here is the neck. you can see the big fat v up near the headstock. you can also appreciate just how thick the rosewood is.
That looks awesome!
I was just thinking about your Tele project this morning, M. How's it coming along?
The update is that my sister had to self-quarantine for 3 weeks, so it's still not finished. The good news is that a buddy at the office (who's a guitarist & has built his own guitars in the past) has agreed to help me bring this project home (Finally!!) next week. So, I will be posting pictures and whatnot after I get a chance to play it (again, FINALLY!). It was moving along real fast, then hit snag after snag after snag. I'm bummed that she won't be able to help me wrap it up, but I'm excited to finish it and enjoy the guitar......before I move onto the next build. Yup---I've already picked out the next one & I should start that after New Year's.
Moving through All Kinds of Terrain. Posts: 42,800
here is the neck. you can see the big fat v up near the headstock. you can also appreciate just how thick the rosewood is.
That looks awesome!
I was just thinking about your Tele project this morning, M. How's it coming along?
The update is that my sister had to self-quarantine for 3 weeks, so it's still not finished. The good news is that a buddy at the office (who's a guitarist & has built his own guitars in the past) has agreed to help me bring this project home (Finally!!) next week. So, I will be posting pictures and whatnot after I get a chance to play it (again, FINALLY!). It was moving along real fast, then hit snag after snag after snag. I'm bummed that she won't be able to help me wrap it up, but I'm excited to finish it and enjoy the guitar......before I move onto the next build. Yup---I've already picked out the next one & I should start that after New Year's.
Excellent! Will look forward to pictures! Maybe even some sounds bites or video!
"Don't give in to the lies. Don't give in to the fear. Hold on to the truth. And to hope."
here is the neck. you can see the big fat v up near the headstock. you can also appreciate just how thick the rosewood is.
That looks awesome!
I was just thinking about your Tele project this morning, M. How's it coming along?
The update is that my sister had to self-quarantine for 3 weeks, so it's still not finished. The good news is that a buddy at the office (who's a guitarist & has built his own guitars in the past) has agreed to help me bring this project home (Finally!!) next week. So, I will be posting pictures and whatnot after I get a chance to play it (again, FINALLY!). It was moving along real fast, then hit snag after snag after snag. I'm bummed that she won't be able to help me wrap it up, but I'm excited to finish it and enjoy the guitar......before I move onto the next build. Yup---I've already picked out the next one & I should start that after New Year's.
Excellent! Will look forward to pictures! Maybe even some sounds bites or video!
I will definitely record some stuff! I'm working on a solo album right now, but I'm holding off on recording some things until the Tele is finished. Can't wait!
Moving through All Kinds of Terrain. Posts: 42,800
here is the neck. you can see the big fat v up near the headstock. you can also appreciate just how thick the rosewood is.
That looks awesome!
I was just thinking about your Tele project this morning, M. How's it coming along?
The update is that my sister had to self-quarantine for 3 weeks, so it's still not finished. The good news is that a buddy at the office (who's a guitarist & has built his own guitars in the past) has agreed to help me bring this project home (Finally!!) next week. So, I will be posting pictures and whatnot after I get a chance to play it (again, FINALLY!). It was moving along real fast, then hit snag after snag after snag. I'm bummed that she won't be able to help me wrap it up, but I'm excited to finish it and enjoy the guitar......before I move onto the next build. Yup---I've already picked out the next one & I should start that after New Year's.
Excellent! Will look forward to pictures! Maybe even some sounds bites or video!
I will definitely record some stuff! I'm working on a solo album right now, but I'm holding off on recording some things until the Tele is finished. Can't wait!
"Don't give in to the lies. Don't give in to the fear. Hold on to the truth. And to hope."
i went by and visited the guitar again yesterday. pickups are in and it sounds great. he needs to do some aging on the the hardware, adjust the next, and a proper setup before being officially done with it. he said it will be ready for pickup on saturday. pics coming shortly.
