Baroness/Deafheaven tour

in Other Music
Just read that these guys are doing a co-headlining tour, coming to Alberta in March! I've always loved Baroness but have never seen Deafheaven. I think this will be a DO NOT MISS show. Any thoughts?
Deafheaven is a bit more of an acquired taste but I bet they would kill live. Baroness just keeps getting better and better, I'm excited to hear their new record.
1992- Lollapalooza, Irvine, California
Nothing since then. I suck.2016- Fenway Park, Boston - Both glorious nights
2022- Oakland Night 2
2024 Sacramento, CA
So after waiting for this tour for MONTHS (I bought tickets the day of sale) I ended up super sick all weekend and only today have finally left the house. What a piss off, I'm so mad I missed Baroness.
Anyone have any reviews? Hopefully it was an awful show and I didn't miss anything?
Well I'm glad you enjoyed it! I'm still disappointed I missed it but I'm also still sneezing so whatever I got was a doozy. Maybe they will do another tour after the album release