How Great Was Bridge School 1999 Featuring Pearl Jam, The Who, Neil Young, etc. 20th Anniversary!?!

I mean come on!
Neil Young
Pearl Jam
The Who
Smashing Pumpkins
Green Day
Lucinda Williams
Tom Waits
Sheryl Crow
Brian Wilson
Emmylou Harris
Just wow! Who here on the Ten Club went to this fantastic lineup nearly twenty years ago?!02740!US!-1
Neil Young
Pearl Jam
The Who
Smashing Pumpkins
Green Day
Lucinda Williams
Tom Waits
Sheryl Crow
Brian Wilson
Emmylou Harris
Just wow! Who here on the Ten Club went to this fantastic lineup nearly twenty years ago?!02740!US!-1
(Neil Young is)
When Paul McCartney and Tom Petty state that the only musician you can compare Brian Wilson to is Beethoven im going to tend to choose him in this debate
Waits was amazing, Who amazing, Lucinda Williams amazing, and it was a huge treat to hear Brian Wilson. This was Neil to me at the tail end of his second peak. Nothing can beat Neil solo and Horse in the 1969 to 1978 period, but 1990 to 2000 was damn good and I was fortunate to see him do these shows, a solo show in NYC the next spring and a few shows with the Horse in 1996 and 1997.
They freaking soundchecked In Hiding! didnt play it sadly. The betterman from night 2 and footsteps where on the b-side ot the NAIS international release. The 12 inch is great for those. I was a stubborn prick back then and did not care for betterman as much but listening back to it in these later years, exceptionally beautiful version. (Sports Program for Kids with Disabilities) (Sports Program for Kids with Disabilities)
Still breaks my heart to know that between Neil/Pegi's divorce and Pegi's subsequent death, this benefit will probably never happen again. It was such a unique way to see these artists perform -- all acoustic and with the kids on stage -- and nothing can really replicate or replace it.
I have so many favorite performances from BSB, but one that stands out is Trent Reznor in 2006. If I remember correctly, he said something about not even knowing he was supposed to perform acoustically until a week before the show. Got together a string quartet, performed a handful of NIN songs and it was absolutely beautiful. Still feel so privileged to have been able to witness that.
“The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion.” - Albert Camus