"You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry." - Lincoln
I would be SO chomping at the bit to bring 'er home!
i was.
the action was really high on it so it was not the easiest thing to play. he just threw some strings on there to test the pickups and selector switch and see how everything looks all together as a unit. he needs to adjust the pickup height. he actually mounts the pickups to the body instead of to the pickguard. he feels that everything is a little more "stable" with the pickups mounted to the body. he wants to age the selector switch plate, knobs, and the saddles/ash tray metal thing. the neck pickup was aged by the guy at righteous sound, so he needs everything to match that pickup. also needs to put on some strap buttons and age them too. the neck has a small backbow in it right now so he needs to take off the neck to adjust that. he is also getting me a tweed case at his cost, so that will be nice to have as well.
"You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry." - Lincoln
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
Moving through All Kinds of Terrain. Posts: 42,800
I would be SO chomping at the bit to bring 'er home!
i was.
the action was really high on it so it was not the easiest thing to play. he just threw some strings on there to test the pickups and selector switch and see how everything looks all together as a unit. he needs to adjust the pickup height. he actually mounts the pickups to the body instead of to the pickguard. he feels that everything is a little more "stable" with the pickups mounted to the body. he wants to age the selector switch plate, knobs, and the saddles/ash tray metal thing. the neck pickup was aged by the guy at righteous sound, so he needs everything to match that pickup. also needs to put on some strap buttons and age them too. the neck has a small backbow in it right now so he needs to take off the neck to adjust that. he is also getting me a tweed case at his cost, so that will be nice to have as well.
As C. likes to say, "Patience is a virtue!"
"Don't give in to the lies. Don't give in to the fear. Hold on to the truth. And to hope."
i always liked that version of teles, les paul style switch at the top and independent volume and tone controls. that pickguard makes those things look badass.
"You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry." - Lincoln
oh man that jag with a bigsby looks super cool. i don't think ive ever seen that combo before but I am totally interested to see how that one would turn out. when i think of bigsby i think of les pauls and sgs, and teles, but could be super cool on an offset body. can't wait to see that bad boy!!
"You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry." - Lincoln
i picked up my tele build on saturday and i gotta say that it looks and plays incredibly. i could not be happier. since saturday i probably have put 10-12 hours on it. it has totally inspired me to pick up a guitar and just play, which is what i have been missing since the covid shutdown. the righteous sound Revelator pickups are killer and are not as bright as my bandmate's tele. his has lollars in his and it is almost too bright for my matchless and vintage marshall. the scatterwinding on the Revelator set definitely offsets the brightness somewhat. this thing has the best clean tones i have ever owned so i am super happy about that. with the volume knob cranked and the tone knob open it almost gets into les paul crunch territory. i will post some pics here when i get a few minutes. i am so happy i found this thread because it inspired me to finally get a "tele" even though it is not a proper fender. this one plays better than all of the "real" ones I have ever played.
"You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry." - Lincoln
Excellent! Will look forward to pictures! Maybe even some sounds bites or video!
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
I would be SO chomping at the bit to bring 'er home!
the action was really high on it so it was not the easiest thing to play. he just threw some strings on there to test the pickups and selector switch and see how everything looks all together as a unit. he needs to adjust the pickup height. he actually mounts the pickups to the body instead of to the pickguard. he feels that everything is a little more "stable" with the pickups mounted to the body. he wants to age the selector switch plate, knobs, and the saddles/ash tray metal thing. the neck pickup was aged by the guy at righteous sound, so he needs everything to match that pickup. also needs to put on some strap buttons and age them too. the neck has a small backbow in it right now so he needs to take off the neck to adjust that. he is also getting me a tweed case at his cost, so that will be nice to have as well.
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
As C. likes to say, "Patience is a virtue!"
It's looking great!
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
FANtastic! Congratulations!
Glad it plays well! congratulations!!!!!
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
Edit: Actually, just Googled this setup. The conflicting styles are not as jarring as I thought they would be. More funky than fugly.
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."