Early promo items like the matt, basketball hoops, vodka, jack daniels, megaphone, yield sign. Freak, giveway, rarefied and live, monkeywrench radio, vault 1, z100 booklet, advanced copies. Angel unedited, first xmas, blue fixer, orange fixer. Chapstik, sunglasses, Cherub sticker, toast, WMA, flame. Slipcover friends and family books, challenge coins, moleskine books, itinerary's.
The yield signs are really considered that rare? Good to know.
There are fake ones so yes. People have been recreating them but with the wrong font so they are easy to tell apart.
That should be a real one, I hope
I remember when Yield came out seeing this in a record store. I asked for it and they said nope. But I remember it just saying "Pearl Jam" where it says "Yield." But I could be wrong, it was 20 years ago.
Early promo items like the matt, basketball hoops, vodka, jack daniels, megaphone, yield sign. Freak, giveway, rarefied and live, monkeywrench radio, vault 1, z100 booklet, advanced copies. Angel unedited, first xmas, blue fixer, orange fixer. Chapstik, sunglasses, Cherub sticker, toast, WMA, flame. Slipcover friends and family books, challenge coins, moleskine books, itinerary's.
The yield signs are really considered that rare? Good to know.
There are fake ones so yes. People have been recreating them but with the wrong font so they are easy to tell apart.
That should be a real one, I hope
I remember when Yield came out seeing this in a record store. I asked for it and they said nope. But I remember it just saying "Pearl Jam" where it says "Yield." But I could be wrong, it was 20 years ago.
You could be thinking about the cardboard standup. That was a record store promo.
But I remember it just saying "Pearl Jam" where it says "Yield." But I could be wrong, it was 20 years ago.
You could be thinking about the cardboard standup. That was a record store promo.