“Angel” demo CD + “What” song?

A few weeks ago I stumbled upon a mysterious CD in my local record shop’s Pearl Jam selection. I had never seen it before, so of course my curiosity got the better of me and I bought it. At first I thought that it might’ve been somebody’s personal playlist, but this website has it listed as its own page, so it was probably distributed by a bootleg label:
That was the only site I could find that had information about it.
Among the track list are some songs we already know, E Ballad = Black, Richard’s E = Alone, Weird A = Animal, etc. Also had some with finalized names like Crazy Mary, Angel, Betterman, and Even Flow.
The third track really interested me, tho. It’s just called “What” and it ABSOLUTELY slaps. I’ve been listening to it constantly ever since I got the CD. Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to find any videos of it online. Does anyone know if there are any recordings of it buried deep in the bowels of YouTube or something? The chorus chant is “what do you want from me,” but the only results I could get for that is for the Floyd song, and it’s definitely not a cover of that. If this is something completely new then I guess I could scan the CD to youtube for y’all to see it, but I’d like to check if somebody’s beaten me to it.
I also tried looking around the names “Parrot Records” and “Red Robin Records” which are listed on the CD, and it turns out that the former is indeed and Australian bootleg label (makes sense in this case), however it doesn’t seem to have any connection to Red Robin, the attributed parent group.
My college dorm - 2019
Asking for a Canadian 😃
I haven't listened to this bootleg in a long time, but if this old list is correct - http://web.archive.org/web/20090413160139/http://members.core.com/10/C7/ryan/pj/cda-l.html - then "Release" and "Just a Girl" are from the October 1990 Mookie Blaylock sessions. "Crazy Mary" is taken from the Sweet Relief: A Benefit for Victoria Williams compilation album, and the remaining two songs ("Angel", "Ramblings") are sourced from the 1993 Christmas Single.
More information about the creation of Pearl Jam can be found painstakingly researched and documented by Jessica Letkemann - http://www.twofeetthick.com/2010/10/1990-the-making-of-pearl-jam-a-tft-mini-book/
It was included in a promo cassette called Tower Records Demo, self released in 1989.
Nuclear fission
I used to go on vacation in Wildwood NJ with my family and walk up and down that boardwalk to every single bootleg shop looking for any shows I didnt have. 94-98ish.
Still have probably 100 of them. All those crazy Italian imports.
-EV 8/14/93
Here is a photo of the reels. https://ibb.co/z7CK6Ln
-EV 8/14/93
-EV 8/14/93
-EV 8/14/93
PJ Cuyahoga Flalls OH 8/26/1998
PJ Noblesviile IN 8/18/2000
PJ Cincinnatti OH 8/20/2000
PJ Columbus OH 8/21/2000
PJ Columbus OH 6/24/2003
PJ Hamilton Ontario 9/13/2005
PJ Phiadelphia PA 10/3/2005
PJ Cleveland OH 5/20/2006
PJ Columbia SC 6/16/2008.....
e.V Chicago IL 8/21/2008
e.V Philly PA 6/11/2009
e.V Bailtimore MD 6/14/2009...
PJ Chicago IL 8/23/2009
.PJ...Philly PA 10/27/2009 PJ.Philadephia PA 10/28/2009.
PJ Columbus OH 5/6/2010
PJ Cleveland OH 5/9/2010.
BRAD Columbus OH 10/5/2010
e.V St.Louis MO 7/1/2011
.PJ.. East Troy WI 9/3/2011..PJ..East Troy WI 9/4/2011
Neil Young & Crazy Horse Cleveland OH 10/8/2012
RNDM Chicago IL11/13/2012
Alice In Chains/SoundGarden Columbus OH 5/19/2013
AIC Fort Wayne IN 5/21/2013
PJ Pittsburgh PA 10/11/2013
AIC Cincinnati OH 5/17/2014
AIC Cleveland OH 5/19/2014
AIC Indianapolis IN 8/19/2014
PJ Cincinnati OH 10/1/2014
AIC Cincinnati OH 8/06/2015
RNDM Chicago IL 3/15/2016
PJ Columbia SC 4\21\2016
PJ Lexington KY 4/26/2016
PJ Chicago IL 8/20/2016
Soundgarden Columbus OH 5/20/2017 Canceled RIP Chris
AIC Columbus OH 5/18/2018
PJ Chicago IL 8/18/2018 PJ Chicago IL 8/20/2018
PJ St Louis Missouri 9/18/2022
AIC Cuyohoga falls Oh. 8/16/2019
SHAWNSMITH Rip 2019Mark Lanegan Band 5/18/19
Like when you were underaged and had to overpay someone to get.a case of Busch Light.
Nuclear fission
Specifically the Lightning Bolt Vignette.
With that said, an Eddie solo show would do great justice for Gordon Lightfoot. I'm surprised it hasn't happened.