Ben Solo is a Skywalker, and even if he isn't the sole focus, the entire story is shaped by the Skywalkers so Rey being a lost Skywalker is just unnecessary and corny. Hokey as hell.
Last Jedi one of highest/ if not the highest critically reviewed star wars hate it
Joker....Bunch of self righteous critics at the end shit on it, bringing its critical rating down......everyone I know who saw it, loved it
Critics don't know jack shit
The Last Jedi is my favorite Star Wars film.
I refuse to see Joker.
Maybe I should be a critic.
There no fucking way....better then Empire? cmon man, put the pipe down
Its a clunker
I think after seeing The Force Awakens, my immediate reaction was something along the lines of, I've already seen this film. I thought new life was going to be breathed into Star Wars, but it was largely the same damn story and black-and-white worldview as Episode IV. And as much as I prefer Rey to Luke, I was disappointed overall.
So I went into The Last Jedi expecting the same damn story as Episode V and was thrilled to be proved wrong. It was a massive correction, in my opinion, to get away from the tired lineage bullshit and to get deeply into the unknowable gray area that Episode V mildly approached but didn't have the fortitude to explore. The characters were much more developed emotionally, and it was easier to identify with their glimpses of humanity. Shit, the best character in Episode VII was goddamn BB-8.
I'm also a fan of deliberately paced films (Lynch, Kubrick et al.). I mean, why build this awesome world if the camera doesn't allow the viewer to even take it in.
D.J. is probably my favorite Star Wars character ever. And Holdo was a badass, too.
Seeing the trailers and online leaks from The Rise of Skywalker, it basically looks like a repeat of Episode VI. Disney does love its formulas.
Agree. People didn't hate Last Jedi because it wasn't good, people hated Last Jedi because they wanted something stale and they got something new.
Strongly disagree. We can debate whether or not the 8th film of a 9 film saga needed to be new, but that was not the problem with TLJ. The problem will always be that it is a weak film. From Luke throwing away the lightsaber to telephone jokes to multiple actors being worse here than in VII to the casino to the ridiculous slow speed chase through space to Leia Poppins, TLJ was a misfire.
I am excited for new things in Star Wars but I refuse to pretend that movie was anything more than one of the worst in the saga.
Last Jedi one of highest/ if not the highest critically reviewed star wars hate it
Joker....Bunch of self righteous critics at the end shit on it, bringing its critical rating down......everyone I know who saw it, loved it
Critics don't know jack shit
The Last Jedi is my favorite Star Wars film.
I refuse to see Joker.
Maybe I should be a critic.
There no fucking way....better then Empire? cmon man, put the pipe down
Its a clunker
I think after seeing The Force Awakens, my immediate reaction was something along the lines of, I've already seen this film. I thought new life was going to be breathed into Star Wars, but it was largely the same damn story and black-and-white worldview as Episode IV. And as much as I prefer Rey to Luke, I was disappointed overall.
So I went into The Last Jedi expecting the same damn story as Episode V and was thrilled to be proved wrong. It was a massive correction, in my opinion, to get away from the tired lineage bullshit and to get deeply into the unknowable gray area that Episode V mildly approached but didn't have the fortitude to explore. The characters were much more developed emotionally, and it was easier to identify with their glimpses of humanity. Shit, the best character in Episode VII was goddamn BB-8.
I'm also a fan of deliberately paced films (Lynch, Kubrick et al.). I mean, why build this awesome world if the camera doesn't allow the viewer to even take it in.
D.J. is probably my favorite Star Wars character ever. And Holdo was a badass, too.
Seeing the trailers and online leaks from The Rise of Skywalker, it basically looks like a repeat of Episode VI. Disney does love its formulas.
Agree. People didn't hate Last Jedi because it wasn't good, people hated Last Jedi because they wanted something stale and they got something new.
Strongly disagree. We can debate whether or not the 8th film of a 9 film saga needed to be new, but that was not the problem with TLJ. The problem will always be that it is a weak film. From Luke throwing away the lightsaber to telephone jokes to multiple actors being worse here than in VII to the casino to the ridiculous slow speed chase through space to Leia Poppins, TLJ was a misfire.
I am excited for new things in Star Wars but I refuse to pretend that movie was anything more than one of the worst in the saga.
