis arena detroit '14
Not today Sir, Probably not tomorrow.............................................. bayfront arena st. pete '94
you're finally here and I'm a mess................................................... nationwide arena columbus '10
memories like fingerprints are slowly raising.................................... first niagara center buffalo '13
another man ..... moved by sleight of hand...................................... joe louis arena detroit '14
Not today Sir, Probably not tomorrow.............................................. bayfront arena st. pete '94
you're finally here and I'm a mess................................................... nationwide arena columbus '10
memories like fingerprints are slowly raising.................................... first niagara center buffalo '13
another man ..... moved by sleight of hand...................................... joe louis arena detroit '14
Pennsylvania Republican blasts election audit, rebukes fraud claims
(Reuters) -A Republican lawmaker in Pennsylvania has come out against his colleagues’ “forensic” audit of the 2020 election, becoming the party’s first statewide official to publicly call for an end to the effort and warn of electoral consequences.
In an op-ed on Thursday, state Senator Dan Laughlin says that moves to investigate Donald Trump’s loss to President Joe Biden in the state are being made “absent credible evidence of fraud” and won’t change the outcome, as some voters hope.
“The current attempt to discredit the 2020 election results runs headlong into an unmistakable truth,” wrote Laughlin, a centre-right Republican from Erie County. “Donald Trump lost Pennsylvania because Donald Trump received fewer votes.”
His comments mark a rare public rebuke of Republican state Senator Doug Mastriano from within his own party. Mastriano has been arguing for a comprehensive “forensic” investigation involving the inspection of voting equipment, modeled on a contentious partisan probe ongoing in Maricopa County, Arizona.
Mastriano, who has promoted Trump’s baseless stolen-election claims, launched the investigation earlier this month with requests to Tioga, Philadelphia and York counties for access to their voting machines. Mastriano has said he would subpoena the counties if they did not comply by July 31.
Tioga and York have indicated they would not comply after the state’s top election official said she would decertify their voting equipment if they were handed over to a third party, triggering large costs for taxpayers. Philadelphia is also expected to reject Mastriano’s request after debating the issue at a commissioner’s meeting on Friday.
On Thursday, Tioga sent a letter to Mastriano saying it remained open to cooperating if he could arrange for funding to cover the $1 million it needed to buy new machines after the state’s expected decertification. The rural county of about 40,000 people said it must have new equipment in place by Aug. 20 to be ready for elections later this year.
Not today Sir, Probably not tomorrow.............................................. bayfront arena st. pete '94
you're finally here and I'm a mess................................................... nationwide arena columbus '10
memories like fingerprints are slowly raising.................................... first niagara center buffalo '13
another man ..... moved by sleight of hand...................................... joe louis arena detroit '14
It's just a hunch.
I just cannot believe how Mickey Mouse the Republican party has become over the last twenty plus years or so since I became a registered voter. Like today, with their stupid mask protest in the capitol building. The problem is keeping reasonable people engaged. The republicans can always count on a frenzied base of culture warrior morons who are engaged 24/7.
-EV 8/14/93
-EV 8/14/93
Hunter is 1) a meaningless distraction and 2) a GOP projection.
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-EV 8/14/93
-EV 8/14/93
PHOENIX (AP) — Arizona Republicans’ partisan review of the 2020 election results got off to a rocky start when their contractors broke rules for counting ballots and election experts warned the work was dangerous for democracy.
When the auditors stopped the counting and returned the ballots this week, it hadn't gotten better. In the last week alone, the only audit leader with substantial election experience was locked out of the building, went on the radio to say he was quitting, then reversed course hours later. The review's Twitter accounts were suspended for breaking the rules. A conservative Republican senator withdrew her support, calling the process “botched.” And the lead auditor confirmed what was long suspected: that his work was almost entirely paid for by supporters of Donald Trump who were active in the former president’s movement to spread false narratives of fraud.
All this came nearly 100 days into a process that was supposed to take “about 60 days," according to the Senate Republicans who launched it. And it's not over yet. Contractors are now producing a report on the findings that could take weeks or more to write.
The turmoil casts even more doubt on the conclusions of what backers describe as a “forensic audit" but what experts and critics say is a deeply flawed, partisan process.
“Not even a shred of being salvaged at this point,” said Sen. Paul Boyer, the first Republican state senator to publicly come out against the audit in May. “They’ve botched it at so many points along the way that it's irrecoverable.”
