I am curious if people will come back and cancel those artists. mainly the ones still alive.
I will admit after this, I started wrestling with loving artists like Miles Davis, or John Lennon (famous wife beaters) who aren't around anymore, but were heinous at points in the career. I still have more soul searching to do, but I don't think I can support this behavior. The led Zeppelin shit needs to catch up with them. Just because it wasn't frowned upon in 1971 doesn't make it right.
I am curious if people will come back and cancel those artists. mainly the ones still alive.
I will admit after this, I started wrestling with loving artists like Miles Davis, or John Lennon (famous wife beaters) who aren't around anymore, but were heinous at points in the career. I still have more soul searching to do, but I don't think I can support this behavior. The led Zeppelin shit needs to catch up with them. Just because it wasn't frowned upon in 1971 doesn't make it right.
I wasn't implying that anything was right or wrong. I'm talking about bands and groupies partying and having sex during concert gigs. No, I never was one of them but everyone knows that occurred. And still occurs.
The women that are speaking out, in the original article and then in the one that was just posted, are female musicians that are wary of the true intentions of some male musicians when they want to collaborate. As a female, I can understand feeling that way. It is something that females always have on their radar. What are the true intentions of a male with the same interests. And there is the frequent dealing with unwanted attention simply because of your sex and someone believing that they have every right to invade your space and insinuate themselves into your life regardless of your interest in them. It doesn't rise to the level of pressing charges (mostly) but all women have had some sort of encounter that was not desired or reciprocated.
Jerry Lee Lewis - famous for having sex and marrying underage girls. Why nothing was done - the parents signed off on the marriages. Why they would do that - who knows, people thought differently at different times in our history. Creepy AF but accepted by many.
I wasn't referring to relationships where abuse occurred and I really am not read up on the relationship problems of many musicians. I know it caused a lot of divorces ie. Eddie Van Halen & Valerie Bertinelli. And EVH also went through a long period where he was a complete asshole to work with in any capacity.
I guess this is the same for me in the example of say Brad Pitt. I used to love his movies and I thought he was hot and followed him. When he cheated on Jennifer Aniston during the filming of that movie with Jolie, I stopped watching his movies.
Social media has made it possible for women to report these abusive and inappropriate relationships whereas back then, it was he said she said and she, even to this day, carries the burden and the undeserved shame.
Not surprised. This whole thing is messed up. Unreal.
I'm with you, Matt. This is just so messed up. It hits close to the heart and has really got me doing some soul searching. His music has been such a huge part of my life for so long...and the idea that all of those are forever tarnished- holy shit. It's tough. Him as a person, well...it's pretty crystal clear. But those songs over the last 20+ years are part of my DNA now. I don't know when I'll really want to explore those songs again and it's like a big part of you is different.
Not surprised. This whole thing is messed up. Unreal.
I'm with you, Matt. This is just so messed up. It hits close to the heart and has really got me doing some soul searching. His music has been such a huge part of my life for so long...and the idea that all of those are forever tarnished- holy shit. It's tough. Him as a person, well...it's pretty crystal clear. But those songs over the last 20+ years are part of my DNA now. I don't know when I'll really want to explore those songs again and it's like a big part of you is different.
I’ve only ever heard his Whiskeytown stuff and that awful “New York, New York” song (because you just couldn’t escape it). I had heard enough negative stories about him from an ex-bandmate in the early aughts and another musician who knew him later on to even give his solo music a chance.
In all seriousness, this sucks. I knew that he wasn’t the nicest guy, but good god....
Who knows what will come out tomorrow?
everybody knows this is nowhere Posts: 7,644
There are reports that Benson Amps and JHS pedals have ditched him. That’s probably just the beginning. Refunds are being offered for Big Colors - how long until the European tour is canned?
“Do not postpone happiness”
(Jeff Tweedy, Sydney 2007)
There are reports that Benson Amps and JHS pedals have ditched him. That’s probably just the beginning. Refunds are being offered for Big Colors - how long until the European tour is canned?
There are reports that Benson Amps and JHS pedals have ditched him. That’s probably just the beginning. Refunds are being offered for Big Colors - how long until the European tour is canned?
JHS, Walrus Audio and Benson have all released statements.
I am curious if people will come back and cancel those artists. mainly the ones still alive.
I will admit after this, I started wrestling with loving artists like Miles Davis, or John Lennon (famous wife beaters) who aren't around anymore, but were heinous at points in the career. I still have more soul searching to do, but I don't think I can support this behavior. The led Zeppelin shit needs to catch up with them. Just because it wasn't frowned upon in 1971 doesn't make it right.
