You know. With all the bitching and moaning about this and that, and with all the craziness happening in the world, I think it’s damn time to really appreciate what this band and it’s members and staff and other fans have done for us directly and indirectly. Please keep the negativity and gripes to other threads.
Lets have a love in with the band that brought us to this message board in the first place. Let’s share cool stories, band member meetings, love stories etc.... from a band who’s musical catalog can not be matched. A band who’s humanitarianism has changed so many lives for the better and our planet for the better. A band who’s connection with their fans is almost unmatched. There are so many things for everyone that this band has and continues to do.
To sum it up.
Lets have a love in with the band that brought us to this message board in the first place. Let’s share cool stories, band member meetings, love stories etc.... from a band who’s musical catalog can not be matched. A band who’s humanitarianism has changed so many lives for the better and our planet for the better. A band who’s connection with their fans is almost unmatched. There are so many things for everyone that this band has and continues to do.
To sum it up.
Peace,Love and Pearl Jam.
November 23, 2013. LA Sports Arena
We got to the show early for merch but decided to stay for a better spot on the floor. Met a bunch of super cool people in line.
Flash forward to the show. We get inside and are behind the people on the rail. Between Ed and Mike. So where Jeff is. Lol. Closest I have ever been at a PJ show. Pretty much front row. It was myself, my wife, my 11 year old daughter and one of my very good friends (his first time seeing PJ) and a bunch of the cool people we were in line with.
During Corduroy some lady on Stones side was causing a commotion and Ed caught wind of it and got super super pissed. Started yelling at the lady with that old Eddie rage in his eyes. And starts playing super hard. Sweat pouring off his face. After the song, Ed kicks her out of floor area.
During all of this the girls that my daughter were standing behind were rocking out and their hair kept hitting my daughter in face. So I had grabbed my daughter and picked her up so she could see and not be belted with hair all night.
So a couple songs later Ed asks for the lights to be turned on. He spots my daughter in my arms and asks the camera guy to put the camera on her. Her face goes up on the screens and the sold out show cheers her. Ed then asks her “were you the one causing all the drama up here?” My daughter shakes her head no and Ed then tells her that I look like a good dad. High fives all around with us and our now team Pearl Jam friends we made in line.
The next song starts and Ed grabs an ice cold water bottle and reaches down and hands it to my daughter. Best damn water I’ve ever tasted in my life. It was super hot and my daughter was heavy.
The whole show Ed continues to wave at her and tries to get her some picks but people snatch them so we just are in awe of what is happening.
During an encore, the band plays Footsteps. After Footsteps, Ed puts his harmonica in his front pocket and gets ready for the next song. The whole show I have been holding my daughter so she can see. I am damn tried but this is a once in a lifetime show for her to experience so I power through. During the next song Ed reaches in his shirt, grabs the harmonica and reaches down and hands it directly to my daughter. Her smile was priceless and Ed’s too. Everyone we were with kept telling my daughter she was the coolest ever and high fives all around. So now my daughter has a water bottle and the harmonica used during Footsteps. Mind blown.
Fast forward some more. The band starts to play Alive and Ed walks to the front of the stage and what I remember motioned for my daughter to come up on stage. (The YouTube shows him motion and then point for us to go to the side of the rail to get up front.) but in my excitement and the fact she was already in my arms I handed her over the rail to the waiting security guard and he grabs her and sets her down. Ed then motions to me to come too. Remember I’ve been holding my 11 year old daughter for close to 3 hours now. And I was too blown away to realize to go to the side so I prop myself up on the rail and my arms give out and I eat shit. Watching the video you can see Ed cringe. Lol I’m kicking my feet and finally get my fat ass over the rail. My daughter and I high five everyone on the rail as we are led to side stage.
When we get to the side of the stage and Mike is running all over doing a wicked solo the security guard tells me “your daughter is going on stage with the band and you can stand here for the rest of the show” Right as I tell him ok, a lady says “it’s ok, I’ll take her, I’m Ed’s wife. I knew right away that is was her. So my daughter and her go up on the stage where Stone greets her and Ed comes over and gives her a big hug. He then looks at me and throws the hang loose 🤙🏽 sign. I just wave like a nervous douche and can’t believe what is happening. Mike still soloing runs past me up to my daughter and solos in her face for a little bit.
The next song is Indifference and Ed’s daughters come out and sit next to my daughter and their mom on stage for the rest of the show. My daughter said they were all super friendly and just treated her like part of the family.
Baba is next and then the show ends. The band leave the stage and Jill brings my daughter to me and stays with us just talking for a good five mins. After a million thank yous and a please tell Ed thank you we go to find my wife and friend and are greeted by many excited and happy fans that recognized us as we made our way out of the arena.
The next day at Venice Beach two girls ran up to us and were all like. “ you were the two on stage with Pearl Jam last night!!” We were still in disbelief.
That story will never be topped in my life and it’s with my all time favorite band and my family. This is one of the million reasons why I love this band so god damn much.
Thanks for reading.
Get your copy today!!!
Would love to hear other people’s stories. Bring them on.