Boyer's opposition became less lonely last weekend when another Republican, Sen. Michelle Ugenti-Rita, one of the Legislature's strongest advocates for stricter voting laws, agreed that “the Trump audit” was “botched.” Along with all 14 Democrats, a majority of the Senate, which commissioned the audit, is now against it.
“I wanted to review our election processes and see what, if anything, could be improved,” Ugenti-Rita wrote on Twitter. “Sadly, it's now become clear that the audit has been botched.”
The review includes a hand count of ballots, the analysis of voter data and a review of ballot-counting machines. It's being led by Cyber Ninjas, a software security consultant with no election experience before Trump began trying to overturn the 2020 results. Its owner, Doug Logan, has supported the movement to spread false conspiracies about the vote count in battleground states.
On Wednesday night, Logan ended months of silence about who was paying him when he said a whopping $5.7 million had been contributed by political groups run by prominent Trump supporters including Michael Flynn, Sidney Powell, Patrick Byrne and correspondents from One America News Network. The figure dwarfs the $150,000 to be paid by the Senate.
Logan has said he was approaching the review objectively and his own views are irrelevant. Still, Logan appeared in “The Deep Rig,” a conspiratorial film claiming the election was stolen from Trump. The filmmakers were given access to restricted areas of the ballot-counting operation, including the secure area where ballots were stored.
The review's integrity took another hit when former Secretary of State Ken Bennett, a Republican whose experience in elections lent credibility to the operation, found himself locked out of the building where the audit was underway because he'd given outside election experts data without authorization, he said.
Bennett told a conservative talk-radio host that he was quitting because he was expected to rubber-stamp the findings. Later the same day, he said he was not quitting after all. Senate President Karen Fann, a Republican, agreed Bennett “will have full access to all audit work spaces, procedures, and data.”
When the Cyber Ninjas’ hand count of ballots didn’t match the county’s official tally, a third count was ordered, this time using paper-counting machines to tally the number of ballots but not the winning candidates. The findings have not been released.
Meanwhile, the timeline for a final report, most recently expected in late July, has continued slipping.
Supporters of the effort blame stonewalling by Maricopa County. The county's Republican leaders refuse to cooperate, saying “competent auditors” have everything they would need to fully review the vote count.
“It is unfortunate that the county has been recalcitrant,” Republican Sen. Warren Petersen, chair of the Judiciary Committee that issued subpoenas, said recently. “That doesn’t breed trust. It slows things down. It makes things difficult.”
Twitter this week suspended audit-related accounts, including the Arizona review's official account and several others seeking similar reviews in other states. A Twitter spokesperson said the accounts were suspended “for violating the Twitter rules on platform manipulation and spam.”
The U.S. Justice Department has weighed in, warning any state that is looking to conduct an Arizona-style review that they will need to follow federal law that requires officials to retain and preserve election records, including ballot and ballot materials, for 22 months.
Earlier, Justice Department officials had alerted Arizona officials of the federal requirement. At this point, the Justice Department has not taken any public action beyond the letter. A Justice Department spokesperson this week declined to comment further.
“It’s being purported as though this effort is going to build confidence in our elections, when we know that that is not the motivation behind any of this,” said Tammy Patrick, a senior adviser at the Democracy Fund and a former Maricopa County elections official. “Because if that was the case, then they would tell the truth.”
The operation got off to a rocky start on day one. A journalist pointed out that workers were using blue pens in violation of a fundamental rule of election administration. Blue and black pens are strictly prohibited near ballots because those are the colors voters are told to use, creating the potential for workers to manipulate the count.
Days later, a former Republican state lawmaker who lost his reelection bid — and who would have been a Trump elector to the Electoral College had Trump won — was among the workers counting ballots. The auditors chased conspiracy theories, for a time shining ultraviolet lights to look for watermarks on ballots and taking high-resolution photographs to look for evidence, such as bamboo fibers in the paper, that fraudulent ballots from Asia were slipped into the stack.
Not today Sir, Probably not tomorrow.............................................. bayfront arena st. pete '94
you're finally here and I'm a mess................................................... nationwide arena columbus '10
memories like fingerprints are slowly raising.................................... first niagara center buffalo '13
another man ..... moved by sleight of hand...................................... joe louis arena detroit '14
so i guess that means that the trumpers are now agreeing that biden is in fact actually the president.
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
Biden praises US Olympians while Trump is only vocal when they lose
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