I am going to work every day, a lot of my coworkers are
working from home, coming in 1- 2 days a week.
I work for American Red Cross Biomedical (blood collection side of ARC). My position requires staff to be in the office
to perform certain tasks. I volunteered
to come in to the office to offer that support.
That being said, I can’t say enough about our collections
staff who are working tirelessly to maintain the blood supply by showing up
every day to collect blood. Without
their dedication, there would be an even more desperate situation in health
care. The need for blood is constant. COVID19 has affected cancellations of drives
all over the country.
I know the focus is on ventilators, PPE, testing and those
ailing from this horrible virus. However,
that does not change that fact people all over are suffering from cancer, sickle
cell and other conditions that require blood transfusions regularly.
Credit Union - manage our one NH office , only three of us so we can keep our distance , low interaction with the public ( Drive Thru put my teller and I just wear gloves and clean the tube each time ) did a home equity closing in our parking lot by passing papers thru a slightly rolled down window and watched them sign then handed back. Very strange but lucky to have a job , wife was laid off. We at least we keep making the joke that it feels like the 1950's in our house now. I just like to yell "where is my slippers and dinner" when I get home at night.
Essential job, but I can do it (mostly) from home. Adult Protective Services investigator. They are being pretty lenient on what constitutes an emergency where someone absolutely has to bee seen. Otherwise, we are doing a lot of it over the phone and connecting with providers. I don't have to go into the office, but I've had to go out in the field a couple times. Doing a lot of interviews in driveways and whatnot. Not going anywhere near nursing homes and hospitals.
I'm really enjoying working from home. Although I'm considered a key worker I dont see it that way as I'm not frontline. I'm happy to continue working from home for as long as possible and life under lockdown seems to really suit me. I realise though that not everyone is this fortunate and feel sad for so many people who have lost their family, friends, colleagues and loved ones.
I am going to work every day, a lot of my coworkers are working from home, coming in 1- 2 days a week. I work for American Red Cross Biomedical (blood collection side of ARC). My position requires staff to be in the office to perform certain tasks. I volunteered to come in to the office to offer that support.
That being said, I can’t say enough about our collections staff who are working tirelessly to maintain the blood supply by showing up every day to collect blood. Without their dedication, there would be an even more desperate situation in health care. The need for blood is constant. COVID19 has affected cancellations of drives all over the country.
I know the focus is on ventilators, PPE, testing and those ailing from this horrible virus. However, that does not change that fact people all over are suffering from cancer, sickle cell and other conditions that require blood transfusions regularly.
I pray for all of us. Stay safe.
Credit Union - manage our one NH office , only three of us so we can keep our distance , low interaction with the public ( Drive Thru put my teller and I just wear gloves and clean the tube each time ) did a home equity closing in our parking lot by passing papers thru a slightly rolled down window and watched them sign then handed back. Very strange but lucky to have a job , wife was laid off. We at least we keep making the joke that it feels like the 1950's in our house now. I just like to yell "where is my slippers and dinner" when I get home at night.