As awful as it is, I don’t think the stuff with the older guys is a good comparison. I think it’s as weird as the next person and it certainly was illegal but it was a different time and a different step in the evolution of human morality.
If there is some sort of crackdown on past generations then the music marketplace will be a bare place indeed.
There are reports that Benson Amps and JHS pedals have ditched him. That’s probably just the beginning. Refunds are being offered for Big Colors - how long until the European tour is canned?
JHS, Walrus Audio and Benson have all released statements.
I am curious if people will come back and cancel those artists. mainly the ones still alive.
I will admit after this, I started wrestling with loving artists like Miles Davis, or John Lennon (famous wife beaters) who aren't around anymore, but were heinous at points in the career. I still have more soul searching to do, but I don't think I can support this behavior. The led Zeppelin shit needs to catch up with them. Just because it wasn't frowned upon in 1971 doesn't make it right.
As awful as it is, I don’t think the stuff with the older guys is a good comparison. I think it’s as weird as the next person and it certainly was illegal but it was a different time and a different step in the evolution of human morality.
If there is some sort of crackdown on past generations then the music marketplace will be a bare place indeed.
Actually, it very much is and it is a good remainder that people who are put on pedestals and canonized are not nearly as great as they are made to be. The time of human evolution of morality does not change the fact that the guy who wrote Imagine also physically abused both his wives. Miles Davis and Lennon were not alive in the middle ages. We don't live in some magical awakening that enables degrees of offense and levels of acceptance.
Every time I listen to Imagine, I am of two minds, what a beautiful statement and sentiment of finding inner peace, and it was written by a flawed human being that was working through his flaws and trying to leave a better mark. He was not perfect by any stretch and he was not a shaman, he just had an idea, which is really quite beautiful, but simultaneously quite striking in contrast to some of his life.
If the world was pure black and white, no ambiguity, no shades of gray, then we would not be an internet forum trying to make sense of something that strikes us incredibly wrong.
Davis, Lennon and it would very appear Adams have some serious things in common, and there are contextual elements to each of their live's that created their lesser personality traits and actions. These are not excuses, or whataboutism or deflection. It is life, it is layered and more complex than flippant reactionism.
Adams reckoning appears at hand for his actions, but I'll be damned if I give anyone a pass by saying simply it was a different time, that does no justice to making a more permanent real change.
If he is guilty of all he is accused, and I definitely believe he is guilty of some of the behavior for sure (it wasn't news to me he had bad relationships) I'd rather hope that he can do things to make it right. That is not a snap of the fingers, particularly the potential criminal activity. That is up to the people he hurt, not him alone and certainly not me or fans, or someone who did not know who he was until Wednesday.
He deserves no free pass by any stretch, but simultaneously deserves the opportunity to eventually make his life better. And it is on him to do that, no one has to lay out a soft bed for him to land on and give lip service to his actions. No one has to believe that, it is just one persons point of view. But in my view we fail as human beings and societies if we don't allow for the possibility that people can reconcile even their most egregious mistakes.
That is how I listen to Imagine, or the entire Sketches of Spain, not in some I don't care mentality this music is just great, but rather here are two deeply flawed people trying to deal with human condition and attempting to make it better despite massive character flaws and behaviour that should neither be condoned nor forgotten. I like to think that by their end, they were both better than their worst moments. My life has not been perfect (certainly nothing to the degree of these really awful behaviours, but not perfect).
Let the DRA vinyl clear outs begin. I bet you see him in the used bins now.
1998: Cleveland
2000: Cincinnati, Columbus
2003: Cleveland, Columbus
2004: Toledo
2006: Cleveland, Cincinnati, Gorge Night 1
2008: Washington D.C.
2009: Chicago Night 1, Seattle Night 1, Philadelphia Night 3, Philadelphia Night 4
2010: Columbus, Indianapolis, Cleveland
2011: Detroit EV, Chicago 1 EV
2012: Atlanta
2013: Chicago, Pittsburgh
2014: Cincinnati
(Jeff Tweedy, Sydney 2007)
“Put yer good money on the sunrise”
(Tim Rogers)
I will admit after this, I started wrestling with loving artists like Miles Davis, or John Lennon (famous wife beaters) who aren't around anymore, but were heinous at points in the career. I still have more soul searching to do, but I don't think I can support this behavior. The led Zeppelin shit needs to catch up with them. Just because it wasn't frowned upon in 1971 doesn't make it right.
The women that are speaking out, in the original article and then in the one that was just posted, are female musicians that are wary of the true intentions of some male musicians when they want to collaborate. As a female, I can understand feeling that way. It is something that females always have on their radar. What are the true intentions of a male with the same interests. And there is the frequent dealing with unwanted attention simply because of your sex and someone believing that they have every right to invade your space and insinuate themselves into your life regardless of your interest in them. It doesn't rise to the level of pressing charges (mostly) but all women have had some sort of encounter that was not desired or reciprocated.
