My question is: why even keep an analog option now? Analog means(meant) that you get a physical vinyl copy of the single instead of just digital. So it makes absolutely no sense now (and absolutely not worth it too).
My renewal was in december, so I have plenty of time to see what happens (if anything happens, really), but as things are now, I'm not even going to renew at digital level. I hope the two singles they owe us show up before 2025.
Maybe they'll send analog members Kodak snapshots of the band.
But seriously, I agree, an Analog membership as it stands now is meaningless.
And the no-show singles? Somebody fell asleep at the wheel here.
"Don't give in to the lies. Don't give in to the fear. Hold on to the truth. And to hope."
"Vinyl album"? Do you mean the single? Or are you maybe talking about the Vault?? If they increased the analog subscription amount to, say, $100 USD (for international - say $75 USD for Americans), took away the membership t-shirt or whatever and deep mag (they already took away the vinyl single), and made the annual Vault release the one and only membership item (including shipping of course), plus the other existing benefits we all already get with the analog membership, I'd pay for that.... assuming the quality of the Vault was at least maintained, and hopefully improved. And that they actually sent it out reliably, every year, and put actual care into it.
Though in a way it's no concern for me, as I'll almost certainly go to digital with the single gone, I do hope that they don't jack up the fee for the Analog membership (and make it even more ridiculous for those not in the US) and include the Vault packages. I was never interested in a physical copy of those, though I sometimes downloaded the MP3 version with my coupon. So including that package will make it even less interesting to me.
they could never reduce fees. once a revenue stream like that is in place, any reduction will hurt the bottom line.
Metallica did it. I know what you're saying, but it is possible.
Pittsburgh, PA September 28, 2005 || Washington, DC June 22, 2008 || Barstow, VA May 13, 2010 || Seattle, WA August 10, 2018 || Dana Point, CA September 29, 2018 (EV) || Dana Point, CA September 28, 2019 (EV) || Dana Point, CA September 25, 2021 (EV) || Dana Point, CA October 1, 2021 || Dana Point, CA October 2, 2021 || Chicago, IL August 29, 2024
I agree with most of the comments. Analog loses it's teeth without the single. Previously I don't think the 10c made money on the extra $20/$30 they charged for analog. Tshirt and Single/Newsletter plus the costs for two separate mailings probably eats up that money. The gravy for the 10c is probably on the first $20 (digital or analog) not the additional $20/$30. I suppose that changes without the single.
I'll go to digital as I don't want to lose my seniority. If I were a newer member I might be tempted to only renew when tour rumours spark up. Similar to what I do with other fan clubs when I want access to their fan club presales. Especially since anyone can go for GA, and giant stadium pits have decent odds at getting GA.
where they have more,...
still they take more
we can scream,.. out our doors
behind the wall a fat man snores
well i guess
there's nothing wrong with what you say
but don't sell me,
'there can't be better ways'
G-R-E-E-D..... G-R-E-E-D
west palm beach '98
tampa '00
tampa '03
tampa '08
brooklyn '13
austin '14
austin '14
tampa '16
ed - clearwater '12
ed - clearwater '12
2016: Lexington and Wrigley 1