"This is the Pearl Jam package right here"

in The Porch
"Mostly I think that people react sensitively because they know you’ve got a point"
Isn't the trend still that it's growing YoY.
Vinyl isn't going away anytime soon but I can see it at some point.
The (majority) kids these days don't care as much for physical product.
Cant blame them due to the condition the music industry is in these days.
I've watched every RSD for the last 10 years and noticed the "limited" numbers creep up to the 5000 area for some of the bigger bands.
It's funny because 5000 isn't very many copies at all and a pressing that high would pretty much guarantee you a copy. When it was 1-2000 of something or lower all the opportunists would line up to resell. The more numbers means less flipping and I like that and also means that I am not going to sit on a line at 430 am waiting for the record store to open.
What doesn't the music industry have to do with what the consumer purchases?
to me,
- its less Rock n roll and more top 40 pop junk that's popular now. That's the current state of the music industry.
- purchasing Singles over entire albums
- Some artists are doing away with the though of recording an entire album altogether and replacing that with just recording/releasing a single or two.
I can go on
Its not solely on the music industry itself, Digital media is part of the issue too.
and, I'm not saying all youth will take a pass on vinyl/physical but the #'s wont likely support it. Just my guess.
It's just what the future of music listening is now. There will still be vinyl but never like what record sales used to be.
I agree with you, but it is the youth that will destroy the physical product completely.
We (more mature) folks have taken the first shot but the youth will deliver the "death blow".
I am not a digital person myself so I cant say anything about that, but I used to purchase a shit load of cd's (new release(s)) when they came out. I used to go to the music store every Friday on new release day and grab something.
At times I felt like I was THE one who supported the physical media outlet and kept it running.
I will now only purchase Cd's and Vinyl for a select few of my favorites
-EV 8/14/93