Jerry Lee Lewis - famous for having sex and marrying underage girls. Why nothing was done - the parents signed off on the marriages. Why they would do that - who knows, people thought differently at different times in our history. Creepy AF but accepted by many.
I wasn't referring to relationships where abuse occurred and I really am not read up on the relationship problems of many musicians. I know it caused a lot of divorces ie. Eddie Van Halen & Valerie Bertinelli. And EVH also went through a long period where he was a complete asshole to work with in any capacity.
I guess this is the same for me in the example of say Brad Pitt. I used to love his movies and I thought he was hot and followed him. When he cheated on Jennifer Aniston during the filming of that movie with Jolie, I stopped watching his movies.
Social media has made it possible for women to report these abusive and inappropriate relationships whereas back then, it was he said she said and she, even to this day, carries the burden and the undeserved shame.
In all seriousness, this sucks. I knew that he wasn’t the nicest guy, but good god....
Who knows what will come out tomorrow?
Refunds are being offered for Big Colors - how long until the European tour is canned?
(Jeff Tweedy, Sydney 2007)
“Put yer good money on the sunrise”
(Tim Rogers)
JHS, Walrus Audio and Benson have all released statements.
As awful as it is, I don’t think the stuff with the older guys is a good comparison. I think it’s as weird as the next person and it certainly was illegal but it was a different time and a different step in the evolution of human morality.
If there is some sort of crackdown on past generations then the music marketplace will be a bare place indeed.
Tom O.
"I never had any friends later on like the ones I had when I was twelve. Jesus, does anyone?"
-The Writer
(Jeff Tweedy, Sydney 2007)
“Put yer good money on the sunrise”
(Tim Rogers)
And now I put on Bryan adams and Mel C's "When you're gone" for some reason.
Every time I listen to Imagine, I am of two minds, what a beautiful statement and sentiment of finding inner peace, and it was written by a flawed human being that was working through his flaws and trying to leave a better mark. He was not perfect by any stretch and he was not a shaman, he just had an idea, which is really quite beautiful, but simultaneously quite striking in contrast to some of his life.
If the world was pure black and white, no ambiguity, no shades of gray, then we would not be an internet forum trying to make sense of something that strikes us incredibly wrong.
Davis, Lennon and it would very appear Adams have some serious things in common, and there are contextual elements to each of their live's that created their lesser personality traits and actions. These are not excuses, or whataboutism or deflection. It is life, it is layered and more complex than flippant reactionism.
Adams reckoning appears at hand for his actions, but I'll be damned if I give anyone a pass by saying simply it was a different time, that does no justice to making a more permanent real change.
If he is guilty of all he is accused, and I definitely believe he is guilty of some of the behavior for sure (it wasn't news to me he had bad relationships) I'd rather hope that he can do things to make it right. That is not a snap of the fingers, particularly the potential criminal activity. That is up to the people he hurt, not him alone and certainly not me or fans, or someone who did not know who he was until Wednesday.
He deserves no free pass by any stretch, but simultaneously deserves the opportunity to eventually make his life better. And it is on him to do that, no one has to lay out a soft bed for him to land on and give lip service to his actions. No one has to believe that, it is just one persons point of view. But in my view we fail as human beings and societies if we don't allow for the possibility that people can reconcile even their most egregious mistakes.
That is how I listen to Imagine, or the entire Sketches of Spain, not in some I don't care mentality this music is just great, but rather here are two deeply flawed people trying to deal with human condition and attempting to make it better despite massive character flaws and behaviour that should neither be condoned nor forgotten. I like to think that by their end, they were both better than their worst moments. My life has not been perfect (certainly nothing to the degree of these really awful behaviours, but not perfect).
http://www.hi5sports.org/ (Sports Program for Kids with Disabilities)
Posters for Sale: http://community.pearljam.com/discussion/117469/posters-for-sale
T-Shirts for Sale: http://community.pearljam.com/discussion/149289/pj-t-shirt-trade-or-sale
2000: Cincinnati, Columbus
2003: Cleveland, Columbus
2004: Toledo
2006: Cleveland, Cincinnati, Gorge Night 1
2008: Washington D.C.
2009: Chicago Night 1, Seattle Night 1, Philadelphia Night 3, Philadelphia Night 4
2010: Columbus, Indianapolis, Cleveland
2011: Detroit EV, Chicago 1 EV
2012: Atlanta
2013: Chicago, Pittsburgh
2014: Cincinnati