Keep it coming
astoria 06
albany 06
hartford 06
reading 06
barcelona 06
paris 06
wembley 07
dusseldorf 07
nijmegen 07
this song is meant to be called i got shit,itshould be called i got shit tickets-hartford 06 -
The scene was Buffalo in 2010. My son was five, his first show. At the time my ten club number was *205xxx, I’ve since gotten a much higher number, but that’s a different forum for a different story lol.
I had scored 15th row on Mike’s side. But they were doing lottery draws and my son and I were moved up to the 9th row. I was pretty excited. My son was a trooper, he watched the entire opening act and then crashed. Out cold on our seats. I will say, we had great people around us, a testament to the “jamily”. They let him sleep and were super friendly.
Everytime a pick came our way, they handed them to me for my son. I think we wound up with 3 in total.
Then comes encore time, it’s time to wake up the little guy. And up onto my shoulders he goes. He’s wearing a black and white Eddie hat. During Alive, Eddie’s throwing out tambourines left right and center. Alive finishes and into Fuckin Up we go. The crowd has started to move forward and we’re all one large GA at this point. We’d gotten to the rear of the 3rd row seats and Eddie is looking for his next recipient.
He comes over to Mikes side and sees my son. He stands right in front of us and points to my son, motions with both hands as though describing a short person and voila, the toss.
I reach up and snag it out of the air. As excited as I was, my son was jumping up and down when he realized it was for us. A cool part, was seeeing Eddie’s reaction that who he wanted to have it, actually got it.
It was surreal, a moment my son and I will have for many years to come. And again, YouTube has graced us with a video of it. For when I’m old and forgetful!
Right around the 9 minute mark.
Cheers, keep up the positive vibes and rock on!
We joke on here about "renting a kid" so we can get a tambourine, lol.
Can't wait for the next magical experience.
Back in 2005, PJ played St. John's in Newfoundland. After seeing them in Halifax, Nova Scotia we decided to fly over to see a second show. Got there early and didn't really know what to do other than drink beer so we hopped on a bus and made our way down to the arena. We ended up chatting with a girl on the bus that got off her shift at the hotel next to the arena and said PJ was staying there. To the hotel bar we went...
The hotel and bar were absolutely empty so we sat and enjoyed a beer...but within minutes, the place was wall to wall people with PJ t-shirts. Next thing you know....empty again. But this time...Mike and Stone walk by. We yelled over and they took the time to talk to us for a few minutes...said they needed to go back to their rooms to get ready for sound check. At this point, our day is already a success. Another beer ordered.
The hotel and bar area would soon fill up with people again...this time an elderly bus tour from the UK...very doubtful they were there for PJ. As I'm enjoying my beer, one of the ladies from the group taps me on the shoulder and says there's someone trying to get my attention...it was Mike waving at us telling us to enjoy the show. He could have easily walked by unnoticed. The group of tourists has moved on...it's quiet again...time for another beer.
This time....other than the bartender, we were the only 2 around for quite some time. After several more beers....we see the elevator doors open and out walks Eddie. Slowly making his way across the lobby...we yelled his name and waved. He stopped....looked around, then waved us over. We got to chat with him for a few minutes, shook his hand then he was on his way.
Feel fortunate to have met him.
2008 = NYC Night 1,
2010 = Boston
2012 = EV - Orlando Night 1&2
2013 = Chicago, Worcester Night 1
2016 = Boston '16
Pucks on the other hand...
My story is an Ed story. I love everyone in the band, but my story just happens to be from an Ed solo show.
June 11, 2009, Tower Theater, Upper Darby, PA (Philly). I scored fan club tickets so we had to pick them up at the venue. I was with my brother who was a PJ fan but not as fanatical as me. But when we realized quickly that we scored 2nd row seats, he was as excited as I was.
The 2nd row seats ended up being almost front row as the 1st row in the Tower doesn’t extend the entire stage. So we had the two seats right behind where the front row ended.
It was a great show, and I was thrilled because Ed did both Brain Damage and Atlantic City (my brother being a huge Floyd and Bruce fan). It was just a fantastic night.
At the end of the show, Ed started down at the far end of the stage and was shaking people’s hands. When he was mid stage, I was looking at him with excitement in my eyes and a smile on my face. I might have even been jumping up and down and clapping my hands in excitement. I’m pretty sure I was.
He met my eyes and kind of turned his head to the side and grimaced like “I don’t think I can reach you there.” I nodded in understanding and when I looked up Ed was KNEELING on the stage and reaching out to shake both my and brother’s hands, the only ones in the 2nd row that he did that for.
God I just love him and this band with all my heart.
My brother and I went together to many a PJ show over the years. I lost my brother 5 years ago and I cherish all those special shows and road trips. I have this band to thank for all those great memories I can now look fondly on when I miss my brother.
I have lots of other stories and friends that I’ve made from this band, but this is the one that came to me when I saw this thread.
I love positive threads. Have a great night all.astoria 06
albany 06
hartford 06
reading 06
barcelona 06
paris 06
wembley 07
dusseldorf 07
nijmegen 07
this song is meant to be called i got shit,itshould be called i got shit tickets-hartford 06 -