Almost all of those things you mention were pulled off just fine. It wasn't a problem of execution, it was a problem of expectation. People went full fanboy after TFA and wanted another easy remake. The telephone jokes had theaters full of people laughing, a nearly universal positive response in the moment, then suddenly a reversal on the internet. Makes no sense. Luke throwing the lightsaber is something you didn't want to see, fine, but it made perfect sense and was executed well. The slow speed chase was a suspenseful slow burn, it was fine, though the resolution had some issues. Leia Poppins was poor execution, her body position was corny, but most people reacted more to her using the Force than that. If Luke had been Mr. Perfect Naivety and Rey turned out to be his long lost daughter, THAT would have made it the worst film in the saga.
Acting like TFA was as bad as Phantom Menace is pure lunacy. That was a weak film with poor performances, TFA was a strong (though flawed) film that upset fanboys with preconceived notions and misogynists who can't handle female strength.
Last Jedi one of highest/ if not the highest critically reviewed star wars hate it
Joker....Bunch of self righteous critics at the end shit on it, bringing its critical rating down......everyone I know who saw it, loved it
Critics don't know jack shit
The Last Jedi is my favorite Star Wars film.
I refuse to see Joker.
Maybe I should be a critic.
There no fucking way....better then Empire? cmon man, put the pipe down
Its a clunker
I think after seeing The Force Awakens, my immediate reaction was something along the lines of, I've already seen this film. I thought new life was going to be breathed into Star Wars, but it was largely the same damn story and black-and-white worldview as Episode IV. And as much as I prefer Rey to Luke, I was disappointed overall.
So I went into The Last Jedi expecting the same damn story as Episode V and was thrilled to be proved wrong. It was a massive correction, in my opinion, to get away from the tired lineage bullshit and to get deeply into the unknowable gray area that Episode V mildly approached but didn't have the fortitude to explore. The characters were much more developed emotionally, and it was easier to identify with their glimpses of humanity. Shit, the best character in Episode VII was goddamn BB-8.
I'm also a fan of deliberately paced films (Lynch, Kubrick et al.). I mean, why build this awesome world if the camera doesn't allow the viewer to even take it in.
D.J. is probably my favorite Star Wars character ever. And Holdo was a badass, too.
Seeing the trailers and online leaks from The Rise of Skywalker, it basically looks like a repeat of Episode VI. Disney does love its formulas.
Agree. People didn't hate Last Jedi because it wasn't good, people hated Last Jedi because they wanted something stale and they got something new.
Strongly disagree. We can debate whether or not the 8th film of a 9 film saga needed to be new, but that was not the problem with TLJ. The problem will always be that it is a weak film. From Luke throwing away the lightsaber to telephone jokes to multiple actors being worse here than in VII to the casino to the ridiculous slow speed chase through space to Leia Poppins, TLJ was a misfire.
I am excited for new things in Star Wars but I refuse to pretend that movie was anything more than one of the worst in the saga.
Almost all of those things you mention were pulled off just fine. It wasn't a problem of execution,
It had problems from execution.
"Mostly I think that people react sensitively because they know you’ve got a point"
F Me In The Brain
this knows everybody from other commets Posts: 31,600
I liked the last one quite a bit, but Leia Poppins was the worst thing in SW since JarJar. Damn I laughed out loud at that when I first watched and more every time after. Really liked the movie, though, and Look forward to the next one.
Last Jedi one of highest/ if not the highest critically reviewed star wars hate it
Joker....Bunch of self righteous critics at the end shit on it, bringing its critical rating down......everyone I know who saw it, loved it
Critics don't know jack shit
The Last Jedi is my favorite Star Wars film.
I refuse to see Joker.
Maybe I should be a critic.
There no fucking way....better then Empire? cmon man, put the pipe down
Its a clunker
I think after seeing The Force Awakens, my immediate reaction was something along the lines of, I've already seen this film. I thought new life was going to be breathed into Star Wars, but it was largely the same damn story and black-and-white worldview as Episode IV. And as much as I prefer Rey to Luke, I was disappointed overall.
So I went into The Last Jedi expecting the same damn story as Episode V and was thrilled to be proved wrong. It was a massive correction, in my opinion, to get away from the tired lineage bullshit and to get deeply into the unknowable gray area that Episode V mildly approached but didn't have the fortitude to explore. The characters were much more developed emotionally, and it was easier to identify with their glimpses of humanity. Shit, the best character in Episode VII was goddamn BB-8.
