Just saw White Reaper last night. Good lord that was amazing. Crowd was fuckin’ insane. Europe, you are in for a treat
Tinley Park, IL 08-02-1992 Chicago, IL 07-19-2013 Moline, IL 10-17-2014 Chicago, IL 08-20-2016 Chicago, IL 08-22-2016 Chicago, IL 08-18-2018 Chicago, IL 08-20-2018 St. Louis, MO 09-18-2022
I couldn’t get into White Reaper. Too poppy for me.
I like openers for shows. Just a little variety for the night. But if it’s a shorter PJ show then no opener for me. I’m there for the meal not the appetizer.
Chicago, IL 07-19-2013
Moline, IL 10-17-2014
Chicago, IL 08-20-2016
Chicago, IL 08-22-2016
Chicago, IL 08-18-2018
Chicago, IL 08-20-2018
St. Louis, MO 09-18-2022