I don't have a least favourite song on Gigaton. Do you?



  • southernmanfansouthernmanfan Johannesburg, South Africa Posts: 1,025
    LukinAtU said:
    buckle up, retrograde, seven o'clock, never destination, take the long way and maybe whoever said

    whoever said and seven o’ clock easily fall into my top three favorite songs on the album. 
  • BrainofBGABrainofBGA Australia Posts: 4,436
    It’s hard to pick one... not skipping any songs. 
    Melbourne #1 '98
    Melbourne #2 '03
    Melbourne #3 '03
    Melbourne #1 '06
    Melbourne #3 '06
    Melbourne '09
    Melbourne '14
  • joseph33joseph33 Washington DC Posts: 1,286
  • mattosbornemattosborne Posts: 339
    edited April 2020
    Probably 'Comes Then Goes'. It's a good tune, but it sounds a bit unfinished. 

    Buckle Up is in the conversation too, but it is growing on me
    The Official Matt Cameron appreciation signature!
  • bosshogg18bosshogg18 Tacoma, WA Posts: 1,100
    Love all of it, except Buckle Up. That song is terrible. Wish Of The Earth would have been put in its place.
  • MW3384MW3384 Posts: 122
    Buckle up, unfortunately, i usually love Stone's songs.  doesnt fit with the overall album, would of been a perfect place for Of the Earth
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