I'm also a fan of deliberately paced films (Lynch, Kubrick et al.). I mean, why build this awesome world if the camera doesn't allow the viewer to even take it in.
D.J. is probably my favorite Star Wars character ever. And Holdo was a badass, too.
Seeing the trailers and online leaks from The Rise of Skywalker, it basically looks like a repeat of Episode VI. Disney does love its formulas.
No matter what, The Force Awakens had to mimic A New Hope. You had to have a genesis/birth/growth story, introduce a character who was unaware but gifted with force ability, a major oppressive galactic empire/threat, and the growth/evolving of the new character to give a body blow to the evil galactic empire at the end to set up the rest of the trilogy. Force Awakens gets a lot of flack for being 'recycled', but I thought it did an excellent job with the First Order, showing Finn/Phasma and a first person view into Storm Troopers, and the Snoke/Kylo/Solos dynamic did not exist in A New Hope. All the characters introduced (Rey, Finn, Poe, Kylo, Snoke, etc) were strong and broke independent of the previous films and were poised to break new ground.
No matter what, Episode VIII was going to break away. Im not even sure how they could re-create Empire Strikes Back more than Last Jedi did. We still had a scene similar to the Hoth battle scene/escape (although at the end).... some deceit in there... and the whole overarching theme is can/will Rey turn Kylo who is showing glimmers of being "good". You also had Rey leaving the group to go train with the master for an extended period of the movie.
I just thought Last Jedi was a sloppy movie and it didn't seem to break any sort of remarkable new story ground. Johnson seemed to do things just because he can. I have no idea why they don't have 1 person write and direct the whole trilogy, as opposed to handing the baton off. Just the opening scene with Poe "pranking" General Hux was terrible. Hux went from Hitler to a boob and the butt of everyone's Jokes. 2 Other compelling antagonists with potential died with very little effort (or justification) (Snoke and Phasma). And the side-story to the casino planet?
Nailed it.
Edit: this doesn't mean TFA wasn't too much like ANH, but it's at least watchable.
TLJ may have had the worst writing & acting of all the Star Wars movies, and after the scripts for TPM & AOTC, not to mention Mark Hamill & Hayden Christiansen, that bar is set incredibly low.
I get the argument that TFA & TROS are more of the same (& somewhat stale), but to suggest people didn't like TLJ because they can't handle something new is laughable. It was a shit movie, that's really all it comes down to.
I thought 7-9 were fine enough films. Maybe because I'm not a totally vested Star Wars geek who studies the lore like an obsessed lunatic and instead I just go see a few cool space-action films for the entertainment value.
So I finally got around to watching this yesterday. Funny, I had read so many negative reviews of this movie, yet I thought it was FANTASTIC. Thoroughly enjoyed it.
Take me piece by piece..... Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
"...I changed by not changing at all..."
The telephone jokes had theaters full of people laughing, a nearly universal positive response in the moment, then suddenly a reversal on the internet. Makes no sense. Luke throwing the lightsaber is something you didn't want to see, fine, but it made perfect sense and was executed well. The slow speed chase was a suspenseful slow burn, it was fine, though the resolution had some issues. Leia Poppins was poor execution, her body position was corny, but most people reacted more to her using the Force than that.
If Luke had been Mr. Perfect Naivety and Rey turned out to be his long lost daughter, THAT would have made it the worst film in the saga.
Acting like TFA was as bad as Phantom Menace is pure lunacy. That was a weak film with poor performances, TFA was a strong (though flawed) film that upset fanboys with preconceived notions and misogynists who can't handle female strength.
Really liked the movie, though, and Look forward to the next one.
Nailed it.
Edit: this doesn't mean TFA wasn't too much like ANH, but it's at least watchable.
TLJ may have had the worst writing & acting of all the Star Wars movies, and after the scripts for TPM & AOTC, not to mention Mark Hamill & Hayden Christiansen, that bar is set incredibly low.
I get the argument that TFA & TROS are more of the same (& somewhat stale), but to suggest people didn't like TLJ because they can't handle something new is laughable. It was a shit movie, that's really all it comes down to.
Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....